Date with a demon

Bob eventually came home again, more or less within the twenty-four-hour time limit, I suppose. I turned a deaf ear to rumors of a particularly wild party at the University of Ohio which lasted from Saturday night to Sunday night, and Bob wisely never mentioned it.

Date with a demon was a headliner for the Arcane when it came out the following Monday, and Marilyn came by my hospital room to bring me a copy and to talk to me about it.

She seemed greatly amused by the cast that held my hips immobilized until the docs could be sure that there wasn't too much fracturing (the X-ray machine kept fouling whenever they tried to use it on me, for some reason), and commented that it was a pity I wasn't more mobile.

I used the sympathy factor to badger another date out of her, and she didn't seem to mind too much.

That time, we were not interrupted by a demon. And I didn't need any of Bob's love potions or advice, thank you very much.