Eyewitness Account

And if you should happen to be able to let me in on whatever is going on . . .

I shook my head and tried to scowl at her.

"I thought we agreed. I won't poke into your business deals and you won't poke into mine."

She smiled up at me and touched a finger to my chest.

"That was whenever we were out on a date, Ryan." She let her eyes wander down the length of my body, and then back up.

"Or staying in on one."

"Marilyn Soglin, I never knew you were a lawyer as well as a journalist."

"Now you're getting nasty," she said, grinning.

"Seriously, Ryan. Another exposé like last spring could make my career."

"Yeah, well after last spring, the city made me sign about two tons of nondisclosure agreements. I can't tell you anything about the case."