chapter 5

As they walk closer to the bonfire seeing everyone raise to their feet as they walked over meeting Tai halfway they each pulled her into a deep hug.

Emilia seen Tais godmother and siblings all hugging Tai tightly as tears and smiles came out of all of them, as they stood there embracing each other.

Carra looked Tai over as she cupped her cheeks then pulls her in for a kiss on her forehead. Sia pulls her in hugging her deeply as she slaps Tai on the arm as wipes her tears away.

"You know we might not be real blood but I love you more than you know so dont pull shit like that again" Sia said

Carra chuckles at the two girls as she holds onto Tais hand as she pulls her to sit down beside her.

" Tai I know right now you don't remember much about who you are or where your from but now that the spell is broken you'll slowly remember things.... we done all this to protect you to keep you away from the one who wants to destroy you and all of us in a few days your real mothers will explain everything to you" Carra said

Tai flashes her a small smile as she pulls her into a hug then kisses her cheek.

" Carra I've remembered some things while I was sleeping but not in great detail I also know I'm not like anyone else and I am also dangerous to you all if its not the people after me then it's my true self that is dangerous" Tai said

as she looks over at Emilia and Sia talking as they look at a magic book about runes as they both laugh at each other.

"Tai you need not worry about yourself being a danger, your mind of who and what you are did not perish. now you could of lost your mind, we wereworried then and all of us, everyone would be in danger, but you didn't so dont worry" Carra said

('Yes but I alo let it take to much of me as I gave into more than I should of') Tai thought to herself as she smiles at Carra

as she watches Carras other brother walk up to her holding a map and stands to the side.

" sister we shall leave tomorrow at lunch as soon as we meet my cousin with the rest of the men and wagons" Mao said as Wei joins in on the conversation as he hands a book over to Tai

" I've collected a new dark magic spells that I thought you'd want to learn " Wei said as Tai gave him a hug then looks at the book with awe.

" ok when ever you think is the best then we will do so, as long as we leave by tomorrow night" Carra said

Tai clears throat then looks at Carra as she holds her hand.

" Carra I would like to leave early in the morning to spend time alone with Emilia for a few hours" Tai said as Wei smiles at them both " i think that would be a good idea we both know the girls are strong enough to take care of themselves " Wei said

Carra bites the inside of her cheek as she looks at Wei with anger, then glances back at Tai.

" look what happened Last time " Carra snapped at him as she took a couple breaths to calm down, Tai who is now looking at her feet a Carra pulls her into a hug.

" I know the circumstances led to that I'm sorry for saying it like that, let me talk to your uncle so we can see what the plans are" Carra said as she took Wei a few feet to the side.

While Carra was talking to wei the girls sat round the bonfire talking about the new books they were reading as a few men came over for shift change, the four men walk over as the youngest walks over behind Emilia and leans down to her ear.

" how would you like to have fun for the night" the boy said as emilia leaned away from him when she smelled his nasty breath, putting her finger under her nose.

" I suggest you go away from us all, no women here at this camp would touch you with a 10 foot pole" Emilia said as he grabbed her wrist

(' this bitch dares to insult me I will take it by force') he thought to himself as Tai stood up punching him with a wind spell sending him flying a few feet away from them.

as the other three men run over to his side the one who had black armor like the boy checked the dented armor on him.

" Sua what the hell are you thinking" HOA said as he helped his brother up, Sua slapped his hand away from him

" they dare insult me twice " Sua said as he glared at both the girls as Wei and 12 other men walk up to them.

" you four are no longer needed for this journey I'll pay you for the day so leave from his camp before I have the girls take care of you" Wei said as he threw a bag of coins at their feet.

" sir my brother does not think with head, I sincerely apologize for the behavior and guarantee nothing else will happen" Hoa said as he bows his head to Wei then toward the girls at the fire pit.

Wei shakes his head from side to side " I am sorry but i cannot have you for this expedition I'll give you some food for 2 day journey, is all I can do. Mao make sure they leave camp" Wei said as he walked back over to Carra whispering in her ear as the men surrounded the four.

The two men in black armor stared at wei then at the girls as Soa thought to himself

( ' just wait until you all make it to your destination at the waterfall where in a few days my father will make you all pay') sua thought t himself, as Moa shoved them toward the tent to make them pack up.

Tai watched the men concentrating on what they are saying in their head.

( ' so these four work in a family a family affair of robbing people also slave trade, raping women as well as murder') Tai thought about these men and what also their thoughts are as she looks over to Carra who is now walking toward her.

" Tai at day break you will leave with Emilia to make your journey and in the evening I'll have Sia and some of our family follow setting up camp near but not to far so be careful" Carra said as she nods to her brother Wei to start prepping up the gear and horses for their travel.

Tai kisses Carra on the cheek as she runs over to Emilia pulling her into a hug.

"Emilia I'd like for us to ride on horses together ahead of the wagons to get to the next stop before the others, I'd like for us to spend some time together, so we can discuss everything"

It's a day and a half by horse then the wagons will meet them there in two to three days by the wagons." Tai said with a smile as she pulls Emilia and Sia as they walk over to the tent to start packing everything up, after they get everything ready Emilia kisses Tai on her lips.

" come to bed will need our sleep for tomorrow" Emilia said as se gets under the blanket waiting fr Tai as she stared out into the camp.