chapter 22 races part 2

Sia opened her book on races As she was on kitsune also known as fox demons, she sees they are 13 types on this page as she look them over.

1) Tengoku- Heaven, celestial, light, and prime

2) Kukan- void or dark. A dark Kitsune, o e of the dark void type draw power from strife, chaos, tragedy, and pain. They feed off pain, they are prideful and have a dark sense of humor, can be dangerous if offended.

3) Kaze- wind

4) Seishin- spirit

5)Kasai- fire

6) Chikyu- Earth

7) Kawa- river

8) UMI- Ocean and sea

9) Yama- mountain

10) Mori- forest, woods

11) Scarda - thunder

12)Jikan- time

13) Ongaku- music and sound

When a kitsune is using its abilities there is an orange glow tht appear in its eyes and on high level abilities their whole body will glow orange and depending on the abilities used the orange glow will take shape of a tailed fox with the pointed ears, muzzle with the number of tails the fox has.

They can completely appear as a human if they don't want to blend in, but usually appears with pointed ears and their tails.

They can also shape shift into other creatures, objects or to look like a certain person they want to appear as.

They can also uetei tales to turn into certain items, people or illusions, can also sacrifice their tails to help cultivators to gain new levels or to have break throughs.

A kitsune tails are symbols of how powerful they are, tails are achieved when a kitsune becomes more powerful through time and cultivation and alo powerful objects can be used for cultivating a tail, one item is obsidian can leveling up giving a tail to a kitsune.

Destroying the tails weakens a kitsune power regardless of intent, they can also use power/magic to perform as Noshiko summoning Onis, demons or control them but depending on the number of tails how long and how many they can control.

The kitsune have their own power called "foxfire" that tey can create fire and lightning by rubbing their tails together.

The foxfire they produce is more powerful than a spell using lightning or fire, but the down side is if they are producing it and holding it for to long will cause them harm or death.

Thunder kitsune can store large amounts of electricity in its body to increase their power, but sometimes it can backfire on them causing them to lose power or death as well.

Some Kitsune age slowly like ones who are half kitsune and they are some especially royals or strong powerful ones who are immortal.

(" Might as well read about orcs and I really need to check up on goblins since uncle marked several dens all along this area") Sia thought as she turned the page now showing orcs.

Orcs are generally 6 feet high or even taller, they look even larger due to their muscular physique. Orcs seems to experience emotions more intensely than other humanoids, however, they only seem to express rage, jealousy, lust, and other negative emotions, though this may be a result of their violent culture. Orcs also have an incredibly high pain threshold, though this is not physiological, orcs experience pain as vividly as any other sentient race but possess a near unparalleled stoicism. Orcs fatalistically embrace pain allowing them to survive agony that would break or even kill another creature, some even claim that orc eyes have never adapted to the burning light of the sun, they have just learned to endure it.

Orcs develop fast and are short lived, those that don't die violently very rarely even make it to 60. Orcs make up for their short lifespans and the high attrition of their violent societies by reproducing at an astonishing rate.

Orc mothers are kept from the battlefield and typically give birth to between two and five young at a time; they occasionally birth a single child who devoured their siblings in utero which is seen as an omen of greatness.   Their fecundity is so great that a tribe decimated in battle can almost totally replenish its numbers in as little as a decade.

Childhood is brutal with the weak being culled without hesitation; orcs reach physical maturity by the age of 12 but most male orcs begin their training as warriors as early as 8 years old.

Sia shuts the book and looks down at Silvys puffy eyes where she cried all night about what happened to Ron, since he helped raise her after we saved some women and children only totaled twelve when we made it to the village being attacked by goblins.

Her parents hid her under the house as the goblins rushed in killing the men and raping the women, by the time we rescued the survivors and tracked the goblins back to their den. Rescuing women they had over half was mentally gone and committed suicide or were basically mentally gone.

Silvys mom put up a fight in the house when the goblins were attacking and raping her, she managed to kill several before they killed her. The woman was brave and Silvy looks just like her and also brave, Ron has been her family since she was 8 years old.

It pisses me off that he left her this way, but he was drinking himself to death always waking to think his family was alive.

I start making breakfast for everyone and wake them up to at so we can get back on the road.