Chapter 16 The Guardian

  According to the general narrative, it must be a very intense chase or fight, but the little brother is just describing one thing, so he didn't write the middle process at all, "We don't know the details." It doesn't fit. Since I chose to look at these accounts rationally from the beginning, I must use a rational method to connect them here.

  Through the subsequent records, I can probably infer what the situation is, because I am too familiar with what the little brother will do.

  Rabah was rescued alive first, but after he was rescued, his mind was a bit abnormal, so I can no longer use Rabah's perspective to narrate.

  The few things that can be confirmed are: first, they didn't see the thing under the snow at that time, only Laba saw it. After he was rescued, Laba lost his mind. The thing under the snow must have caused him great suffering. Stimulate.

  Second, the younger brother should have rescued Laba within three minutes. Although drowning in the snow is better than drowning, three minutes is the limit. If the younger brother does not succeed in such a short time, then Laba will definitely not. alive.

  So I'm almost certain that's about it.

  After Raba was suddenly pulled into the snow by something under the snow, although the little brother didn't catch him for the first time, in the next few minutes, he must have inserted his hand into the snow several times.

  I've seen his speed, he can use his fingers to hold extremely fast swimming aquatic insects in the water, so all the process must be very fast.

  In an instant, his fingers clamped somewhere on Rabah's body in the snow, it might be the belt, it might be the collar, because the little brother is very strong, so even if only two fingers are pinched, he can pull the person out of the snow. Bring it up.

  At the same time, I can be sure that they must be on the edge of a rock, otherwise, the little brother is likely to be dragged into the snow, and his other hand must have grabbed the rock on the edge.

  The question is, how did Rabba see what was in the snow?

  I was not at the scene, and my brother didn't record it. I can guess a possibility that when Laba was pulled out, even that thing was pulled out. However, my brother didn't see this thing for some reason, only Rabah saw it.

  When I excerpted and discussed this passage, I had a discussion with Chen Xuehan and Tashi, and this discussion was very interesting.

  Because the younger brother came out of the snowy mountains and met with the Great Lama Deren and Tashi, he did not fully describe it, because the younger brother told the Great Lama Deren that in addition to recording these things, he had many problems in the process of recalling , you need to ask him questions.

  After hearing the question of the younger brother, the Great Lama Deren found that his wisdom could not answer it at all, so he sent Zhaji to other lama temples at the foot of the mountain and invited many masters, hoping to answer these questions through their wisdom. doubt.

  These questions, including the strange anecdotes mentioned by the younger brother, and some strange experiences, are all recorded. I can say that these things are all related to some information that I do not understand but are related to Lamaism, so those who go to the The teacher will go.

  I will talk about this information one by one later. Now, let's talk about their discussions, which will talk about what the things that move in the snow might be.

  At that time, based on my experience, I asked Tashi whether there is any such thing in various Tibetan folklore, activities under the snow, and the information we can find on the Internet, such things are generally led to The legends of the Himalayan Yeti, professionally, call it "ape", which is the way of writing magical novels in general, but what you hear from the locals is often very unexpected.

  Tashi said almost directly, that kind of thing is a brown bear, and brown bears sometimes hunt in snow dens.

  I wanted to object immediately at the time, because it was absolutely impossible. The altitude is not a problem. Brown bears can live at an altitude of five or six thousand meters. Without any signs of life, how can brown bears survive in this area?

  It can't have only one chance to hunt the little brother in a lifetime. Then again, if it's a brown bear, it's not sure who hunts who.

  The biggest problem is, I can be sure that the little brother is not very likely to make mistakes. The Tibetan must be waving. Why did he wave to a brown bear?

  Does it mean "Hey, watch out for your paws" or something? Is this guy a second-hand?

  Chen Xuehan said, maybe the Tibetan wanted to remind the little brother not to stay in that place, there is danger in that place?

  This is possible, I thought to myself, Tashi told me at this time, let me not doubt it, it must be the big brown bear, because he knew that before Tibet, brown bears were kept in captivity to guard the temple, and the brown bear is a very intelligent animal , it can recognize who is protecting it and who are strangers. He also heard that a monk in a temple used food scraps to feed a brown bear living near the temple in a year when food was scarce. Later, the British Invading Tibet, when several British troops seized the temple, they were attacked by brown bears.

  The ferocity of the brown bear is very terrifying. The largest brown bear that someone has seen in Hoh Xil is 2.5 meters long. It is a sumo wrestler who stands taller than Yao Ming. The few British people said that they were shot to death and dragged into the woods. inside.

  Later accounts also proved that Tashi's statement is very likely. This brown bear may have been raised by the Tibetans by the lake to protect the entrance of the lake.

  It may be a breeder's habit to wave at the brown bear, but the brown bear found the intruder, so instead of going to the Tibetans, he chose to attack the intruder.

  In this way, it is quite difficult for the little brother to save Laba from a brown bear.

  These are just the initial speculations. We didn't really know what it was until the latter part of the story. Throughout the narrative of the story, we always thought it was the brown bear, and there was no doubt about it.