Chapter 16 The Bronze Door Opens

  This time, I could see it quite clearly. It was like lumps of mud spewing out from the cracks in the stones. The bottom here is full of hollowed-out gravel. I don't know what's going on below, and clumps of mud sprayed up from the gaps. Some flowed down without touching the ground, while others sprayed directly onto the ground from the cracks in the stones, like a fountain.

  I scratched a few times in the cracks of the stones, and the stones were full of mud that was slippery like oil. There was a lot of movement outside, and I knew it was useless to shout, so I just flashed my flashlight at the gap.

  Soon the fat man rushed over, stretched out his hand and pulled me. He was covered in oil and mud. I grabbed my hand and slipped off. After a long time, the fat man threw off a belt.

  I held it in my hand, and he pulled half of my body up. The gushing of mud outside was getting stronger and stronger, and in the darkness, I saw shadows flying into the air.

  "Can you save me some snacks? It's easier for me to bring my aunt from the canteen downstairs than you!" The fat man scolded: "Do you have any other skills besides falling into the pit?"

  "Accident, accident!" I cried. "What the hell is going on here?"

  "How do I know?" Fatty said.

  I looked in the direction of the bronze door, and there were cold fireworks everywhere, and I couldn't see it now. He helped me to walk in the direction of Zhang Haixing, and I asked him what he was running just now.

  "The door blew up." Fatty said.

  "It exploded so easily?"

  "It's not easy for you to take care of others." Fatty said: "All this mud is pouring out of it. Damn, I thought the flood was coming."

  When he arrived at Zhang Haixing's side, he saw her standing on a big rock, lighting a cigarette and looking around, Fatty continued: "But the situation is better than I thought, all the mud has rushed under the stone gap, it seems that This canyon is very deep, and there is still considerable depth under the gravel under our feet. If these stones hadn't fallen and filled the bottom of the canyon, the gate would be halfway up the mountain."

  The amount of mud must be very huge. After rushing into the bottom of the canyon, a lot of impact rushed up a lot of mud from the gap. Fatty's reaction is still very fast. If it weren't for this coincidence, we would have been swept away by the mud when we ran slower.

  Why is there mud behind the bronze door? "

  "That's not it, and you listen to this sound, behind this door is full of mud, this bronze door seems to be a dam, and the mud is sealed inside."

  "But that time, little brother, nothing came out."

  "That is, the situation has changed. We have to go in and see what's going on. I hope this canyon is long enough to drain all the mud in it. Let's wait. They've all been knocked loose."

  As the fat man said, a cloud of mud shot directly onto the stone beside us. We all ducked. I found that the mud was very sticky, like a film. It was like chewing gum that could not be torn off when touched. , vaguely feels wrong.

  Zhang Haixing was calmer than us. She was covered in mud, looking around while smoking, ignoring us completely.

  We couldn't do anything, just waited there, and soon we got used to the movement and started to calm down. The cold fireworks went out one by one, and the surroundings returned to darkness, but knowing the surrounding situation, this darkness was not so scary.

  After 7 hours, the movement began to decrease. When the movement began to subside slowly, I suddenly became unaccustomed to it.

  Gradually, from the extreme noise to the extreme silence, I entered a state of meditation, where I could not hear any quiet sound around me. The fat man was the first to let out a breath.

  Done. "The fat man said:" What did this mountain eat, watery diarrhea. "

  "It's already disgusting enough, we have to go in later, let's stay alive, okay?" Zhang Haixing said, slowly brightening the aperture of the flashlight and taking a picture of the surroundings.

  Almost all the stones around were covered in black mud, and we were too, and even if it was just splashed, almost nowhere was spared for so long.

  The fat man shook his hands, and a part of it had solidified. He tore it off easily, tearing off the entire piece of mud that had stuck to his body.

  "Damn it, this thing is really good for removing blackheads." Fatty said, and went to tear off his face again.

  I followed suit, roughly tidying up my body, turning on all the flashlights, and stepping on the stone to come back to the giant bronze gate.

  I was stunned by the sight in front of me. We just pressed a small grenade. Thinking about it, it was amazing that only a butt-sized hole could be blown out. But in front of us, the gap in the bronze door was so huge that it made people collapse. .

  There are at least ten-person-high huge openings that open outwards, apparently washed by mud. The opening looks like an erect mouth, and the inside is dark. The black mud sticking to the bronze door has turned into a lot. Sticky strips hang from the sharp gaps of the bronze giant gate.

  The fat man touched the flashlight and said, "It's like a wound."