Chapter 15

Sage-"Do you plan to get off me or not? You have been hugging me for a long time already."

Nala, hearing my words, unwraps her tail from around my body and backs away. Seeing how she has calmed down a little bit, I get straight to the point.

Sage-"So do you want revenge against what king Ice did to you people?"

Nala, hearing my sudden question, looks down. Since I can't see her expression I don't know what her answer will be, but I am sure she wants to avenge her people. One minute later she looks at me with determination shining in her eyes.

Nala-"Of course I do, but I am not a fighter. All I can do is engrave Runes on objects, how will that be helpful in a fight?"

After she says that she slumps back down crestfallen. Walking closer to her, I stand right in front of her.

sage-"You don't have to fight king Ice, that's my job. All you have to do is help me get stronger so I can defeat him, can you do that?"

Nala was surprised by my desire to fight king Ice, confused about why, she questioned me about it.

Nala-"B-But why fight him? He hasn't done anything to you, has he?"

sage-"Nope, I haven't even seen him."

Nala-"Then why fight him and risk dying?"

Hearing that response I just laugh loudly. Maybe to other people fighting someone who could possibly kill you for no reason may sound stupid. But to us Saiyans, to me, it is the only reason we need.

sage-"Because it's in my blood to seek battles, to seek greater challenges, to seek the peak of power and defeat it. That's what a Saiyan is."

Staring at Nala I see she is impressed by my declaration, seeing this I ask her again.

sage-"Nala, help me defeat king Ice or we die trying."

Seeing as Nala Has finally found her determination to avenge her people she gets excited and jumps on me while accepting.



Standing outside my families 'cave home' are me, Nala, and both of my parents.

I have just got done telling them about my findings in the ruins and who the girl that's hiding behind me is.

Onon-"To think there was such a powerful being sealed away on this planet."

Zucci-"Yeah, too bad I'm not strong enough otherwise I would go find this king Ice and go have some fun with him."

My father looks behind me at Nala, who is still trying to hide from my parents by the way.

Onon-"Do tell me son, how is she supposed to help you defeat king Ice?"

Sighing to myself at forgetting to even ask her that. Turning around I ask her about gravity.

Sage-"ahh yes. Your mother told me you're a great Rune Magister, and that you built training halls for warriors before. So is it possible for you to engrave Runes to increase the gravity in a small area for training?"

When Nala hears me mention Runes she gets all excited and starts blabbering about Runes, or something else I don't know about.

Nala-"Runes are a very amazing thing, they can build anything you want, as long as you provide enough imagination and magic into the words. Everyone says that you need Materials to engrave Runes, but I believe that if you have enough magic power you can write them on nothing but your magic alone. And-"

Sage-"STOP! Talking for a second will you? I have no idea what you are saying."

Nala finally stops after looking at us with pure confusion on our faces, Nala seeing this blushes and apologizes. Continuing where I left off before she started bombarding me with Rune knowledge.

Sage-"Can you increase the gravity in a specific area or not?"

Nala-"Yeah I can, but that depends on how much of an increase we are talking about."

Hearing that she can indeed increase the gravity I smile, thinking how effective my training will be with it.

Sage-"The highest Increase you can create!"

After saying that I started walking inside the cave, wanting to rest as today has been a long day. While walking I hear a flustered Nala.

Nala-"W-Wait where are you going!?"

Sage-"To rest, I am tired from all this talking."

Saying that I lay down on my makeshift bed, completely ignoring her.


Waking up I perform my morning meditation session, 1 hour later I stand up and proceed to walk out of the cave. Standing outside the cave, I look around and spot Nala Coiled up and sleeping on a tree. Walking toward her I get right in front of her and her tail and start flying towards the direction where those ruins were at. Halfway through my flight Nala wakes up and begins to scream from being pulled by her tail through the sky.

Nala-"Ahhhhhhh! Let me down Sage. Ahhhhhhhh!"

Finding it funny that she is so scared I start flying faster, causing her to faint.

When she woke back up we were already by the Ruins, Nala seeing how we were at the Ruins again looked at me confused.

Sage-"This area has the highest gravity on the planet so I figured this place would be the best place for you to increase the gravity. So how long will it take for you to complete it?"

Nala, hearing my response looks at me and then looks around the area before she gives me her answer.

Nala-"It will take me a month to complete it."

Sage-"What!? One month, why so long?"

Nala-"Hmph. Do you think being a Rune magister is easy and quick? No, it's the most time-consuming profession, that's why almost nobody ever tried to become a Rune Magister."

Sage-'I guess that makes sense, it would be weird if it was easy from how Nala explained how great Runes were.'

Seeing how it's going to take really long I decided to ask her to only engrave 5x the gravity instead.

Sage-"Ok never mind. How long for an increase of 5x instead?"

Nala-"One week. Or is that too long for you as well."

Sage-"No that is good."

After giving the go-ahead she just looks at me and clicks her tongue. Slithering forward, She starts writing in mid-air and slowly words start forming in a bright pink color. One minute later the words start to sink into the ground and disappear. Seeing her do all that, I get reminded of a question I wanted to ask.

Sage-"How are you fine in such high gravity Nala?"

Nala answers me without even stopping her hand movements.

Nala" My belt, I engraved a Rune on my belt to constantly keep the gravity I feel the same as what the planet's Gravity used to be."

Hearing her words I realize that Runes seem far more useful than I could actually ever Imagine.