The Vatican City is an immensely beautiful place when you're really able to take it all in.

I was looking at all of the lights coming on and the reddening sky in the distance as I stood on the bridge. The twilight was setting in now, and though people were still moving about, the chatter felt quieter with the coming night. Even the sounds of cars seemed to quiet down under this beautiful sky.

I could see the outline of St. Peter's Basilica in the distance. The sight felt surreal as I took it in. This was going to be the place where either we finally achieved the salvation we'd been dreaming of, or met our deaths.

Chris stood beside me, taking in the sights too.

"It's still as beautiful as I remember it." he commented quietly.

"Does it look a lot like it did back then?" I inquired.

"Somewhat, though stuff around us is definitely more modern." Chris answered.

Elijah sat between us, looking through the columns at the water below us, "Daddy, is that big place out there where we're going?" he asked, pointing to the church.

"Yes." Chris confirmed. He picked him up so that he could see it better, "It's a very holy place called St. Peter's Basilica. Many people go there to worship the Creator."

"It is indeed quite a sight. Hard to believe that men made that structure by themselves." Saffron commented. He sat on the side of the cement railing near us, and Jade was leaning on it beside him.

"You do realize that someone could push you off of there if they wanted to." Chris informed him. It was meant to be a joke, but felt serious.

"It's crossed my mind, but he'd just fly." Jade responded.

"You're well aware that it takes much more than a simple trick to get me." Saffron boasted.

Chris and I had to turn away. Of course they would act like this, but neither had been that happy to be there. I would've imagined it was the locale that soured their moods. The Vatican City was one of the most holy in the mortal world. This was a place that the Fallen would definitely not feel welcome.

The others were standing near us, looking at the view too. We'd noticed that the three Seraphs had been slightly on edge since they'd brought us here. They knew that the night was falling quickly, and the time would come just as fast. I could hear Kinsley speaking quietly about it.

"We need to be very cautious now that we've arrived. Even if the gate is far from opening, I don't doubt that the scouts are around in this city. There's no telling how many may be working for Judiel at this moment." he was saying.

"It sounds to me like we'll be fighting an uphill battle way before we even get there." Yuki noted, rocking slightly on his heels with his hands in his pockets.

Peyton looked worried, "I still hope that we're enough to defend Elijah." he admitted.

"I wouldn't worry too much about that. There are enough of us to keep him surrounded, and scouts typically aren't that strong. If anything, it would be stupid on their part to attempt engaging us." Carroll assured him.

"Remember not to underestimate opponents Carroll. Even scouts can prove to be powerful fighters." Micah reminded him.

Chris turned to face them, "When are we going to get there? It's already getting dark." he pointed out.

"It's better for us to move on now. Getting to St. Peter's may be safer at this time. I'm also not that keen on running into anything more powerful that may side with Judiel." Kinsley responded.

I took Elijah's hand as Chris let him down, "Come on now. We need to go." I gently urged him.

I admit that I was worried about frightening him, even with what we were about to do. After the incident that morning, I was certain that Elijah would not be looking forward to seeing any more angels, nor would he want to hear that more may attack us.

But I was also thinking some things over as we walked too. This very well may spell the end of all the turmoil, but at the same time, I worried about what it may do to Elijah. He had already shown back at our home that the Seraphita he truly was still existed within him, even if that piece of him had been lying dormant. Somewhere deep within his soul, he still knew and understood his place in that hierarchy. He could still draw on that power with full control if he absolutely needed to.

Yet, thinking about this as I listened to the city's sounds and the slight echo of our footsteps on the concrete, I wondered how it may change him once this was over. Once he saw those angels and met face to face with Elena, would he no longer want to keep up this life? What if he decided to shed himself of this shell and return to his original existence? And what about Elena? Would she do that once the decision was made, even if it was in our favor?

"You're worrying too much about all of this. I really don't think either of them are going to do that." Chris suddenly spoke. He kept his voice low so that the conversation would stay between us.

"You really don't think there's at least a possibility?" I responded.

"Not really. I don't think that would suit their plans here. Think about it. These Seraphita could've done this themselves a long time ago, yet they chose to become our children. There's gotta be more they want out of this." Chris reasoned.

I glanced at Elijah, who remained quiet as he walked between us and was looking around at the buildings and people. He seemed oblivious to our conversation, which I was thankful for. He didn't need to have any more inkling right now as to his true existence.

"There's definitely much more to the actions they've taken. I can assure you of that much. The Seraphita never do anything without good reason in their minds, and this existence is something that none of them have ever even considered attempting before." Saffron added in.

"You sound like you know a lot about them." Kira noted.

"I know enough." Saffron confirmed, "I've never had the honor of meeting one say for what this one's become, but many speak of them, especially in the Abyss. They're quite a hot subject for debate when it comes to the holy and the damned."

"Ah, so the Abyss speaks much of them as well. I can't say it surprises me." Malakai commented.

"You wouldn't be, considering how many of us you've sent down there before you took on this meaningless task." Jade interjected, sounding coy.

"I was considered more of the warrior type before this, so it was part of my duties, although I confess that it did give me the pleasure of casting both of you out." Malakai retorted evenly.

Chris chuckled, "Sounds to me like you enjoyed your job then. It's strange that you'd want to help the ones like us with where you came from." he remarked.

"Not truly. I don't consider the children born to the Fallen to be inherently evil, say for perhaps a few of them. You have done nothing wrong and did not ask to be brought into the world, and on top of that, we also don't like the selfishness that these Fallen have in creating you and sentencing you to a life of fear." Malakai explained.

"Selfishness you say?" Jade muttered, now sounding a bit disgusted.

"You would disagree with such a point Jade?" Malakai responded.

"Of course I do." Jade confirmed, "I believe that you do not always understand circumstances with some of us."

"Circumstances huh?" Malakai stopped to face him.

Jade showed no signs of backing down, though he kept his voice civil, "Indeed so. This is part of the reason that our kind consider the Pure Ones our enemies. You are all hypocrites at heart, even if you don't admit to it. In that sense, you are no different from Judiel or those who follow him."

"Jade!" Chris whispered harshly. He probably saw the fight coming.

Micah laid a hand on Malakai's shoulder before he could respond, "It is not worth such a fight at this time. Remember that he is a Fallen One, and they do enjoy calling us hypocrites." he said evenly.

"Is that what you believe?" Saffron interjected, "I believe it is more that you do not understand our kind. We have been judged by our actions, and we will not deny the things we have done and will continue to do. We are the deceivers, the killers, the sinners. However, for some of us, the insanity of the evil mind does not completely take hold. Such is the case with Jade and myself. If it was not, then I assure you that we would not be here now attempting this salvation for what we have so willingly created."

Everyone became silent. His words seemed to thoroughly surprise the three Seraphs standing with us.

Elijah looked up at them, "They have hearts. They're just darker sometimes." he stated.

"We can say with certainty that such is true, even if it goes against everything we should be." Saffron agreed, smiling at him.

"Interesting. It appears that it is still possible for the Fallen to care about something, although it's certainly not the norm." Micah noted.

"Perhaps so. I will not question it too much at this time. However, my view of both of you will still stand, at least until the time comes when you prove to me that you will have redemption as well." Malakai relented.

"Very well, then we shall keep moving, if the two of you are done with your debate." Saffron told them.

Malakai agreed, turning back with the others to continue our walk.

Chris and I were watching Jade as we did. Though he remained calm and collected on the outside, we could see in his eyes that he was seething over the previous conversation.

"Jade." I finally said, being sure to keep my voice quiet and even.

"What is it?" Jade responded. He didn't bother looking at me.

I forced myself to continue, "I know that you haven't done any of this for selfish reasons."

Jade tried to hide where he'd tensed up slightly, "You don't believe so?"

"No." I responded, "I used to dream about what happened when Chris was little and his family was killed all the time. I saw where you'd come see him and when you saved him. You didn't make him for selfish reasons, and you didn't help me all these times for that either."

These were things that I'd never revealed to Jade before. Even though I had told Chris about my dreams of him as a child, neither of us had ever mentioned it to his father. I couldn't say why. I guess we'd just never thought it was that important to bring up.

"You've seen the truth then. I suppose that at least one now knows it outside of him." Jade sighed.

"Maybe, but I think it was obvious to her by your actions." Chris informed him.

"Basically." I nodded.

Chris looked over at Saffron, "What about you? Are you the same or have you just been having some fun this whole time?"

"Whoever said that? I don't see where it is fun to constantly work to protect my child." Saffron responded.

"A lot would think so, considering that you've got a reputation for being pretty twisted." Carlton pointed out.

"Do I now? It seems that you have missed my words from before." Saffron countered.

"We missed nothing. Words from your kind, whether they carry an ounce of truth or not, are often wastes of breath." Carroll informed him. His tone was very cold, like he resented even speaking to him.

The bad part was that Saffron picked up on that too, "You sound like you despise our kind Carroll. Could that stem from your bad experience before?" he provoked.

Carroll stopped instantly, spinning around the grabbing him by his collar. Saffron remained indifferent as he did.

Carlton immediately tried to pull Carroll away from him, "Cut it out! You're not gonna let your temper get the best of you right now! We've got too much to worry about for that!" he ordered as he grabbed him.

Micah swiftly came over, placing a hand on Carroll's forehead and calming him within an instant.

"That is enough Carroll. There is to be no fighting among us, no matter what is said. The past is the past and nothing can change it, so let it go." he ordered quietly.

Carroll drew in a breath, finally calm again. The rest of us were staring in shock at this. Well, most of us. Yuki didn't look that surprised, and obviously Carlton hadn't been.

Malakai glared at Saffron, "That is enough of this foolishness. Either you work with us or I will cast you back to the Abyss and be done with you." he warned him.

Saffron shrugged, "As you wish."

Zane frowned at his response, "Perhaps it was not such a good idea to allow this cooperation after all." he lamented.

"There is no choice. They wouldn't allow it not to happen, but we certainly don't need anymore of that." Chris replied, also eyeing Saffron.

Saffron didn't bother responding. But as we came to the road leading to St. Peter's, Zane spoke again.

"Carroll, are you sure you're alright now?"

"I'm fine. I apologize for all of that too." Carroll replied calmly.

"You don't need to. It gets to all of us at times when they act like that." Chris told him.

"Nature at its finest." Saffron teased.

"Nature huh?" Carroll murmured, "I suppose that such a thing may fit."

"What was that all about anyway?" I asked him.

"It's better to just leave it. It's not worth talking about here." Carlton answered.

"Of course you would think not. But then, revealing such truths might just earn your twin a stigma, wouldn't they?" Saffron commented.

Carroll drew in a long breath before facing him again, "You can say what you like about the ones like me, but there is no stigma against us within our families or the Heavens. We simply are who we are."

That answer wasn't enough to stop Saffron. It was too much like an invitation.

"Is that so? I wouldn't have expected any of you to be that comfortable with such things happening." he continued as he stood with the Seraphs.

"You of all of them know that such a thing is not judged with the mortals. It is something that does not reflect impurity, even if many do not understand that." Kinsley countered.

"No, perhaps it does not, but it does tend to land them in more trouble at times, doesn't it? Carroll here is a prime example, considering his forbidden attraction to that Grigori." Saffron went on.

Will looked over at him, "What the hell are you spouting off about now?" he asked him.

"Just what I said." Saffron gave Carroll a knowing smile, "Did you believe that we would not know that story? It went around like wildfire after that one's demise, but then, it also showed us just what could happen if one of you was pushed into a corner. You're still quite sore about that one, aren't you? But why wouldn't you be, considering the fact that he was one of the only ones to accept how you are?"

Now I understood all of it, although I hadn't thought of that before. I'd never even considered that Nephilim in the families could be attracted to the same sex, but apparently, at least Carroll was.

Yuki stepped over beside him, "Hey, if you've got a problem with it, then you can deal with me." he confronted Saffron.

Saffron still wasn't intimidated, "Ah, so you're going to defend him. How noble of you, or is it for the fact that you and that other happen to be the same way?"

Zane sighed, "Of course you would read into such things right away, but you do not want to push this one. Yuki is not one to mess with." he warned.

"You bet your ass I'm not, and trust me, I have no problem with taking out one like you. I'd actually enjoy trying to enslave you." Yuki told him as a crackling black electricity appeared around his right hand.

Peyton held his arm as this happened, "It's not worth it Yuki. You'll only get us sent back." he reasoned.

"No, it's not worth any of this, and this conversation is now over. The past remains in the past and subject will be dropped. Our time is short enough as it is aside from this nonsense." Kinsley ordered.

Yuki allowed his temper to die down, "Fine, but I'm only doing it because I've been asked to." he relented as he glanced at Peyton.

Saffron backed down too, though he kept that superior air to him, "Very well. I suppose there is no sense in saying much more."

My mind was spinning a bit as we continued on. So that was what Yuki had been talking about when he'd told Kira that he was taking care of Peyton. The two of them were a couple and had been for some time now.

"It seems that no secrets will ever be kept from ones like them. Thank goodness Peyton is here. That could've ended quite badly." Zane breathed.

"I'm gonna guess that you knew about Peyton and Yuki." Chris surmised.

"I did. I met them a little over three years ago and it was on the request that I helped Yuki with Nightmare. There were also issues with Peyton that I won't get into right now. I was also able to keep up with Carroll and I've heard some of the story of what happened before. If we make it through this then I'll be sure to explain it all to you." Zane promised.

The night had fallen and the sky darkened as we reached the entryway to the Basilica. Only the lights surrounding it were on. I also quickly realized that we were completely alone there. There wasn't a person or even a car in sight. The square of the Basilica was engulfed in silence.

"Let me guess. We've stepped into a barrier." Yuki concluded.

"Yes. It is necessary for this, as you all should be well aware. We will enter here with no problems from the mortals, and they will never know what is to happen here." Kinsley verified.

"Fine, but how safe is it for us enter now?" Chris asked, picking up Elijah and glancing around us.

"Everything is safe at this moment. I've been careful about picking up any other presences on our way here, but I do believe that we should make haste in this. There's no need in lingering and possibly attracting attention." Malakai answered.

He brought out his wings, which reminded me a lot of Kinsley's when I'd seen them before. The only real difference was that his feathers were sky blue.

Kinsley and Micah did the same, with Kinsley's being that familiar shade of light violet and Micah's being emerald green.

"Please bring out your wings now, all except for Elijah. It's far too risky yet." Kinsley requested.

I agreed, putting a hand on Elijah's shoulder, "Don't bring out your wings, okay?" I instructed.

Elijah nodded, "Okay Mama."

All of us then brought out our wings, including Jade and Saffron. Theirs still remained quite dark, unchanged from when Elijah was born. I took note of Yuki and Peyton's wings too. Even though both were somewhat different than the other Nephilim that we'd met before, their wings mirrored the others in their families. Yuki's were blue like Malakai's and Peyton's were violet.

Malakai stepped forward, "Now is the time. Let all this nonsense end tonight."

"Agreed. This war against the Nephilim has gone on long enough." Jade added.

I watched the two Fallen as we walked up to the columns that led into the Basilica. Yes, everyone was right in a sense that it was strange for them to keep helping us in this. But also, each seemed to have their own reasons for it. Jade's was simple in my mind. Even if he didn't want redemption for himself, he would fight to get it for his son and possibly all of the Shadow Wings.

However, Saffron's intentions were murkier. Although I liked to think that he cared about me at least a little bit, he still must have had other motives here. Was he only looking to finally defeat Judiel, or was there something more, something that none of us could've ever thought?

It would be very soon that we'd find out.