I reflected a lot on that dream afterwards.

Standing by the large window in the dining room, I crossed my arms over my swollen belly and shook my head. It had now been two weeks since that dream, but it felt like an eternity. After what had happened with Astaroth, no one was really taking any chances there. The house had become a safe haven for me, and I wasn't allowed to leave it.

Although it had seemed like a bit much, Chris and Zane had agreed that it was for the best. The house was under holy protection from the Seraphs who were there, and it would be extremely difficult for anything dark to get in there without having to deal with them first. The only two that were allowed in were Jade and Saffron, and both of them were in a sense bound, considering what the Seraphita had already done. They weren't considered a threat, even though they didn't exactly like being stuck there.

While things had been mostly quiet for me there, Chris had told me that it was quite a different story on the outside. Things had begun sensing the tremendous power that was gathering there and had been moving closer to find it. For that, he and the others had been taking turns going out beyond this barrier and getting rid of them. If it wasn't a threat, then it was simply told to leave. If it was, then it was eliminated.

This was the main reason for them keeping the Nephilim that they had chosen. Those four clan Nephilim were very strong and had dealt with many different creatures throughout their lives. They knew how to handle threats.

Of course, it also didn't hurt to have Chris and Zane around too. Both of them were now getting used to their abilities again. After their wings had been purified, their fighting abilities had changed as well. This had been evident when we'd been confronted by Astaroth. Even though both could call on their weapons to fight, neither had been able to use them half as well as they used to because the power was completely different.

Chris had admitted to me the morning after that he'd felt very frustrated over it. There hadn't been a time in nearly two hundred years where he couldn't defend himself or someone else. Yet he'd felt almost completely helpless.

But within a few hours of that, there would be help for this as well, though it came from what probably should've been an expected form.

"As much as it frustrates me, it looks like I'll have to retrain you. You won't be of any use if neither of you can fight." Jade had told him and Zane a few hours later.

That was when he'd finally decided to show his face again. I had no idea of where he'd been, but he certainly hadn't been making his presence known like he had in the times I'd been around him before. But it was also easy to tell that he was agitated with everything too. Jade may have kept a good poker face, but I'd learned to read his eyes very well in the time that I'd been around him. Those green eyes hid nothing as far as I was concerned, and they showed just how much he was despising the current situation.

I shook my head, letting out a long breath. This whole thing was getting scarier now. Even though Kinsley and those others wanted to do anything and everything to protect me and Elijah, they couldn't deny that they could be forming enemies from within. No one really knew exactly what would happen with Saffron and Jade. While they cooperated now, there was no telling if they'd turn once he was born.

There was also the lingering issue of Jade, who seemed very resistant to what was happening to him. He'd made no bones about the fact that he most certainly did not want to be purified.

"I am a Fallen and that is what I will remain!" he'd bellowed as he'd confronted the Seraphs that morning when they'd dared suggest it, "I will not relinquish that!"

Remaining a Fallen by choice. Could he really have meant that?

It bothered me to think that he did. After all, he'd taken care of Chris his entire life, and he'd helped take care of me when I'd needed it. The Fallen didn't do that. Even if they felt that they'd had something to gain, taking care of someone for as long as he had wasn't in their nature. That much I was sure of.

But he'd also seemed pretty adamant about remaining as he was. Could this have been the dark side of him trying to resist while it still could?

I suddenly realized that someone was standing beside me. I looked to my right to see Kinsley there. He smiled as we caught eyes.

"Did I startle you?"

I let out a long breath, forcing myself to relax, "A little bit." I admitted, "I guess I was just lost in thought."

"I see. I certainly didn't mean to, but I've been looking for you. I thought it may be better if I checked up on you." Kinsley told me.

He glanced out of the window at the nearby woods. It was almost like he was looking for something. I had to ask him about it.

"Is there something out there?"

Kinsley shook his head, "There's nothing. I suppose this is just me being a bit on edge, considering the fact that the other two have had to leave for a bit."


Malakai and Micah weren't there?

Kinsley quickly responded to my unease, "Don't worry. It won't be for very long. What they're doing right now is checking up on what's going on with Judiel and those who are following him. With the time coming close, we want to make sure that he isn't planning any kind of big strike against us."

Okay, so that made sense, especially considering that they probably had easy access to that kind of information.

"I'm sorry. I'm putting everyone in danger, aren't I?" I whispered as I looked down.

"There's no need to apologize. All of this is what needs to be, not to mention that even if this child will harbor such a powerful soul, they are still an innocent. It cannot be condoned for any to try and take an innocent life." Kinsley reminded me.

I didn't think that anyone could've disagreed with his words. But as we stood there, the memory of my dream about Jade and Saffron returned in my mind. Since Kinsley and I were alone, I had to ask if he knew anything about all of that.

"Hey Kinsley, there was something I wanted to ask you about."

"Of course. You may ask me anything you wish."

I turned to face him, "I know that this might be strange to ask you, but I have to know. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to either." I continued.

"It seems that you find this subject a bit taboo for some reason, but as I said, you do not need to worry so much about at least asking. While I cannot say for certain that I can give you an answer, I will hear you out." Kinsley promised.

I nodded, "Okay. To be honest with you, I'm not that sure about any of this, so I wanted to see if maybe you knew more about it. A while back, I had this strange dream about Jade and Saffron. It was right after the last time that I got to talk to Lennox. After he said goodbye to me, I started dreaming that I was in this place like a church, and Saffron and Jade were there, flying high in the air together. They both had colored wings, and it felt like it was a time before they fell." I explained.

Kinsley seemed to tense up a little, "It was in a place like a church you say?" he confirmed.

"Yeah." I verified, "It was beautiful, and felt like it might have been somewhere in the Heavens."

Kinsley nodded, a pensive look still on his face, "Really? Tell me, what else did you see?"

"Well," I continued, "I could see them floating up there together. Then they came in front of each other and touched their hands and their foreheads together. It was strange, but it felt like they were doing something that they shouldn't have. Then these golden chains suddenly came out of nowhere and threw them to the ground where they were burned by this black fire. When the fire finally went out, they were Fallen just like they are now, except with bat wings."

Kinsley was very quiet as he listened to this. I was starting to wonder if I shouldn't have mentioned it. But when he finally spoke, his answer surprised me.

"They were doing something that they most certainly should not have then, and it was the last offense before they were caught."

So he did know about this.

"Were you there?" I pressed.

"I was not, but I do know most of the story. I have heard it before from Malakai, beings he was one of the angels charged with casting them out." Kinsley confessed.

"So, Malakai was there. That's why he's so upset over them being here." I realized.

"There is a bit more behind Malakai's feelings that I cannot go into out of respect, but I can tell you that everything you saw in that vision did indeed happen. Jade and Saffron were caught in that compromising position, and they were immediately cast out for that and their crimes that had been discovered." Kinsley explained.

"I get that, but what was all of that? What were they doing?" I probed.

"Well, it's a bit difficult to explain to the ones outside of the angels. I will try though. The crimes that I spoke of were in line with the two being killers in the Heavens. However, what they were doing at that moment was one of the most forbidden things that angels could do. They were combining their souls to enhance their strength to fight again us." Kinsley answered.

"Combining their souls? How in the world could they do that?"

"There is a way, although as I said, it is quite forbidden for angels to do. But once it is done, the two connected angels gain massive strength and power that they can use against any who oppose them. For this reason, it was imperative to cast them out right away. According to Malakai, they were lucky enough to catch the two right as the ritual completed, and they managed to bind them and thrown them down to judgment before they could use that combined power against them." Kinsley went on.

So that was why it had happened so quickly. The angels who caught them were afraid of the carnage they could've brought upon them with doing what they had done. But I was still a bit confused too.

"I guess I could get the fear thing and all about something like that, but what does it mean for them now that they've been thrown out? Is that connection still active?"

"Very much so." Kinsley confirmed, "Such a thing can never be undone, even when the angels involved are cast out. No matter where they go or what they do, Jade and Saffron will always be connected in mind and in soul. I suppose that it may make more sense to you and the others when you consider that. It's the main reason that the two are drawn to one another almost constantly, and one of the main sources of conflict between them. One can never exist without the other. Therefore, they will always have to rely on one another. It's a price that they may not have been considering at the time they did it."

"Maybe not." I had to agree as I looked out of the window.

Kinsley let out a long breath, looking out with me, "I cannot say for certain if they considered all of what they were doing. They may have for all we know, but it was still a selfish decision, and they will be the ones who'll have to pay for it for the rest of their existence, whether they still feel anything for each other or not."

"That's the only way you look at it?"

We both turned to see Saffron standing near us. He was regarding Kinsley with an passive look.

"It is. However, we all know that the stakes are high with the current situation, so such trivial things from the past hold no more meaning, especially when it comes to you and Jade." Kinsley responded.

Saffron shrugged, looking away from us, "Of course I know that, but this certainly was not in my plans when it came to defeating Judiel and those other hypocrites."

"Hypocrites, huh?" Kinsley mused, "And wouldn't you be one to call others that? I certainly would think so with the things you've done since your fall."

"What you see and what the reality is may be two different things. Can any one being truly define what is good and what is evil? Only a hypocrite would say yes." Saffron retorted.

The room fell silent, but it seemed that Saffron's words had gotten through.

"You do have a point there. Only the Creator Himself could." Kinsley finally agreed.

"Good, then you can stop judging. I've done everything that I have because I intend to reach certain goals, and whether you and those other two believe such things or not, I have and will continue to protect what I have created just as Jade has." Saffron went on.

He stepped in front of me, playing with a long strand of my hair. Honestly, he'd always been such an enigma, but I knew that he was telling the truth. Everything he'd done had been to protect me. Even if he couldn't help lashing out at me here and there, he'd still done everything he could to ensure that I'd survive.

Kinsley watched him as he did this, "And this is why Lucifer became so angry at both you and Jade. You are some of those who decided to disconnect from Hell's ways and dare to attempt love with something that you've created." he noted.

"I see you know of some of that, as well as the past between Jade and myself. How fitting for Malakai to reveal such to you. But then, is that not something that ones like you tend to do? I'm certain that Malakai is the least pleased with my presence here." Saffron went on, flashing him that fake smile.

"No trouble Saffron." I requested.

I knew what happened when he smiled at people like that. It was a warning that he intended to lash out at them just because he could.

Thankfully Saffron honored my request, "If you insist. It wouldn't be in my benefit to cause trouble here. I know that at least Malakai would probably have no hesitation in removing my head from my neck if he could."

"You have tended to cross him whenever you could before, not to mention the trouble that you caused for the woman he married to start his line; but we shouldn't get into that in front of your daughter. The past is in the past after all, and if you truly are intending to attempt redemption for yourself as well, then you should find a way to make up for some of what you've done." Kinsley informed him.

"And I have." Saffron responded, "I've made up for things in making sure that this girl is safe, and I will continue to in making sure that this Seraphita succeeds in being born into this world. As long as I am around, Judiel will never touch her or this child."

"You'd really want to be an angel again?" I asked him.

I didn't know why, but there was a part of me that didn't believe him. I guess that it was because the Saffron I'd always known had always been so dark and menacing.

Saffron sighed, laying a hand on my pregnant belly, "It's what I'd want in this now. I do not care if I return to the Heavens, but at least I would be able to have you and this child without worrying about turning on you. Even if I remain a Fallen, I want my mind to be untwisted." he confessed.

His words amazed me. He actually wanted to change. He didn't want to be a Fallen that would cause harm to others if he didn't have to.

"But do you really think that you could do that without becoming a full angel?" I asked.

"It is possible." Kinsley confirmed, "Some of the Grigori were able to retain their full sanity and walk among humans and other creatures causing no harm at all. If you and Jade do not become full angels, then you may at least have that much."

Saffron shook his head, "I am not sure that this is what Jade wants. He's quite adamant that he doesn't like what's happening to him."

"This is true." Kinsley agreed. He turned and walked towards the doorway, "Why don't we go out and check on them? It seems that he's had Chris and Zane out there training for quite a while."

I agreed, following him and Saffron out of the den. We walked through the kitchen and to the porch that was off of it. We could see the three of them near the house as we stepped out. Of course, there were now several downed trees and deep gouges in the ground around them, but it looked like both Chris and Zane had been able to stand their ground and weren't really hurt.

Jade was standing near them with his arms crossed and his wings out. It still amazed me to see those wings. This proved that Jade was once like Micah. He had once had beautiful emerald-colored wings. In a way, it hurt to think that he wouldn't want all of that radiance back.

"Well, well. It seems you've become a slave driver again." Saffron teased.

Jade looked back at him, then signaled to Chris and Zane with a wave of his hand.

"That's enough for now. At least I know that you can actually fight the next time around." he told them. He then turned his full attention to Saffron, "And you have no room to speak in this situation. You have not even attempted to ensure that they will be ready for the next attack."

"I see no need to when you are involved. After all, you did train that boy quite well from what I recall. He's even been able to stand up to the likes of me." Saffron bragged.

He suddenly disappeared from my side, reappearing in a flash in front of Chris, who barely had time to bring out his sword and stop him from cutting into him with his claws. Saffron leapt back as he did, landing hard on his feet and one hand near him. He smiled as he did.

"Very good. It seems you've gotten yourself back to where you need to be."

Chris scowled at him, "And you're just as twisted as you were before. I knew that wouldn't change, even if your wings have." he growled.

This was just great. Chris was engaged to me and the father of my child, and Saffron had just tried to attack him. Of course, this wasn't the first time either. Saffron had always had a habit of going after him when it suited him.

"Such harsh words. But I expect no less, considering the fact that I've always rather enjoyed seeing you fight. You've got the same grace as your father." Saffron commented, brushing himself off.

"You will not start anything else out here. As you can see, I've already done what needs to be. So shut up or you'll have to deal with me, and believe me, I am not in the mood." Jade warned him.

He was still standing several feet away from them, but I knew that he tended to be just as fast as Saffron, if not faster when it suited him. One thing that I'd begun to believe in my time of knowing them both was that they were more than evenly matched when they decided to fight, although I had the nagging suspicion that Jade might have been slightly stronger.

Saffron regarded him quietly, like he was debating his next moves.

"Is that so?" he finally said, "And here I would've thought that you of all of them would want this shot at least clearing your mind. It certainly would ensure that you would not attack your boy again."

Jade scowled at him, "What happened then is none of your concern."

"You wouldn't think so?" Saffron challenged.

Chris landed on the porch beside me. Zane followed suit, landing near Kinsley.

"You do realize that this isn't going to end well." he pointed out.

"Trust me, I am well aware of the trouble between those two, but there is nothing more that we can do about it. Whatever differences they have must be settled between them, as long as they drag no others into it." Kinsley told him.

I doubled checked on Chris, "Are you and Zane okay? He didn't hurt you this time, did he?"

I knew all too well that when Jade trained someone, he wouldn't hesitate on doing harm if you couldn't defend yourself properly. I'd actually been lucky that he hadn't really gotten me in the time that he'd had me under his wing, to quote the old term.

Chris put an arm around me, "No, we're fine, but he is in a pissy mood." he answered.

"It's that last bit of darkness within him rebelling." Kinsley told us, "Unfortunately, it seems that he has had a much harder time adjusting to the changes within him due to the Seraphita's influence."

"No kidding. He was hell to catch and bring here."

We turned to see Raphael and Michael sitting in the chairs behind us. Raphael was holding a cell phone in his hand, although it looked like he was done using it.

"You really were the one to find him, and here I wasn't too sure that I believed the stories that were being told about you." Chris commented.

"It seems that reputation is indeed a powerful thing when it comes to beyond the Veil, but it's good if it's well earned." Raphael bragged.

"I can't say too much to that one, considering the fact that it is true." Chris acknowledged.

Michael's attention was on me, "Did you want to sit down Ariana?" he offered.

"No, I'm good. It's kind of nice to be able to stand for a while." I responded.

I'd really come to like Michael in this time I was getting to know him. He was very open and kind. It seemed like Mia was the same way, although I felt like I'd barely had time to know her. Maybe when all of this was over, I'd get my chance. Well, if we managed to survive.

But there was another reason that I was declining his invitation. It actually felt better when I was standing up. For the last day or so I'd been having a lot of discomfort in my abdomen whenever I sat too long or didn't move around enough. I had thought that it was just the pregnancy, but I was getting a little concerned, especially when I thought about how close I was to the end of it.

I didn't get a lot of time to think about any of this. There were much more pressing matters. Hearing a loud sound, all of us looked back towards where Saffron and Jade were. As we suspected, they were starting to fight again.

Raphael got up to watch, "Looks like we came out just in time. I've always wondered what a fight between these two may be like." he admitted, his voice remaining indifferent.

It was something that I'd begun to notice about him since he'd been there. Raphael Renaldi seemed forever calm. He also had that incredibly commanding presence. You just knew better than to cross him.

"Believe me, it's quite a show as long as you can keep your distance. Even with how they are now, I doubt that they'd care about hurting someone if they got into the middle of this." Zane warned them.

Chris scowled at him, still keeping me close, "Don't make it sound so trivial."

"Did I really? I suppose that it's just a bad habit after all of this time of knowing Astaroth, though I doubt that I will ever see him again. Jade certainly did a number on him, which even surprised me. Jade's taken the time to gain a lot of power in these last two months. It makes me wonder exactly why he's so intent on it." Zane admitted.

"You really think so?" I had to ask.

"Trust me, he's definitely right about that." Chris assured me. He looked back at his father, "Astaroth is an incredibly powerful demon. He's the Grand Duke of Hell, and it's a title that was well earned. Even back when you first had the displeasure of meeting him, Jade was using a bluff to distract him. He never could've won in a fight then. Saffron did the same, although I don't know exactly how he drove him away that night. He must have made some kind of deal then lied about it. Neither of them were really a match for Astaroth before."

I hadn't realized that one, but I had no real time to think about it. I was too busy watching this fight between Saffron and Jade. Even though their wings had begun to change, both of them seemed to still be wielding a lot of dark power. That darkness swirled around them as they stood several feet away from each other.

It was Jade who made the first strike; the dark energy around him forming into a ball of black flames that he hurled towards Saffron. But Saffron was as quick as always, flying up and allowing the flames to hit the tree about ten feet behind him. The flames burned away the tree trunk, scorching it so badly that the tree cracked and fell over with a loud crash. This was proof that these two were very serious about all of this. Perhaps this may have been the huge battle between them that had been coming for thousands of years.

"Um, do you think that perhaps we should move further away from this?" Michael asked Kinsley.

"There's no need to worry. I've already made sure that we're shielded in case anything comes this way. But to be honest with you, I'd like to see this one for myself. Jade's always been the stronger of the two, but perhaps this time he's met his match." Kinsley replied.

Saffron was mounting his own attack now. Flying near Jade, he'd thrown out his own black flames. It was a good thing that Jade was quick, because when he moved, the flames left a deep hole in the ground where he'd been standing.

Jade jumped back and landed on the side of one of the thick trees, growling deep in his throat. I could see his eyes changing into the same angry, cat-like ones that I'd seen before when he'd realized that I was carrying this Seraphita's soul within my unborn baby. I still felt frightened to see that. That was a really, really bad memory.

Holding out his hand, Jade formed a sword and pushed himself back off the tree with such force that he left a handprint in the trunk. But Saffron was still ready for him. Landing again, he formed a spear and held it up, effectively stopping the sword from coming down on him. I had the feeling that if it had, Saffron probably would've been wounded enough to where he'd have to admit defeat and allow himself a long time to recover. But that was anything but the case here. Saffron was holding his own very well.

"Do you really think that you're going to tear me apart this time?" Saffron yelled as he pushed him back.

"I've already torn into you thousands of times, so you'd do best to call defeat before I give you a wound that will never heal!" Jade warned him.

Saffron ignored him. He instead twirled the staff and aimed it at him.

"You would truly do it this time? I find that hard to believe. You've threatened this so many times in the past, yet you always stop short, just like when I blinded you in that eye!"

Saffron brought the spear down and swept it across the ground, causing sharp shards of ice to shoot up all around Jade. One scrapped his left leg, but it didn't stop him. He managed to jump out of the circle that was trying to close in on him, using his sword to throw out another blast of black fire at Saffron.

Saffron didn't move this time. He stood his ground and changed the spear into a shimmering black bow and arrow.

"Bad move this time." we heard him say.

The black flames came down upon Saffron with so much force that it literally sounded like a sonic boom. But as the thick cloud of dust began to dissipate, he was still standing there, aiming the bow and arrow up at Jade. I heard the collective gasps around me. The only one who seemed unsurprised about this was Kinsley, who was still watching with his arms crossed and a solemn expression on his face.

Jade looked shocked as he floated high in the air. Obviously, this had been the last thing he'd been expecting with that attack. He'd probably thought that he'd had him. As he stared, Saffron pulled the string to the bow back, his blue eyes glowing as he took aim.

Then he let go.

As the arrow flew through the air at lightning speed, it began to change. It turned from black to a radiant blue. Near me, Zane gasped.


"The power of the Blue Flame. He's actually managed to harness it from deep within him." Kinsley finished for him.

The arrow hit its mark, striking Jade's right shoulder. The impact sent him spiraling down to the hard ground, but he somehow managed to catch himself, landing in a kneeling position with one hand on the ground and the other holding where the arrow was sticking out. It looked like it was causing him tremendous pain.

Raphael stepped back, "Looks like it's over. He lost."

Chris shook his head, "I've always told him that he was too cocky. It's about time he had to give it up." he said, although he didn't look that happy over this. Maybe he had really wanted to think that Jade could never be defeated; at least by another Fallen of his caliber.

"Should we help him?" I had to ask.

For as much as I still felt a certain fear of Jade, I did feel a bit bad for him too. His pride was probably badly wounded, not to mention that I wasn't sure about what that kind of arrow might do to him. If that was holy power that Saffron had tapped into and used, Jade might have had a bigger problem than we thought.

"It probably would be a good idea." Zane agreed.

"Yeah. Come on." Chris said. He sounded reluctant, but he probably couldn't see himself not at least trying to help Jade. He was his father after all.

Saffron was already standing over Jade as we came over there. Jade looked anything but happy over what had just happened, but Saffron simply smiled at him.

"My win. So, will you concede now to what we need to become?" he asked him.

"I will not. I refuse to become one of them again." Jade growled.

"My, my. You are quite stubborn. You express that you want to protect the girl and child, yet you will not allow yourself to be purified." Kinsley noted.

"That is my choice alone, and as of this time, I choose not to be. I will remain one of the Fallen." Jade informed him.

Chris sighed, stepping over in front of him and offering him hand.

"Hey, don't you think that you should give the tough act a rest for a bit? At least until someone can pull that arrow out of you?" he suggested.

Jade shook his head, "It is anything but boy. You know that much." he muttered. But he didn't refuse the offer of help. He reached up with his good hand and allowed Chris to help him back to his feet.

"It seems that this is the first ever fight that I've won against you, but I do have to wonder if you allowed your anger to blind you as well." Saffron went on as he watched him stand.

Jade glared at him, "You won this fight, but do not expect to win again." he retorted.

With that, he reached up and grabbed the arrow, pulling it out with one hard tug. I saw him cringe a little as he did. The arrow left a hole about the size of a nickel in his shoulder, and I could see some black blood coming out of it and dripping down his dark shirt.

I stepped over in front of him, "You aren't just acting when you say that you'll be fine. I believe you. But you know that you can't leave a wound like this and expect it to heal properly. If you really want to protect me, then start taking care of yourself more." I told him as I put a hand over the wound. I halfway expected him to force it away, but amazingly he didn't. He just watched as I healed it for him.

By this time, I'd begun to realize that I had a lot of healing power within me. No doubt it was from my strong connection with the Seraphita. But it worked out very well in these situations too.

After half a minute, the wound was completely gone. Saffron smiled at Jade.

"It seems that you won't be in so much pain after all. What a shame." he commented.

"You would enjoy that, wouldn't you?" Jade scoffed. He looked back at me, "However, there is no reason for me to do anymore against you, especially when it may involve risk to her."

"I guess you're not taking this out on me now." I noted.

I felt relieved. I couldn't take the thought that Jade may keep resenting me for whatever reason. Maybe I'd gotten a bit closer to him then I'd thought about what happened with Lennox.

"There is no need. I would not be here if not by choice, even if this other had to catch me first." Jade responded, glancing at Raphael.

"I will admit that catching you and bringing you here was easier than I'd anticipated." Raphael acknowledged.

"So, you did come because of me?" I guessed.

"Of course I did. Even if I don't want all of this, I do want to see the nonsense with those angels end." Jade confirmed.

Saffron didn't seem convinced. "So you say, but you've always had a way of trying to convert her to your side in all of this, haven't you?"

"You would do best not to be so cocky. Just because you happened to win once doesn't mean that there will be a second time." Jade warned him.

Before anything else could be said, Chris put a hand on his shoulder.

"I think this has been enough. Sometimes it's better to just walk away instead of taking bait. You told me that yourself once, didn't you?" he reminded him.

Jade heeded his words, "Very well." he conceded, shooting Saffron one more glare before turning to walk away.

I breathed a sigh of relief. At least it was over for now.

But walking back inside, I still felt very uncomfortable. As much as I hated admitting it, I knew that something was definitely up with all of this, and with the time running short like they were saying, this very well may have been the start of my labor.

But for now, I didn't want to mention it to anyone. We'd just wait until I knew for certain.

There was no sign of Jade or Saffron as we entered the house. It seemed that they had retreated again, disappearing into the shadows.

"Even hurt, Jade keeps his pride." Zane was saying.

"That will never change, but I think it was wounded this time. Hopefully Saffron won't try to make things worse. I don't trust him not to." Chris admitted.

Kinsley wasn't worried, "I doubt that they'll cause any more trouble for now. After all, it would not be in the benefit of what's going on." he told them.

A bright light suddenly appeared to our right. All of us turned to see Malakai and Micah appearing within it. Carroll and Carlton coming down the stairs as they did. They'd apparently sensed their return as well. If they'd seen the fight between Jade and Saffron, they hadn't bothered coming out to check on it.

Kinsley was the first to speak, "That was a very quick trip. I'll take it that something's amiss."

"Unfortunately, yes. It seems we're about to have a lot more trouble." Micah admitted.

"What kind of trouble?" Chris asked him. I could hear the worry coming through in his voice. Whatever this was, we knew that it was going to be very bad.

Malakai looked around at all of us, "You'd all do best to listen and listen well. There is still much unrest over the hunts and what is coming. The word has not been able to reach the highest ones that need to know of this, and it's given the opening for Judiel to stage at least one more attack against us. He does not intend to allow this child to be born." he told us.

"It appears Kelis wasn't able to report after all." Kinsley noted.

"No. In fact, it seems that he's disappeared. Rather convenient, isn't it?" Micah responded.

"It is, and here we thought that perhaps we stood a better chance with him reporting for us." Kinsley agreed.

"So, what now? How do we handle this if they've eliminated any word of the Seraphita from reaching them?" Michael asked him.

"We handle it by stopping Judiel. I have no doubt that he will come here and stage a massive attack at this point, and more than likely, he will try to time it at a point where it will be difficult for us to defend. For that, we're going to need all of you to be ready." Micah explained.

"We're also going to call in the other Nephilim as well. At least the ones who are able to free themselves of dire obligations. This will be one of our biggest hurdles, and we cannot take any chances on losing. If we do, then there will be much more than just the deaths of all the Shadow Wings. It will also spell the end of our own families." Malakai added.

"What?" Carlton said in disbelief.

"You must be kidding." Michael added.

"I'm afraid that we are anything but." Malakai admitted. "Either we win this war now, or we all face certain death."