just pretend (2)

"Honey, is it still far?" The voice of a man who walked up to Zhie and then kissed her forehead, and of course everyone was shocked when they saw him.

Zhie was really surprised, of course there was even fear, especially since she didn't say if she was going out tonight, she also couldn't look at her husband's face because she was afraid, Zhie was sure that her friends' words must have been heard by him.

"Sorry to disturb you all, introduce me to Arsean Adinata, your friend Zhie's husband, nice to meet you all." Arsean's greeting was very soft and polite.

Everyone immediately stood up and opened the door politely, the women of course praised Arsean's polite and friendly attitude. And the men were looking for a face as well. Who would have thought that they would meet the successful and richest young president director in the country.

"Sean, why did you come here?" asked Zhie shyly.

Arsean looked at Zhie and stroked the top of her head.

"Honey, we have to go back to the big house, Mom will be waiting." Arsean said softly, like husbands who speak softly to their wives.

Then Arsean looked at Zhie's friends. "May I borrow my wife first?" he asked politely.

"Ah, of course you may, Mr. Arsean."

"Please forgive us if we have disturbed Mrs. Adinata."

All the polite words flowed out, Arsean smiled and then hugged Zhie's waist from the side as he had been standing next to Zhie.

"Since I messed up your program tonight, let me finish paying for this table. Again, I apologize for the sudden family event, you can also order whatever you want and I will pay for everything as my apology."

"Sir, I'm sorry to bother you."

"Thank you, Mr. Arsean. You are very kind."

Arsean looked back, "Dimas, take care of their bills."

"All right, President." Dimas immediately went to the cashier.

"How fortunate Zhie, is there still a chance for me? Young Mr. Adinata is not only handsome, but also very kind and considerate to his wife. We even get special treatment because of Zhie. God, I'm so jealous of Zhie. Said one of Zhie's friends, smacking her lips.

"Raja, are you jealous?" shouted Ana, who saw Raja's eyes continue to stare at Zhie's back and Arsean, who moved away.

Jey pinched Ana's forehead roughly in annoyance. "Fool!"

"Tsk, no need to be rude Jey!" Ana snorted while stroking her slightly sore forehead.

"Let's have another toast, we can order as much as we want!" Jey shouted, breaking the silence.

Raja looked back at his friends and joined them.

Zhie was now very confused with Arsean, now her heart was beating very fast, it was a pleasure for her to be treated warmly and gently by her husband, even if it was only a pretense, but still she was happy.

Except in front of the family, her husband is never this warm. But is this also the husband's behavior? Ah, why did Zhie hope that this was the beginning of a change in Arsean's attitude that would continue like this.

Dimas opened the car door, Zhie got in immediately, followed by her husband who went to the side door.

Dimas closed the door next to Zhie, then immediately ran to open the CEO's door, once safe, Dimas immediately got into the front seat to drive the car.

The cold aura was clearly visible again. The atmosphere in the car was already cold because of Ac, plus her husband was cold and indifferent to her again, even Arsean kept their sitting distance.

Zhie sighed briefly before she spoke, a chance to be together like this is very rare, isn't it, considering that her husband doesn't live with her.

Even though they have been married for a month, they are rarely together like this. Arsean only came home once a month or once every two months, even if one of the family members came to visit or had something to do.

"Sean... I-"

"You don't have to report to me, don't your friends have jobs? Just talk about other people, you can talk about other people's business." Arsean cut in, even going so far as to accuse Zhie.

Zhie closed her lips again, wringing her hands as she clenched her teeth. She had never once mentioned Bianca as a snake, but her husband would never believe her even if she explained it once, so it was useless that she was always wrong and evil in Arsean's eyes.

"I'm sorry, my friends, they just saw the gossip on the Internet and asked me. I didn't even know they were talking about it." Zhie said, still choosing to give in, explaining was useless.

"As long as you carry my family name, please watch your behavior. As long as you are my wife, you must know that as long as Mom is on your side! There will never be a divorce, so know yourself a little, you! And stop interfering in my affairs. Arsean said firmly.

"Sean, we are husband and wife, but why do you always treat me like a business partner and a stranger? So can you please be less formal with me?" asked Zhie wistfully.

Arsean lifted the corners of her lips without answering.

"I'm just going out with old friends, not on a date with a guy. Or even in a relationship with another guy," Zhie said angrily.

Arsean looked at Zhie angrily, then held Zhie's chin so she would look at him. "Zhie Adinata, I told you, didn't I? You may be my wife, but that doesn't mean you deserve everything; this was also done with your consent and eventually led me to this marriage. I told you not to interfere in my business and vice versa, but that doesn't mean you can get close to anyone, your body is mine, only I can touch it. Listen, Zhie! Whatever is mine, even if it's worthless, I'll keep it. No one can have it, do you understand?"

Arsean immediately released his grip on Zhie's chin, and Zhie immediately turned her face away from her husband's shove.

She did her best to hold back the tears that were about to fall.

"Zhie, you are a strong and great woman! You can't cry, you can't cry! I have to be strong. Sean hates my tears so much, I can't cry." Zhie's voice was soothing and she immediately looked up to prevent her tears from falling.

As despicable as Zhie was in her husband's eyes, the harsh words and insults could not be counted.

In order to maintain her status as a wife and to bring about change in Arsean, Zhie will continue to endure this pain. If you think about it, this isn't the first time she's been insulted and hurt by a man who is her own husband.

Yes, it's true that it's just a display status, what can a woman be proud of?

Dimas glanced at the rear view mirror, which showed the woman's face directly, honestly Dimas felt sorry for this woman. But what could he do, he could not resist the Preadir's words either.

How great is Zhie's love? Until she was ready to be insulted several times, she still held on. Even Arsean didn't feel the slightest bit of guilt for what she had done to Zhie.

Dimas used to think that Zhie was only there for the money, but Dimas noticed that the boss didn't even give her a single card. Surprisingly, she didn't even ask for the monthly money.

"Sean? What if I get pregnant one day?" Zhie asked shyly.

"All you have to do is abort! You always take the pills I give you, so don't mess with them! And I told you from the beginning that you are not fit to carry my child!" It was Arsean who reminded her again.

It hurt, of course it hurt a lot. Even though she was often told hurtful things, Zhie was still not used to it.

Zhie held her stomach in her mind. "Is this how much Sean hates me? Is that how despicable I am? That I don't deserve to have a child with him." She thought sadly as she stared out the window.

That quiet night in the car, Dimas witnessed how brutal Arsean's words were, to the point of telling him to abort the pregnancy.

Dimas did not like Arsean's treatment of Zhie, but Dimas prayed that Arsean would soon realize that he had wasted a woman as good as Zhie. And as for Bianca, Zhie was even better than that woman, and Dimas even agreed with Zhie's friend who said that Binca was a snake woman.