Chapter 7 — Rewritten

*August 31, 2005*

"I...managed to come back" — I murmured as I sat on the bed

My breathing was agitated and my body was wet with abundant cold sweat, my heart rate and blood pressure were also at the maximum and my muscles suffered somewhat strong spasms, I had to wait a few seconds to calm down a bit

A happy smile appeared on my face as I looked at my reflection in the mirror, once again I felt that incredible feeling that comes from being on the edge of death and surviving.

I closed my eyes for a moment as I enjoyed this sensation as much as possible, I felt full of energy, invincible... powerful

As someone who has faced numerous life and death situations, I have become somewhat addicted to this sensation, feeling the adrenaline rush through my body while putting my life on the line in fights to the death is very exciting.

["You are a damn insane"] - the original reproached me with an annoying voice

"I guess so..." — I murmured with a serious voice while my smile disappeared and was replaced by a serious face.

I stared at the dim reflection of the original in the mirror, frowning at his harried expression.

'He's giving up again... I can't blame him, our situation is really shitty in the future' — I thought while letting out a big sigh.

Chifuyu had died by our side, it was obvious that Takemichi would be very affected by that, after all he is just a normal boy who was forced into that world.

I turned back and looked at the small clock that is placed on the wall, it had only been three hours since I had traveled to the future.

It was a short time that I was in the future, but fortunately I managed to discover many things, although the cost was very high

"Kisaki Tetta…Takemichi…do you know him?" I asked with a serious tone.

["Eh? ...not that I remember, why do you ask?"]

"Uhm…this is very suspicious…Hina was somewhere else the day of the accident thanks to the letter I gave Naoto…she shouldn't have died…but still Hina died the same way, just on a different date and place ...and ToMan again was involved in his death..."

["It wasn't an accident…you mean…"]

"Yeah…Hina was sent to kill by some ToMan big shot…my main suspect is Kisaki…who for some reason wants us dead too…he almost did it once, but…"

["We traveled to the past"]

"Hum! seems that idiot has a big grudge against so big that he wants to eliminate anyone who has been related to us..." — I said while gritting my teeth in anger.

["But I don't remember having met him before...much less offending him or something like that"] — Takemichi spoke while massaging his temple

I nodded at his words, because we share memories I can affirm that we don't remember having met Kisaki before high school, much less after Takemichi fled.

In that first timeline Takemichi was nothing more than a coward who only knew how to apologize for anything, it was impossible for him to do something to one of the most dangerous criminals in Japan for him to hate him in such a way.

But even so we were thrown onto the train track in the first future when I didn't know ToMan, if it wasn't for the fact that we traveled to the past we would have died that day... and this event is repeated in all futures, plus it always happens after Hina's death

Killing my high school sweetheart, and then forcing my former best friend to throw me onto the tracks to be crushed to death... a plan only a bastard like Kisaki can come up with.

Or maybe someone else is behind it, it must be a ToMan bigwig... Kiyomasa could be one of them, but he died a few months after Draken, Peh committed suicide for some reason, Mitsuya died, as did Baji and Angry, and Pah was killed getting out of prison, only Mucho is still alive from the captains I met in the past

But it's not possible, in the first timeline we were just a slave to Kiyomasa, we never met Mikey and the captains, but we were still killed

"Hey... can you remember what happened before our second year of high school?... It could be that there are memories that we're not sharing."

["Eh?... Before high school... just a little bit, my memories are blurry"] — he spoke again while frowning

"We may have met him in that time frame …you just don't remember him…try to remember"

Since I took his body for the first time, I realized that there were several memories that were incomplete, or rather, something did not allow us to access them, before I did not take much importance, but now it was another story

[" mean that... because of me Kisaki ordered Hina to be killed?"] — he asked original while looking at me with some despair

I frowned hearing it, it's a bit troublesome that I'm more perceptive than before

"*Sigh*... I don't know... it's just a guess..." — I said as I went towards my study desk —"Try to remember... for now... it's time to start our move" — I took a sheet and a pen and sat at the desk

["What are we going to do?"] — he asked original

"I'm going to make the leaders of The High Table owe me a big favor and as a bonus a little money" — I replied as I began to write —'Who knew that doing that suicide mission in my old world would help me here' — I thought while laughed malevolently

["Hey... isn't that a crime?"] — he asked original

"Hehehe... it's not if they haven't even invented it" — I replied as I continued writing — "...Takemichi... I need permission to kill" — I spoke seriously while stopping for a moment

Takemichi was silent for a couple of minutes, I assumed he would refuse, but apparently I was wrong

["...Is there no other way out?"] — he asked with a cold voice

"Don't worry… I'll only use lethal force against murderers… I won't kill any child… even if it's Kisaki"

["I understand... you can do it..."]


["I'll go to sleep if I remember anything I'll let you know right away... though I think you'll know once we're fully fused..."]

"I guess up friend, and... I know… we'll save her… it's a promise" — I said with determination

Since I did not get an answer from the original, I decided to continue with what I was doing.




*The next day*

After sleeping for a couple of hours, I took everything I did during the early morning and put it in a backpack, I took a shower with cold water to wake up completely and I dressed as formal as possible.

I had planned to visit the Continental, that's the easiest way to get support and incidentally get the attention of The High Table leaders, of course I won't join as a murderer, if not as a merchant

I know that my action will ruin the lives of great geniuses from all over the world who spent sweat and tears to be able to manufacture and perfect the objects that I planned to sell, but I don't give a shit, now all their work belongs to me, after all I almost died to be able to get it, even though in the end I end up dying because my client betrayed me

I locked my house and went to the street, before leaving I turned and took a look back, for some strange reason the house felt different, it was hard to explain

'I guess I should put it up for rent since it's too much space for one person' — I thought as I continued on my way.

With that in mind I headed towards the train station.

"Hey Takemicchi! Where are you going so early?"

I stopped when I recognized Mitsuya's voice behind me, took the headphones out of my ears and turned around.

"Oh! Mitsuya, what's up!...I'm going to Tokyo to settle some business, and you...An appointment?" - I asked while pointing to the bag he brought with him

"Eh? No, I don't have a girlfriend... I just go to school to repair something for Luna and Mana in the sewing workshop" — he answered while showing me what he had in his bag

It was a pair of girl's clothes, they seemed to be school uniforms

"Do you know how to sew?" I asked curiously

Mitsuya nodded while showing a proud smile.

"Yeah, and I'm pretty good at it"

"Oh!... The first ToMan boy who knows how to do something besides beating up" — I muttered as I started to walk next to Mitsuya.

"Hahaha… I guess you're right" — he smiled amused

"Hey, do you know how Peh is doing? He seemed a little angry at the last meeting" - I asked curiously.

Mitsuya frowned slightly upon hearing me and then gave a big sigh.

"...I don't know, he hasn't been to school these days…he was really affected by Pah's arrest" — Mitsuya answered as he paused for a moment —"After all, both of them have known each other since kindergarten, both of them They have been inseparable ever since, being separated like this must have been hard for him."

"I see… are you going to the festival?"

"Yes… see you there…" — he said before going down another street

I was silent for a few moments as I watched Mitsuya walk away.

'Peh... Is he the one who stabbed Drake?... Is his suicide related?... *Sigh* fits very well' — I thought as I continued on my way to Shibuya station

I bought a breakfast before boarding the train since I hadn't eaten anything at home and was starting to get hungry

After taking the train and then a bus I managed to get to Tokyo station

A small smile appeared on my face when I discovered at least a dozen murderers walking the streets near the Hotel as if they were normal people.

This brought me a bit of nostalgia, whenever I returned from a job in my world, I would always go to the Continental to rest or recover from my injuries.

My skin crawled when I heard the ringing of several phones starts ringing at the same time.

'Wow... someone is going to die today' — I thought as I continued on my way.

Hotel Continental, hotels located around the world operated by The High Table, functions as a neutral territory for members of the criminal underworld, its innards teeming with notorious hitmen and assassins seeking a quiet moment from their world filled with blood and guns.

This place is sacred to assassins, it is a symbol that allows assassins to see themselves as civilized, who would have thought that this world would also exist and that they would have to return to one even after transmigrating.

After walking for a few minutes, I arrived in front of the luxurious European-style hotel, it seemed to be under renovation, but even so, they continued to provide service.

The guards at the entrance gave me an intimidating look that I completely ignored as I walked past them.

I walked down a long corridor that seemed to lead me to the counter, my presence seemed to surprise some guests who looked at me with some curiosity.

A 14-year-old boy entering a luxury hotel alone that few people can afford attracts a lot of attention

"How can I help you, sir?" asked the man behind the counter when he noticed my presence.

"Hello, good morning…I'd like you to give this to the manager…it's your decision to open it or not…I'll wait for you until 12 am at the ramen restaurant in front of the station" — I said with a calm tone as I took out a large envelope from my backpack and placed it on the counter

The man raised an eyebrow curiously as he took my envelope, I smiled internally when I saw his eyes widen in surprise.

"I'll give it to you right away, sir" — he said with a respectful tone

"That's great... have a nice day" — I said before turning around and heading towards the exit.

"Same, sir" — he answered as he left behind the counter and took the elevator that was on the side

I left the hotel while they put my headphones on and headed to the ramen restaurant where I called the manager.

["Is he really coming?"]

He smiles when listening to the original, although I won't say it out loud I'm glad we haven't fully merged yet, listening to it makes me feel less alone.

{"He will come… after all the carrot I showed him is too good for a pig of his level to ignore it"} — I replied as I entered the small ramen restaurant

I saw this place while I was walking towards the hotel, at first glance it seemed to be a simple business, but the small symbol that was subtly placed on the restaurant sign said the opposite.

This was a meeting place where bad guys came to do business

There is a rule in the Continental Hotel that strictly prohibits any type of negotiation within it, anyone who breaks this rule will suffer a harsh sanction, which is why around the Continental there are always places like these

The place was bigger than what a common ramen restaurant usually is, instead of having a single bar, the establishment had several tables

Upon entering, a small bell rang, drawing the attention of the owner, who welcomed me with a big smile.

"Hey boss, two bowls of pork ramen to start" — I ordered as I walked towards an empty table.

"They're coming out," the cook said aloud.

I nodded while sitting on the chair, I took a quick look around the place, three tables were occupied, one by a middle-aged man who was a normal person and the other two were possibly two murderers.

It was easy for me to recognize them due to their movements, they were like sharp razors waiting to be drawn for action, in addition to the two of them unconsciously letting out their murderous intent, I can imagine that they are trying to scare away the other man and me

Ten minutes of waiting and finally my order arrived, the cook left both dishes on my table

"I have some business to attend to, you could eat your food and retire as quickly as possible, the house invites" — the owner spoke while smiling kindly

"I'll wait a couple of hours for someone, I hope I didn't bother you, it's business" — I said as I took some chopsticks and broke them perfectly — " Oh! It seems that luck is with me today… and don't worry about me , you can go on with your business... it's not like I don't know what you're doing" — I added as I turned to the two people who still hadn't moved

My comment made the two assassins frown, who shot questioning glances at the owner, who only gave a long sigh.

"...may I know what kind of business you are going to carry out in my humble establishment" — asked the owner as he sat down in front of me and narrowed his eyes.

Before he could reply, the sound of a bell caught everyone's attention.

A man dressed in an elegant suit entered the restaurant, in his hand was the envelope that I left at the hotel reception.

'Yes, that was fast' — I thought as I raised my hand and called the man who entered — "My guest arrived, you can ask him"

I smiled to see how the owner and the other assassins widened their eyes in surprise to see who it was, the owner quickly got up from his chair and stood up respectfully.

"Sorry for the delay, Hanagaki-kun…" — the man spoke as he nodded his head in greeting — "Kano, long time no see" — he said as he reached into his sack and took out a gold coin and left it in the table —"I need some privacy"

"Manager, it is an honor to have your presence in my humble business... follow me, I have the right place" — the business owner spoke while taking the gold coin with a big smile

I got up from my chair while I took my two bowls of ramen and followed Kano to the back of the business, we reached the kitchen where another elderly man was, when he saw us he bowed in greeting and allowed us to go to the back of the room

At the end of the room was a black iron door, Kano took a gold coin from his bag and inserted it into the small slot in the door.

Instantly a small window opened from the door, a guy with glasses with an evil face was behind it, seeing who it was he quickly opened the door revealing some stairs that led to a floor below

["Oh!... a secret room, it's like in the movies"] — he Takemichi said with an emotional voice from my mental space

After a review we were allowed downstairs, I had to leave my pencils and pens at Kano's request

Kano led us through some corridors until we reached the last room, it was a specialized meeting room for business, bad guys usually occupy this type of place to close large illegal deals without the police being behind their asses or leaking information

No one besides those present knows what is happening inside the room, that includes the owner, so the place was perfect to discuss without fear of anyone bothering them.

"Take your time…" — Kano said as he opened the door and left the place, leaving me alone with the manager

I went in first, I took a quick look at the place, the room was spacious, in the center there was a table with some chairs to sit at, at the back there was a small bar with all kinds of drinks, just seeing it made me want to have a Whiskey, but I'm still younger

I slowly walked to the table and put down my two bowls of ramen and then sat down and started eating.

I heard the door close behind me, watched as the Continental's manager slowly walked over to the table.

"I introduce myself... my name is Kenji Itō , a pleasure to meet you Hanagaki-kun" — the Continental manager introduced himself as he took a seat in front of me

"The pleasure is mine…let's get down to business, I know you're a busy man so I won't waste too much of your time…Kenji-san …are you interested in my product?" I asked as I continued eating my ramen.

"Of course I do... I came here for that reason..." — Kenji answered with a serious tone

"I'm glad to know..." — I said as I took another envelope from my backpack and slid it towards Kenji — "It's all yours"

He widened his eyes when he heard me, I smiled seeing his greedy gaze focus on the envelope, I gestured for him to open it, which Kenji did immediately.

I continued eating while Kenji enthusiastically read the sheets that were inside the envelope, it was evident that he would react like this , after all, he has in his hands the way to become a disgusting millionaire in a short time, and best of all, it is legal

After about twenty minutes Kenji finished reading my documents, despite trying to keep his emotions in check the manager couldn't help but grin like an idiot as he held the papers tightly as if afraid that I would take them away.

"You look happy..." — I said as I took a soda out of the refrigerator

"It's impossible not to be... are you really giving me this?"

"I'm a high school student, I don't have money to finance my products even if I wanted to, so I decided to give them to people who can do it... I think you're one of them" — I said while opening the soda

"Products?... Do you have more?" Kenji asked as he stared at me.

"Yeah...but I won't give them to you, come on, don't look at me like's for your own good...if the dragon's lair shines too bright it will attract the attention of bigger dragons, don't you think?"

"*Sigh*...I guess you're I the only one with this information?" Kenji asked as he walked towards the bar.

"Yes, you are the first to have those papers in your hands, there are no copies, only you , my teacher and I have all that information"

"Teacher?" Kenji asked surprised.

"Do you think I invented the product?" — Kenji nodded as he sat back down — "Sorry to disappoint you, but…I'm just a normal guy who was lucky enough to meet a genius…well, let's forget about that for now…Kenji-san, I need you to help me with something … can you please your new best friend with that?" — I asked as he smiled happily.

"Sure, what do you need, Takemichi-kun?" — Kenji replied as he drank his drink .

"Hehe... I want you to help me turn the world upside down"

end of chapter

New chapter of this shit, I hope you like it

The next chapter may take longer than expected, I have surgery and medical things that I don't know their names XD
