chapter 89

Tais black veins started spreading across more of her body, Fauna blew a blue powder in her face causing her body to weaken and falls to one knee. Tai kept trying to breathe but blood kept flowing from her throat, the blood was almost blackened and not crimson.

Fauna does a spell sign then presses her fingers to Tais forehead and she takes a deep breath as the blood dispersed.

" there will be a blood moon an Ice moon tonight, it might help Tai cleanse her body or make it worse " Fauna said as she motioned for her disciple, who had a tint of green to her pale skin her hair was of leaves and vines her hair was a shade of green like the color of grass. She was at a height of 5'6" weight 116 lbs her hair was below her shoulders, she had a modest body build and breast was a hand full. The woman is beautiful, she has verdent green eyes and when in different moods she would bloom different flowers in her hair.

" I'll take her master " Calista said picking Tai up carrying her to a tent that was away from the others and a Barrier that would only permit Fauna and herself to come and go as they want.

Calista layed Tai on a soft bedding, she caresses Tais cheeks and blooms honey suckles in her hair, a blush tints her cheeks. She is actually considered a Yao made by the heavens, Tai couldn't infect her and Calista could actually push this virus back to give them ample time to get everything done.

The only thing is they'd have to make love, she releases a potent essence when one is making love to her release looks like shiny glittering cum that is addictive so once they make love they cannot go two days without Tai taking her essence.

" I should ask Fauna first, I'm scared she'll tell me no or risk the time they have" Calista said out loud to herself while softly smiling at Tai while combing her fingers through Tais hair. Tai has been in her demon form for a while now, Calista can see the erect member in Tais pants and she doesn't want to take advantage of her.

Fauna was at the entrance for a while and now even heard Calista talking about what she wanted to do. When she heard the woman say she wanted permission from her, she already made up her mind and refuses to lose one of her daughters even though she did not have Tai. They all considered their children one another's and they are one big family.

" well I give you permission to do so, of course you'll be one of her wives and have her children. I'll still teach you when I can, we actually planning on building a house for all of us to live under one roof then will all be together to where our strength will protect one another." Fauna said turning to leave to let Calista make her choice, but she already has and she knew that these feelings are strong for Tai.

Fauna walks out when she noticed different size rocks by the hundreds rolling around outside the barrier on the camp as they stacked together making over two dozen rock people of different sizes, the space between the rocks and their orfices was glowing a blue color just like the color of the lava on this island.

Fauna stood in front of one of the rock people, but was still inside the barrier andvshe kept glancing around to see who was in charge. She seen the smallest standing to the side, but its eyes were viewing the surrounding and Fauna went to stand in front of that one.

" I'm guessing that you are in charge here " Fauna said kneeling down so she wouldn't seem to use her height to seem as If looking down on the small thing.

The rock person blinked a few times then smiles awkwardly at the beautiful woman, it spoke a garbled language to the others that stepped away from the barrier.

" I might be in charge of the rock heads, but my goddess is in charge of all here." it said with a bow, then looked around and rested its eyes on the tent that held Tai.

" she wishes to speak to you and the demon with the strange illness, at daybreak I'll lead you in the volcano. I'll post guards at your tent, she is the goddess here and there is also a God of this island as well." the small rock creature said as it gave orders to the others who positioned themselves around the barrier and returned to look like rocks laying around. The small rock creature then rolled away disappearing inside the volcano, Fauna sat down beside the bonfire watching the men cook dinner.

" Fauna may I see Tai " Larissa said with a pleading look, she shakes her head no.

" give my disciple time to push the virus back, if Tai would hurt any of you she couldn't live with herself." Fauna said looking up at the moons, their colors are darker and deeper than usual.