
After the incident between Arzhie and Bianca who accused him, Sean never came back, it even seemed like Sean wanted Zhie to leave.

At least when Zhie said she wanted to leave, Arzhie should have restrained her, but instead he told her to go and discuss Bianca's child after the birth, which was really not what Zhie wanted.

But at a time like this, Zhie even wanted to see her husband, even if only briefly, but Sean had disappeared so far, wanted to call but was afraid that Arsean would be angry because he felt disturbed.

"It doesn't matter if I call, if I send a message, he never answers." She complained.

She was lost in thought until a voice startled her.

"Arzhiee!" Ana was startled.

"Ana, oh my, what a surprise you are."

Ana just laughed.

"It's your own fault that you were dreaming, what were you thinking about? Did your dear husband do something violent? Or something else?" Ana asked many questions.

Yesterday's incident, Arzhie told Raja and Jeyra to be quiet and did not allow them to tell anyone, especially Anna.

Now Anna is not well and has just returned from her parents' house and Anna is planning to move because she has to accompany her mother who is alone, considering that Anna's brother will accompany her husband, so Anna's mother will be alone at home.

"I have so many questions that I have a headache when I get back, but what are you doing in my room?" Zhie asked back.

They were still at work and Zhie was in her room with a million longings for her husband who had disappeared for almost two weeks.

"Oh gosh, I forgot, I was just telling you that we have a meeting with the president director aka your husband and we are the representatives of the marketing department, so let's hurry because the meeting will start soon." Ana explained.

"Meeting? With Sean? So I'm going to meet my husband?" Zhie asked for confirmation.

"Yes, let's hurry, you're acting strange, like you haven't seen each other for a long time. Let's hurry, I don't want to be late and be the center of attention when I enter the room later." Ana said and pulled Zhie out of the room.

Finally, the two of them arrived at the meeting room, even all the representatives had begun to gather one by one and were just waiting for their President Director.

Only five minutes and finally the president came with Dimas, his assistant and secretary, because Bianca was only his display secretary, because the woman didn't know much about anything, actually she was a secretary to not be far away from Arsean. With or without Bianca, Dimas' job was the same.

It didn't take long for the meeting to begin, with Arsean starting the conversation and the others giving each other suggestions for the company's progress.

And now it was the turn of the marketing department and Arzhie would represent them, of course all eyes in the meeting room were only on her, including Arsean. Actually, this is the second time for Arzhie to meet with Arsean, but only this time she will speak in front of her husband, who is her boss.

Zhie is usually relaxed without the slightest nervousness when talking to clients from outside or colleagues here, but why suddenly nervous, but hastily brushed it off and then she began to speak professionally.

"Maybe that's all I have to say, so we will continue to try to find out the market share and try hard so that our clients always work with our company, as we know now our clients are always satisfied working with our company, so we need to expand our cooperation with other clients. That's probably all I have to say, thank you.

Arsean, who was looking at his wife, even listened carefully to what Zhie said, and there was only a nod.

"Well, I'll end our meeting today, I hope you'll work even harder, because if our company improves even more, it's good for you as well." Arsean explained.

After the meeting ended, everyone started to leave the room, and only a few stayed.

"Zhie, are you sure you don't want to go home?" Ana asked to make sure, because she couldn't bear to see Zhie who suddenly complained that her stomach hurt.

"No problem, the pain will go away by itself, but help me Ana, I feel like I can't walk," Zhie replied.

Arsean's eyes caught his wife and her friend, who looked like they were in trouble.

He was about to ask a question, but Arsean's words were interrupted by a man's voice.

"Zhie, what's wrong, are you sick Zhie?"

The man quickly approached Zhie and Anna.

"It's okay Dev, my stomach just hurts a little, I think my acid reflux is back because I didn't eat earlier." She replied with a sweet smile.

"You always forget, isn't it like this every day? If every day could be dangerous, Zhie."

Even Devan, who was angry with Zhie, did not escape the eyes of Arsean, who glanced over from time to time to hear the debate clearly, even he did not hear Dimas speaking in front of him.

Devan, who was helping Zhie, and even the man who was helping Anna to ask Zhie to walk did not escape Arsean's eyes.

Seeing that made Arsean's self dislike her, not because she was jealous, but because she felt that Zhie belonged to her, so no one should touch her but her.

"Dimas, tell Arzhie to come to my room after lunch." Sean ordered suddenly and left the room immediately.

"Mr. Sean, what's wrong? I haven't even finished talking yet? And sent Mrs. Zhie to the room? Did Mrs. Zhie make a mistake earlier? I don't think so, she actually looks very charming. She's beautiful and smart, not like Bianca, who's a secretary but knows nothing." Dimas was still confused by his master's orders.

Zhie was already in her room with her two colleagues who were always ready to help. This woman was lucky to have Anna at her side and good helpers like Devan.

"I think you should go home and rest instead of forcing yourself to work." Devan, still loyal, advised Zhie.

But the more advice she got, the more Zhie stuck to her guns.

"Gosh, don't exaggerate, I'm fine, I'll take some medicine and I'll be fine, it's just a little pain, guys, trust me." Zhie remained reassuring.

In the end, Anna and Devan just followed Zhie's request and went back to their respective rooms.

But honestly, the pain Zhie felt was different, usually Zhie was also late and only drank milk in the morning, but it didn't hurt like this.

"What happened to me? My stomach hurts so much and the pain is very different from usual," Arzhie said quietly, still confused about her situation.

Even though it hurts so much, she smiled when she remembered that she had seen her husband earlier, even though it was only a meeting, but it felt relieving because she didn't miss him at all, she also saw when Sean also saw her talking earlier.

Zhie thought his look was warmer during the meeting than when they were together or when Sean came home.

While she was smiling to herself, the sound of her cell phone vibrated and she quickly looked at her phone, and of course, Zhie answered it immediately when someone called.

"Hello, what's up Dimas?" Zhie asked the caller.

"Is there a problem? Did I do something during the meeting? Arsean told me to meet him right away."

Zhie was silent for a moment, feeling more and more strange and nervous, even though she had only been thinking about her husband for a few seconds, but instead she was getting information about Sean who had sent her to his room.

This woman was either happy or sad? She was happy because going to Sean's room meant there was a chance for her to talk to Sean, but she was afraid that Sean would be angry, especially since this was his first meeting since returning from his in-laws' house.

They hadn't seen each other for almost two weeks, which made Zhie nervous about what was going on.