"So, you haven't heard anything from Will?" I asked Zane as we sat on the porch under the umbrella of the table. It was mid afternoon, and the temperature was mild even if it was a little more on the cool side, so we'd decided to enjoy the day outside.

A month and a half had passed since we'd come to stay at Kinsley's home. It had been mostly quiet since then, although all of us had counted that as a good thing. While we knew that the Seraphs had set up a barrier to keep anything out that might sense the gathering of power there, we didn't doubt that something may eventually succeed in breaking through.

Of course, this didn't completely ease our discomfort in being stuck there either. While we didn't feel like we were being outcasted too much, none of us could say that we felt that comfortable around the other clan Nephilim yet. Hence our often seeking solace with each other when we had the chance.

Zane shook his head as he played with the small straw in his latte, "No. It seems that Will isn't anywhere near ready to be involved in this yet. I think this Seraphita's power is just too much for him, beings he is the Darkest One's son." he admitted.

"It doesn't surprise me. Will's not exactly like us when it comes to stuff like this. You and I have always known that." Chris added.

As I said, the three of us had been trying to settle in there a bit more now, and little conversations like this were comforting. We'd really had no other choices in the matter. As far as Kinsley and the others were concerned, being there was the best thing for us now. If we wanted the baby to be safe, then we'd have to keep him protected.

Of course, that didn't mean that we had to feel that comfortable with it. The last month had proven that much to the three of us. While we'd always maintained that we would try not to feel any animosity towards the clan Nephilim, I had to admit that it was kind of hard to do now that we were face to face with them. It was glaringly obvious that they led very different lives than we did.

But then again, these Nephilim didn't have to live in fear of the angels. They didn't even really have to live in fear of the Fallen. From the moment they were created, it seemed like they'd been taken care of and watched over. I'll be the first to admit that it didn't feel fair.

Zane glanced at the door leading into the house, "You know, I really wasn't expecting this much in coming here. I especially didn't think that we'd get to see more of these clan Nephilim." he admitted.

"You do realize that you really surprised that girl. She never even suspected what you were back then." Chris informed him.

"You really think that Mia didn't?" I asked.

"I doubt it. Even when she learned of what she was, she probably still didn't think that I was a Shadow Wing. After all, none of them had knowingly met any of us back then, and I doubt that Michael or any of them spoke that much about us." Zane reasoned.

"I don't think that they really had a reason to. At least not until now." Chris agreed, looking towards the entrance of the house.

"Perhaps not, but it seems that they have had some troubles of their own. At least on Micah's side. Those twins certainly have some baggage with them." Zane commented as he took another sip of his drink.

"You mean about what happened with Carroll?" I verified.

"Yes. From what I've been hearing, it was quite a terrible incident, though it sounds to me like Carroll may have been up to things that he shouldn't have in the first place." Zane responded.

I was about to ask him what he meant when I heard the door open. I looked over to see Kira Martell coming out. She wasn't alone either. Mia was with her.

It was still strange for me to look at the two of them and know that they were a lot like me. I hadn't met any female Nephilim before this. Even though Chris had told me before that there were some female Shadow Wings left, we hadn't run into any of them in our travels. Seeing these two felt like meeting kindred spirits, at least in a sense.

"It looks like you three are still sticking together." Mia commented as they came to the table.

"You could call it force of habit after living as we have. But enough of that. Would you like to join us?" Zane offered, giving her the same friendly smile that he gave to most of us.

"If you don't mind the company." Mia happily agreed.

"Not at all." Zane assured her.

The two pulled out the chairs between me and Zane to sit down. I couldn't resist taking a moment to study them as they did.

Mia really was a very pretty woman. Her long blonde hair swept around her full face, and her different colored eyes were vibrant. From the moment I'd seen her, I'd kind of gotten where Zane would have instantly been drawn to her. I'd imagined that she was always beautiful. Plus, she seemed to have a very open and interesting personality. Like her father Michael, she had no hesitation in speaking to us or any of the others.

However, I'd also noticed the slight bit of animosity that was forming between her husband and Zane during the time we'd been there. I was kind of glad that we were all sitting there together now. If Sean came out here and saw just her and Zane together, it might start more trouble between them.

Kira Martell came off as a little different than Mia. Seeing her up close, I noted that she really didn't look much like her older brother, the blonde-haired Nephilim named Mark. In fact, except for the violet eyes and a few facial features, they looked nothing alike to me. Kira had dark hair that fell to her waist and seemed to have a slight curl in the ends. Her face wasn't quite as full as Mia's, but it was equally as beautiful. As I noted before, she definitely resembled Kinsley in many ways when it came to how she looked.

Yet for all that beauty, there was also something that seemed kind of sad within her. I could sense it when I looked into her eyes. It was like something terrible had happened to her that made her hide her true self away. Even now, she didn't look that comfortable to be out there with us, and I didn't think that it was because of what we were.

"Where did your husband and son go off to? We haven't seen them for a while." Chris asked Mia.

"Oh, Sean's still here, but he's made Sevee go home for now. I think he's worried that Sevee might do something that will get him into trouble. Sevee's always been a daredevil when it comes to things like this, and it's always worried us." Mia confessed.

"He certainly seems like the type to not care much about what others think of him. I could tell that much when we first got to meet him." Zane noted.

Mia sat back in her chair, "He's always been that way. It's funny how he's so different from Seraphina. A lot of people say that they can't believe they're twins."

"Most of us can't believe it. Even for a boy and a girl, they're as different as night and day when it comes to their personalities." Kira added.

"I'm going to take it that you've met them both." Zane noted as he looked at her.

"Yes. Most of our clan's members have met now, although we haven't known each other that long." Kira told him.

"You all didn't know each other before?" I asked.

That seemed strange. These clans were sanctioned by the higher powers. Why wouldn't they have met when they were first created?

"Yes. We don't know exactly why that was, especially because it seems like at least Malakai and Micah have been friends for a very long time, but we didn't even know that the other clans existed until Malakai came back to us." Mia explained.

That immediately got Zane's attention, "Hold on. You're saying that your Seraph was not with you back then?"

"No. We didn't really know anything about him when I was growing up, even though we were sure that he was watching over us. Malakai's told us that he couldn't stay with us before because of something that happened with my great-great-grandmother after her children were born, but he's never elaborated on it." Mia explained.

"That's just great. At least one of your clans didn't have their Seraph to guide them. That's a recipe for disaster." Chris huffed as he sat back and put his left arm behind the chair.

We were all starting to feel a bit more comfortable about talking to these two. But at the same time, I was finding that it didn't feel as intimidating to speak to female Nephilim. Mia and Kira definitely didn't seem as on edge about us as the others had, say for Michael. But I had the feeling that Michael tended to accept things a lot easier than most of them too.

Mia looked a bit exasperated, "I can't argue with you there. It kind of was. Our family's had a lot of problems in the past because we didn't have him to help guide us." she confessed.

"It's not just your family. We've had them too, even with our Seraphim around. Kinsley's always said that it's something about being mixed with humans, and that Angels aren't anywhere near perfect, although I personally think that they're a lot closer." Kira spoke up, resting her elbows on the table with her chin in her hands.

Zane agreed, "I wouldn't argue such a thing. It seems to apply to all Nephilim. Even though we were born from Fallen Angels, I've found that human flaws tend to come out in us too. Unfortunately, that is something they often use against us."

Mia gave him a curious look, "You know, I never thought that you were a Shadow Wing. Is that the reason you disappeared on me back then?" she asked him.

"It was part of it. To be honest with you, there were a lot of factors that I had to consider during that time, and I feel that I was a bit presumptuous with things. I knew what you were, yet I was still willing to give myself that chance with you. I can see now with some clarity that I was being quite foolish. I knew that my father could very easily come after you, as well as other things. It was that worry that brought me to the choice of leaving before anything could happen. However, I still feel bad about all of it. I know that I probably caused you a lot of pain." Zane admitted.

Mia sighed, "No, I didn't get it back then. But after I met Sean and learned about what I was, I did wonder if maybe you weren't human too. Sean had wondered about it, but he couldn't tell me what you were because no one on the other side knew anything about you. The only one who seemed to know something about you was this fox named Flint, but he died without telling us anything."

"Another fox?" Zane looked surprised now. He apparently hadn't known anything about that.

"Yeah. It seems like this other fox saw us together down in Miami. He was related to Sean, but he also was coming after him for some family grudge or something like that. But he actually mimicked you when he first came after us, so he had to know about us from somewhere." Mia reasoned.

Zane thought it over, "There is a possibility. Many things live right under the noses of humans. But I'll admit that I'd never noticed a fox around there during that time. He must have been quite good at hiding his presence." he finally said.

"I've heard that some of them are, but I don't know any foxes aside from Sean. That's more Mia's territory." Kira admitted. She looked like she was getting a bit more comfortable talking to Zane now.

"Speaking of knowing different creatures, I overheard Mark saying something about you knowing the Vampire King the other day. That's quite a feat considering that none of us have ever seen him." Zane went on.

Kira shook her head, smiling for the first time since she'd been out there, "It wasn't exactly something I was planning, but my brother has always said that I have a knack for finding dangerous things. I think it's curse personally, although Dante and Alabaster are my friends now." she responded.

"What are they like? Are they really different from those other Vampires?" Chris asked her.

He was extremely curious now. Him, Zane and Will had mentioned to me before that they'd been in Venice plenty of times since they'd begun traveling, and they'd never even heard that such Vampires were there, although they had met Vampires in that area on occasion. According to them, they were actually a fairly peaceful race that had blended themselves in quite well with the humans. They didn't even attack them anymore. They'd simply used the blood banks as a source of food. I couldn't help joking that maybe that was why the blood banks always seemed to be running short. The funny thing was that they had agreed.

"Somewhat." Kira answered, "They don't look that different, but they're a lot more powerful and they seem to control the others with an iron hand, as Kinsley likes to put it."

"I guess you'd have to with creatures like that." I noted.

Before the conversation could go any further, we became aware of someone coming up the stairs to the porch. It was Mia's husband, Sean.

"It looks like you've decided to come out and enjoy the day." he commented as he walked over to us.

"There's no reason to keep hiding when your leaders are claiming how safe this place is, but it looks like you've been busy too." Chris commented.

"I have." Sean confirmed, "This is quite a place to help guard, though I'll admit that there hasn't been much trouble yet. It seems that the shields that have been put up are holding well against the weaker creatures. Let us just hope that it also repels the stronger that I've been smelling lately just outside of it."

I noticed that he looked a bit contrite, but it didn't surprise me. Although Sean didn't seem to mind us, he was still wary about Zane. That much was obvious to me whenever he was around him. But maybe he had good reason too. Zane had been Mia's boyfriend before him and had basically disappeared on her. Maybe Sean was worried about something rekindling between them now that he had returned. On top of that, he was a Nephilim as well. Even if Zane was a Shadow Wing, that didn't mean that he was that different from Mia.

Zane looked back at him as he rested his cheek against his hand, "That would be the hope. After all, there is much riding on this special child, although I myself still think of him simply as Chris and Ariana's. I do admit that I favor the idea of redemption for our kind, but at the same time, I find it wonderful that at least two Shadow Wings may have a child of their own. After all, Shadow Wings have never been able to have children before this. We are all born sterile."

Kira and Mia seemed surprised to hear that.

"So it is true that Shadow Wings can't have children except in this special case?" Kira asked him.

"It is. Ariana's pregnancy is a first for our kind, even if all consider it special for other reasons." Zane confirmed, "But speaking of children, I must say that Sevee looks a lot like you Sean. He does have a lot of Mia's features, but he favors you more in many ways."

"I'll take such as a compliment, though I would hope that I am not compared too much in personality. I like to think that my wilder nature is now tamed with Mia's help." Sean responded.

"It would seem so, but then, such a nature is common in foxes, is it not?" Zane went on.

"It is. You seem to know quite a bit about us." Sean noted, not bothering to move from where he stood behind Mia.

Zane shrugged, "I know some, considering I've had the pleasure of meeting a few in the last three hundred years."

Mia looked shocked, "You're three hundred years old?"

"I am." Zane replied, now amused, "Most of the Shadow Wings that exist now have lived for over a hundred years, thanks to learning how to defend ourselves well and our abilities to hide in plain sight. Ariana here is actually the youngest among us at this time, while Chris is the second oldest at over three hundred as well."

"You really had to remind me of that?" Chris complained.

"If I must tell age, then so must you." Zane countered.

"You seem like you're pretty confident about your position here. From what I've heard, Christoff Liam is also supposed to be the second most powerful of your kind." Sean noted as he looked over at Chris.

Chris glared at him, "It's just Chris now, and yes, I happen to carry that title. Trust me, it's one that's well earned when it comes to our kind. But aside from that, I'm not too sure about your presence here either. While I don't believe you'd bother Ariana, you certainly don't seem to like Zane much."

I wasn't surprised that Chris would bring up such a thing. I'd kind of expected it. No matter how much he and Zane tended to bicker at times, they were also closer than brothers, just as they were with Will. Chris definitely wasn't about to let some fox intimidate Zane.

Sean wasn't intimidated either, "I wouldn't say that I am not feeling at least somewhat unnerved by such a turn of events. I did not expect for him to be one of you. At the most I had thought that he was another creature from the Veil that was masquerading, as they so often do. To be completely honest about all of this, it's a bit disconcerting for me to think that a Shadow Wing would use a clan Nephilim like he did." he replied curtly.

"Sean!" Mia scolded him.

Zane immediately responded, "I most certainly did not use her. If you'd like me to be honest about back then, I will say that I did anything but. I truly cared for her despite knowing what she was to be."

"You did, did you? It certainly doesn't seem like it with the way you just left her." Sean challenged. His voice remained calm, but there was an accusing tone underlying it.

Zane stood up to face him as he said that. I cringed a little as I heard the chair scrape loudly against the wooden floor of the porch. He was working hard to keep himself calm and collected.

"I am not one to argue with such a thing, but I will say that you do not know all of the circumstances behind my actions back then. I had many good reasons not to stay, and they are reasons that I do not wish to get into here. I have bared myself in all of this, and I will tell you now that I have no intention of trying to take her from you. If you must say that you are suspicious of me, then it is unfounded. So, I will ask one more time that you do not judge the past so harshly." he requested.

"I never said such a thing to cast judgment. I simply don't find it comfortable to think of what you've done to her. I doubt that even you realize how you've affected her with your lies about your existence." Sean retorted.

Mia stood up between them, "That's enough Sean! You promised me that you wouldn't cause trouble, so stop it right now!" she ordered.

Sean drew in a deep breath, "Very well. I suppose I am pushing a bit too far, but I think it may be better if we took our leave and spoke more of it. Please, excuse us." He then turned and walked back into the house.

Mia sighed in resignation, "I'm sorry. Just let me talk to him." she told Zane.

"It's alright. Go ahead and do what you need to." Zane assured her.

We watched as she nodded and headed into the house. I felt a bit relieved. It looked like a nasty fight had just been avoided. I supposed it was a good thing that Mia was such a mediator when it came to her husband and former love.

Kira spoke to Zane as he sat down, "You know, he's still just a man, even if he is part fox. I think it's only natural for him to feel intimidated about your past with Mia, but he also shouldn't be taking it out on you."

"It's to be expected. What he says is basically true. I know that a part of me used Mia for my own selfish gains, but I do regret doing such. Perhaps Kinsley's healing has put more of it into perspective for me then I have realized." Zane lamented.

"You're not bad for that Zane. I think you really did love her before, even if he doesn't think so." I told him.

"It's over now, and it's been over for a long time. It's time for everybody to move on." Chris added.

"Perhaps so, but it's still quite a lonely existence when it comes down to it. Some of us get lucky like you two, but it's not the majority." Zane responded.

He looked sad now. It appeared that he was finally feeling the weight of this loss now.

"You know Zane, none of that makes you a bad person." Kira told him.

"You don't think so?" Zane asked her.

"No. I think you're a very kind person, no matter what you are. Maybe things did happen back then that you regret, but I don't think that you were being vindictive. I think you were just lonely." Kira went on.

"You're closer to the truth then you know." Chris agreed, "Most Shadow Wings live a lonely existence outside of knowing each other. While Zane is right and some of us end up like me and Ariana, the majority never find anyone who can understand or love them for who they are. Our fathers being what they are adds a persecution not only from Angels but also from other creatures beyond the Veil. Even some in these families seem to feel that way. I don't think it's just Zane's past with Mia that intimidates Sean. I think that it also has to do with what he is in general."

"You're probably right, but it's not fair to judge either. No one asks to be born like they are. Trust me, we know all about that, and I can tell you that I've known creatures that were supposed to be bad who've shown me real kindness, while there were also others who showed me fake kindness and tried to use me. You aren't one of those fake ones, Zane. I can look into your eyes and tell." Kira stated.

We were all really surprised by her words. It felt like there was something more behind them too. Could Kira have actually liked Zane? It certainly was starting to sound that way. Not to mention the way she was looking at him now. It gave me some hope for him. Maybe he wasn't meant to be alone. Maybe there was another Nephilim that he was meant to meet.

Chris stood up, "We've been sitting for a while, so I'm going to take Ariana for a walk. I don't think it's good for her to sit too long." he announced.

"Okay." I agreed as I let him help me up.

Zane nodded at him, finally pulling out of his revelry in looking at Kira, "Yes, you have a point. I'll catch up with you later."

I glanced back at them as we stepped off of the porch. It looked like they were talking some more. I saw Kira smiling as she spoke, looking a lot more comfortable than she had before. She even let him hold her hand on the table as we walked away.

"Were you planning on letting them be alone?" I asked Chris once we were out of earshot.

"Maybe." Chris replied, a smile crossing his face, "I think she likes him more than she wants to admit right now. I've noticed where she's been watching him since we got here. She seems like the shy type too, so I'm betting Mia brought her out there because she was trying to get her to talk to him."

So Mia had been playing matchmaker. That didn't really surprise me. She struck me as the type to push others into talking and see where things went, and it wasn't that out of the question for her to be okay with Kira being interested in Zane. She might've even been hoping that things ended up working out between them.

"Do you think that the whole thing with Sean was part of that?" I had to know.

"It probably was, even if he was being honest about his feelings too, but maybe he needed that. Sometimes that stuff just has to be said before it can be resolved. But we'll leave it as it is. Right now, I want to enjoy our alone time. I'm a little tired of tension, so this will be nice."

I hugged his arm, "Yeah, definitely."

I admit that Zane was right. I was very lucky that I had Chris, and I knew he felt the same way about me. We were meant to find each other, and I truly felt like we were meant to have this baby, even if he was considered extremely special for what he'd be.

But none of that matter to us. All that mattered was that we were together, and soon we would have a beautiful family.

Then hopefully, we'd finally be free of our dark heritage.