Chapter 39

Leaving the storage room, I walk in the direction the compass is pointing. After walking for a while, I arrive at the residential area for retired Galactic patrolmen. Looking around the area the one thing I notice that they all have in common no matter their species is their elderly appearance.

Hoping that I'll just be passing through, I continue following the compass. Walking past a group of old people, I continue walking when I notice that the compass has changed direction. Confused, I turn around and follow the path I had just come from when suddenly the compass turned back around.

Sage-'I must be close to my destination.'

Turning around again, I walk slowly to not miss when the compass needle moves again. I notice that the moment I walk past the group of old people the needle will turn in their direction. Hoping that I'm mistaken I walk past them again and the moment I do the needle turns in their direction again. Sighing at this development, I decided to check what these old people are doing.

Sage-'There's no way Porunga messed up my wish, right?'

Walking toward them, one of the elderly women who reminded me of the mink tribe from one-piece noticed me walking in their direction and called out to me.

Gran-"What are you doing here young boy?"

Getting a good look at her now that she's looking in my direction, she looked like Carrot but if she was like 40 years old. She looked great for someone who is nearing the end of their life.

How can I tell she is old when she looks 40 years old, it's her ki. Ki is the life force and a person's body will constantly produce ki, the only time it won't is when your ki capacity is full. The second reason it won't produce ki is when a person has reached the end of their lifespan, which means she probably only has a few years left, and that's if she doesn't exert herself losing the remaining ki she has in her body.

Sage-"Nothing, just curious about what you guys are doing?"

Gran-"Oh my, to think you're interested in what us old people do."

Saying that she grabs my arm and brings me to the rest of the group. With the group, I can finally see what they are doing, and it looks like they are playing some game. The group seeing Gran return with a young boy looks surprised.

Gran-"Here I would like to introduce you to… ahh that's right we never introduced each other, I'm Gran a mink."

Sage-"I'm Sage a Saiyan."

The moment I said my race they all looked extremely surprised, even the two people playing the game. But they calmed down a few seconds later going, and the two continuing their game.

Gran-"To think you're a Saiyan. But looking at you, you don't look like a typical Saiyan."

Sage-"Tsk, It's a mutation, so do you plan to tell me what you guys are doing?"

Brock-"We're playing a game called chess, are you interested?"

The one who answered is a big man, made entirely of rocks. Of course, he doesn't have wrinkles but he does cracks all over his body, and I assume the more cracks the older you are for his species.

Sage-'Ahh, I'm already here so I might as well try it. And if I don't like it I'll go and beat up Porunga.'

Sage-"Sure, I got nothing better to do."

Brock hearing me agree to play, stands up from the seat and moves away so I can sit down. Sitting down in the seat I, look at my opponent and I'm surprised to find that he's a Namekian.

Sage-"I'm surprised to see a Namekian not on Namek."

The Namekian got a little surprised when I bring up Namek.

Dil-"I could say the same about you Saiyan. For you to know about Namek, you must've been there. Hope you didn't destroy it."

Sage-"Tsk, why would I destroy Namek? That place has no one strong to fight and that place is far too valuable."

Dil-"Not only do you know of Namek, but you know of our secret as well."

Sage-"I used your secret, and that's the only reason I'm here right now."

But before he could reply, an elderly female who is made out of flames got annoyed at our conversation.

Surge-"Hurry up and play, I didn't come here to listen to people talk all day!"

Dil-"*cough* She's right, now let's start the game. Do you know how to play?"

Sage-"I watched you and that rock guy play, so I got an understanding of how to play."

Dil-"Well then you can go first."

Getting the go-ahead, I grab the pawn that's on the right of the board and move him forward 2 spaces. Dil grabs the knight on his right and places it in front of his pawn, across from my pawn as well. Grabbing my pawn I move it forward 1 space. Dil grabs one of his pawns and moves it 2 spaces forward, but the pawn he moved was on the opposite side of the board. Seeing this I grab the pawn in front of my queen and move it forward 2 spaces, while Dil grabs the pawn in front of the other knight. I move my rook right behind my Pawn.

Dil moves his bishop all the way to the middle left of the board. I wasn't paying attention to his moves because I was too focused on attacking him, so I moved my rook diagonally behind my pawn. And right when I did that Dil moved his bishop right in front of my queen.

Dil-"Check mate."

Seeing how I lost so quickly made me a little angry, so I requested a rematch.

Sage-"Hmph, That was a warm-up. Let's play again!"

Dil-"Hehehe, if you want to lose again then let's go again."

So we played another match and I lost again, frustrated I demanded another rematch. We played and I lost again, angry at how I lost 3 times in a row I demand to play against someone else. My new competitor was Brock, the moment he sat down I immediately moved one of my pieces. A few minutes later I lost again, demanding a rematch, I lost that game too.



It's been several hours, it's quiet and dark. Everyone has left or gone to sleep, the only ones left are me and Surge.

Surge-"Check mate."

After she said that she tried to get up and leave but I stopped her before she could. Since she was made out of flames it was kinda hard to tell her expression but she doesn't seem to be shining as bright as before.

Sage-"I want a rematch!"

Surge-"No! I'm tired, let me go to sleep."

Sage-"Tsk. Fine but I will beat you tomorrow!"

After saying that I let her go and watch her go into one of the elevators. All alone now, I walk to one of the walls and lay down beside it planning on going to sleep.

Sage-'Hmph. I'll beat them tomorrow!'


Only one more chapter until the end of the second Volume 😥