Chapter 10 Go Back

  I called Fatty to look, and Fatty rolled his eyes and said, "Huh? They are going back, what are they going back for?"

  "Is someone chasing them?" I said. Fatty took out the binoculars and shook his head after a look: "Just the two of them, they were in a hurry and almost ran away, but there was nothing behind them."

  "Show me!" They're undressing."

  "Undressing? Both?" the fat man asked.

  As the two of them ran, they took off their clothes one by one. I looked strange, and the fat man became even more anxious: "Quick, quick, let's see how the old woman's figure is."

  I pushed him away and adjusted it. The focal length of the telescope, want to see the ice under their feet.

  There was nothing abnormal on the ice, the distance was too far, and the binoculars could not see what was going on under the ice. Fatty took aim a few times with his gun and shook his head. The distance is too far, the accuracy of our guns is very poor at such distances, let alone sniping.

  All the way, I watched them run to the center of Binghu, and they had already taken off only their underwear, and if they took it off again, they would be running naked. I wondered, but I didn't see anything chasing after them. What the hell are these two people about? Could it be that the fire is suddenly dry when they are halfway there?

  "Would you like to go over and take a look?" Fatty said, "Isn't it crazy?"

  "We can't catch up with them now, unless they run in our direction." I said, "And they all took off like that, and their bodies There is no burden, we are dressed like mastodons, and we can't get past them."

  "If we don't pass, we are so far away that we can't

  see anything." "Damn, what do you want to see?" I asked. He picked up a handful of snow and slapped him in the face, took out the walkie-talkie, and called over there.

  After calling for a long time, there was no response, but I saw two people dancing in the middle of the lake, waving their hands and feet and slapping themselves.

  "I see." Fatty said. "It's snow madness."

  "How do you say it?


  "I think you're crazy." I said to Fatty, "What a witty thing to say at this time. As we walk, we still have to go and have a look.

  Fatty and I ran into the Ice Lake again, and I was both depressed and apprehensive . , I don't know what happened to them. If I had been tougher at the time, I don't know if that stinky girl would have listened to me. If something happened to them now, I don't know what emotion I should be in, whether it's gloating or guilt.

  Running all the way, fortunately the two guys kept flapping in the middle of the lake and didn't continue to go anywhere.

  It took us half an hour to run to them, and there were countless slips in between, and when it came, I myself He was about to fall to his death.

  Zhang Haixing was only wearing underwear and underwear at the time, and Feng was almost naked. The two of them were lying on the ice exhausted, still trying their best to slap. The fat man took off his clothes and covered Zhang Haixing, and I gave Feng Gai put on his clothes, then helped the two people up, and heard Zhang Haixing keep saying in Cantonese, "It's burning up, it's burning up. "

  I can see that her skin has frozen blue, but there are no signs of burns. Feng doesn't know what to say in German.

  "Where's the burn?" "The fat man said, "Is it burning, or it is sullen, I think the latter is more similar." "

  I ignored him and looked at Zhang Haixing's eyes and realized that she was having hallucinations.

  As a victim of hallucinations, I knew that at this stage of Zhang Haixing, she might not be able to hear my voice, because when the hallucinations occurred, she was conscious It must not be sober. People can't use reason to resist hallucinations.

  I looked at the direction they ran from, and said to the fat man: "They seem to be tricked, look at the other side of the lake with a telescope and see what is there. thing. "The

  fat man looked at it with the binoculars, then shook his head: "No, I can't see anything, I have to go and see." "

  I said no, it's okay for two people to serve two people, if the fat man is also recruited, how can I catch him? And he has to take off his clothes, this piece of meat is oily and oily, I can't hold it.

  The two of us first dragged Zhang Haixing and Feng to the shore farther from the lake, and I said to myself, "Yes, today's long journey is a waste of time." We set up tents and sedated and antidote both of them, not sure if it worked.

  The two of them were already exhausted, and after tossing for a while, they all fell asleep, and the fat man was tired enough, and said to me: "Up to now, fat master, all my predictions are correct, if this big dung comrade is more than two meters tall, Dude, I really have to cut him into two pieces to carry him back. Hey, hey, I'm exhausted. This foreigner has at least one hundred and eighty pounds, and his body is full of muscles. Next time I carry the old woman, you wait for the old ghost. "

  Zhang Haixing's body is also not like that of an ordinary girl. Although she is thin, she has very obvious muscle lines on her body, and she is not as warm and fragrant as she imagined.

  I lit a cigarette. Smoking at high altitudes is more likely to damage my lungs, but I can't control that much anymore. I have to inhale some nicotine slowly. I said to the fat man: "Next time, let's be tougher, otherwise we will always pay for the mistakes of these idiots. If they die, they will die, what should we do?" The

  fat man put the gun on his knee, looked outside the tent, and said, "You should think about the temper of the stinky old woman. The little brother's note said that there is something by the lake here. It's even more troublesome once it gets dark. It's still early, see if we can wake them up, we have to go into the canyon area on the other side of the lake today."

  I looked at the two people, I know the effect of the sedative, I think The two of them won't wake up for a while, but Fatty was right, and I said, "It's impossible for us to expect them to walk by themselves. We have to make a sleigh and drag them all the way."

  There was snow here . , under the snow are all black stones, and there is no material that can be used to make a sled.

  Fatty said: "We have to make a fuss from that deer. I saw it in an exploration show that the bones of animals can be used to make sleds." Personally, I once again came to the corpse of the deer that was frozen in the lake.

  I looked around and made sure that the huge shadow wasn't nearby, so I started hitting the lake with a small hammer, trying to dig the dead deer out of it.

  I hit the Wannian Glacier on Changbai Mountain, and the ice here is much easier to handle. Soon I smashed a large piece of the ice on the lake surface, exposing the ribs of the deer inside.

  I continued to use an ice awl to pry out seven or eight pieces, and when the corpse was actually exposed to the ice, I suddenly realized that it was not a deer.

  I cleared the ice, took a few steps back, and gasped.

  I found that this corpse under the ice was a creature I had never seen before. It looked like an animal, but I saw countless scales the size of copper coins on it. The part of it that sticks out of the ice appears to be only a small part of its body.

  I took a sharp puff of cigarette and called out to Fatty to have him come over. Fatty didn't want to move at all, but he couldn't help being called by me, so he had to pant for breath. When he saw the place I dug up, he was also stunned.

  "What is this? Have you seen it before?" The

  fat man squatted down, walked around the thing, and said, "Innocent, this is a bunch of big leopards."