Chapter 30 Reasons for Changing Stance

Generally, such companies use very strong top-level teams when making such acquisitions. These people often have a need for stimulation and a sense of accomplishment when they do these dangerous things. In this case, their status Deprived, it's impossible for this team to obediently let things happen.

"Of course, many people will feel bored and choose to leave, and some people will become curious, and they will adopt an attitude of taking advantage of the situation, and they will mess around to see if they can find out what's going on up there." Shorty Feng took a sip of water, "I am such a person."

"I'm very surprised, as you said, if they have gained the trust of your big boss, then according to their style, they will generally not ask you to assist them, and your style of doing things is very different. Why is there a German People show up here, and you even entered the snowy mountains with us? Will they allow it?"

"That's a long story." Shorty Feng said, "You Chinese are not the only ones who can read the art of war. These Germans are obviously not perfect."

In the process of checking all the assets taken over, the complexity of the data has exceeded the scope that ordinary people can handle, especially there are a lot of written data before the popularization of computers, and Jude Kao's company itself is a romantic company, and the company system is not rigorous. , resulting in a lot of problems of attribution and handover of previous data.

Shorty Feng himself is a cautious person, and under such circumstances, the handover of the company has been delayed. There is a convention in large companies that there is a time difference from the time a decision is finalized to the final document to all departments. This time difference is usually an evening or a weekend.

The dwarf Feng Liquidator's status is very special, so he is the only one who is outside but knows the exact decision. Before the decision was made, he took advantage of his right to dispose of the existing information to check the information of the group of people over a weekend.

He hopes to understand the background of these people from the company's personnel data and why they can influence the boss's behavior so much.

As a result, he only discovered the names of these people after reading the information for more than 20 hours all night long, until he turned to the documents from 40 years ago.

Some of these Chinese people, a dozen or so, had already joined the company forty years ago.

If this is the case, many of these Chinese should now be elderly.

However, he found that in his memory, almost all of these Chinese people were in their twenties and thirties, and none of them looked more than sixty years old.

Call up the photos and compare them with the current photos of these people. He was horrified to discover that the appearance of these dozen or so Chinese people forty years ago was almost exactly the same as it is now.

At this point, he vaguely knew why their boss changed his stance

"They are too old, these people who are old but have everything, want their life to last as long as possible." Shorty Feng said, "I believe our big boss knew some rumors before, those Chinese people After showing him some evidence, he was more convinced."

"Continue." I came to be interested, I know this foreigner is not simple.

. "But not all board members are old people. If these old people are not controlled by the laws of nature, it is actually not good for young people. And our company is different from Jude Kao's company. We are more rigorous. These Chinese people don't have time yet. Infiltrate in our company system, so I took advantage of this to make it impossible for this group of Chinese people to do whatever they want like in Judekao's company." He pressed the wound, "The first thing I did was to let the company People must act with this group of Chinese. To put it bluntly, those old men don't trust the Chinese so much. When the young directors I instigated on the board of directors asked for additional conditions or even threatened to veto, they half pushed it. And those Chinese Obviously very anxious, and there is no time to toss. For this reason, these Chinese people must hate me to the bone, I know they will definitely find opportunities to attack me, but I did not expect that they would choose at this time. "

"Why? You volunteered to participate in this event, and then died on the way to the event. This is a very good opportunity to kill you. If it were me, I would definitely agree to give you benefits with both hands." Fatty said.

"Because I hinted to them in advance that if they attack me on this expedition, all the information I have collected about them will be distributed as widely as possible. I have set up an automatic mass mailing at one of my secret residences. Procedure, as long as I don't cancel it within two months, all detective companies, many relevant departments in China, and even government agencies will receive this warning email. I believe that according to their practice, they can't afford to take the risk the risk."

I thought about it and felt that Shorty Feng was too confident, and this threat was clearly not enough to deter me in my opinion. However, I have another idea. According to this possibility, this group of people can completely follow Shorty Feng and kill him after returning to his residence. Even if it is a small threat, these people will not be completely indifferent.

"Is your secret abode really a secret? Wouldn't it have been taken away by them?"

"No one can discover that place, and I won't tell you. I can only tell you that this place is absolutely foolproof, not only in theory, but in reality, this place is absolutely impossible to discover."

I see that what Shorty Feng said is convincing, but it is impossible to say more, so I don't want to ask more and listen to him continue. It turned out that from the very beginning, Zhang Haixing wanted to get rid of both me and Fatty. But Shorty Feng didn't realize that Zhang Haixing didn't even want to let him go. She used Shorty Feng as a bait to get rid of Fatty, and then dealt with me herself.

After Fatty rescued him, he immediately came back to save me, but Shorty Feng said that Zhang Haixing was very good at sneak attacks, so it was difficult to beat her, so Fatty made arrangements outside in advance, but he didn't expect it to happen inside the hole. such a thing.

I looked at Zhang Haixing and asked Fatty, "What are you going to do with her?"

I was still a little unbearable, but Fatty said: "Either leave it here and see her own good fortune, have you seen the three pistols, then there is a femme fatale in the novel, and she must be killed to completely eliminate the harm. Of course, if she survived, I wouldn't kill her myself, but now that she killed herself when she wanted to kill me, I wouldn't feel guilty."

"God said that seeing death is the same as killing." Shorty Feng said.

"Then what do you mean, marry her?" Fatty asked, "You're repaying your grievances with virtue."

"No, I mean, you don't have to make excuses for yourself, you don't need any guilt to kill, you kill the enemy."

"Don't talk shit, if she doesn't kill you, you must be with her. We have a conditional alliance. Don't teach me."

Shorty Feng stopped talking after hearing this. Fatty gave me a wink, and I squatted down to take a closer look. Zhang Haixing didn't wake up. Obviously, he was seriously injured. I asked Fatty what we should do and what to do next.

Fatty said, "It's not advisable to stay here for a long time, we have to go up there, but in this situation, lighting is a big problem, I asked.

Fatty said: "We have to lead it out and deal with it here, either we will come to the rescue, or we will kill it outside."

I couldn't help laughing bitterly when I heard it, "For what?"

The fat man patted his grenade belt and pointed at Shorty Feng: "Tell us Naive, what the hell is in here."

Shorty Feng said, "I said I don't know."

Fatty said, "What you said you know is what you just told me."

Shorty Feng looked at me and at Fatty, obviously a little reluctant, but there was nothing he could do, he paused and said, "Let's put it this way, this is not the first time this thing has appeared, it is the first time I have seen this thing, On a smuggling dock in Germany."