Scream of Anguish

She patted the dress, as if looking for pockets, and then shook her head dazed by.

"They were in my coat pocket."

"We walk, then."

"Walk where?"

"Over to Reading Road. It always floods when there's this much rain. It'll be enough water to ground that thing if it tries to follow us."

It was only a couple of blocks away. The cold rain came down in buckets. I was shaking, shivering, and naked, and more soap was getting into my eyes. But hey. At least I was clean.

"Wha?" she mumbled.

"What will the rain do to it?"

"Not rain. Running water. It kills him if he tries to go over it after us," I explained to her, patiently.

I hoped the potions mixing together in her stomach hadn't done anything irreversible. There had been accidents before. We were moving at good speed, all things considered, and had covered maybe forty yards in the pouring rain. Not much farther to go.

"Oh. Oh, that's good," she said.