Chapter 111

When Shae pulled Fina away from the room she was in, thousands of small movements was moving under Tai's skin, her body was vibrating from the movement and then Una, Emilia and Lillian showed up at the caverns entrance.

Emilia went to run toward Tai, Una grabs her wrist preventing her from moving and nods her head at Mal who holds onto Emilia. Lillian walks over to the two mounds of twisted flesh, she could already tell what happened and bends down to pick up the sword the dead dark elf used on her daughter. Una was standing beside the bed looking down at Tai, she thought it was a virus they were working with and it's a parasite.

" tell Carta through a communication jade that it's not bacterial it's a parasite, we need to quarantine this whole town and also ourselves from everyone. Carta needs to find a way to test people for this parasite, Tai's body seems to be infested with billions of them " Una said reaching her hand out about to touch her daughter when Lillian grabs her hand, she looks down at their daughter and she can't see her chest rising nor hear a heartbeat.

Lillian takes a deep breath then seals her daughter in a spell to keep anything from leaving or entering, she seals the body off and then sniffs the air.

" Shae was here, where has she gone and I know this other scent, Mal get your men to search the caverns follow Shaes magic trail" Lillian said while holding Una up from collapsing, she picks Una up in a princess carry then opens a portal.

" You three grab Tai and Emilia, place soldiers here and seal this cave off " Lillian said as the soldiers pick up Emilia throwing her over his shoulder while two others carry Tai's body through the portal. Lillian puts both Una and Emilia to sleep, Carta was brought into the room, no one else was aloud in right now.

Carta gasped when she seen Tai and she couldn't hold her tears back, she held her showing belly and wailed loosing one of their daughters is heart shattering.

Carta cried for over an hour just sitting there watching Tai's body with the parasites moving around under the skin.

Fauna was brought in next and had the same reaction that Carra had, Faunas tears still fell from her eyes and she watched those parasites moving.

" the blood moon worms, how did they get here and how are they inside of our girl " Fauna said looking over at Carra who scooted closer to her and she looked at Lillian.

" I need to try and get a sample from her and we'll need to move to a secure room to not let these parasites escape. " Carra said, Lillian pursed her lips then nodded and told Mal to have the demon Alchemist that Una picked up in the other realm to set it up.

" Carra you won't be entering that room or working with Tai " Lillian said, Carras eyes narrowed at her lover and she stood up when Fauna grabs her hand.

" these things will devour your fetus if they enter your body, they'll see it as an intrusive organism in your body and will eradicate it for you" Fauna said making Carras blood run out of her face to where she was as pale as snow.

" I'm thinking that there is this parasite and also a virus, the signs point to a virus and Tai's case is different from all of the other infected." Fauna said looking over at Lillian.

" we need to test our Yaos and the others who have still been in sexual contact with her " Fauna said watching Lillian cautiously, she looks over at Una and Emilia.

" well it's better to keep them asleep until we get the room done, we also need to speak to the others " Fauna said when someone knocked on the door, the door flew open with Taki running inside.

" Hey ! we might have a cure for the virus, it's a black moss that is indigenous to this area and Lo accidentally knocked over some that went into one of the test trials" Taki said excitedly, she then seen Tai laying on the floor and her whole body started to shake and Carra closes the door and locks it. Fauna grabs Taki then walks her over to sit on the edge of the bed, Taki doesn't speak or move her eyes off of Tai's body.

" it's just a nightmare that I've had everyday, I knew when we found this component....It was to good to be true" Taki said with a sad laugh, she leans back on the bed near Emilias feet and closes her eyes and a couple minutes later she was asleep.

" she's been up for two days now working on this cure for Tai " Carra said walking over to Lillian and wrapping her arms around her waist, Lillian sighs then leans her chin against Carras head and stares at Tai's body.

" these parasites usually keep their host alive, is that what their doing now or are they consuming her body " Lillian said looking over at Fauna, she shook her head slowly then walks over hugging Lillian and Carra.

" I'm not sure, if they are healing her they could have her In a suspended sleep while doing their thing.... Question is if we cure the virus and the parasite what affects will that have on her" Fauna said then kisses Lillians lips before leaving the room to start helping getting a room ready to move Tai into and start examination before they lose any telltale signs of what happened since she left them earlier today.