Chapter 4: Mission 2: Don't Die! /Hidden Mission: Cursed Elven's Tunnel (2)

Angelica frowned and forwarded his right hand to Wyvon. Using a broken glass that he had in the other room, he slit the palm and drops of green blood flows on the floor. Wyvon doesn't even bothered by Angelica's wounded hand because elves innate skill is healing. He grabbed the bloody hand and let it touch the door. It begins to glow in dim gold and eleven scrambled letters begins to appear. He can't read what it means but he knew how to arranged them. After a minute, he's done with rearrangement.

"Freeze your breath to pull everyone from the cliff of hell." Angelica reads the floating phrases.

"What does this even mean? My beauty can't comprehend such phrases."

"You must use your brain sometimes Princess"

Wyvon didn't indulge his attention in the phrases for too long and opened the door. He knew that it's an important clue to lift the curse. Three long stoned tomb came upon their sight as the torches from the corners light up.

"My poor family. They died in an ambush of bandits a long time ago along with my parents. I don't know that they're here all the time." Angelica bowed her head while tears flowing in her face.

"Don't cry princess, crying will make you uglier."

"Sniff,Sniff. I know right. That's what my mother always says to me"

Wyvon don't know that despite thousands of years in age that princess is too young for her mental age. 'She's like a 16 year old girl' he thought.

They began to open the longest tomb which belongs to Angelica's grandmother. They didn't took it a while because of the super strength of the princess. They saw a skeleton wearing a golden royal dress with a green stoned necklace. He took the necklace and look closer for its appearance. It's just a simple necklace, there's nothing special can be seen. But Wyvon's system notifications shows otherwise.

[You have obtained a legendary item.]

[Necklace of Alva: A legendary item that nullifies all magic curse at 50%. It also increases users magic attack by 10%. This old item can be used by a non elven once and will permanently lose it's effects.]

'Its like a buff item'

"You should have that necklace Oppa. I won't be mad if you take it. Besides my grandmother is now dead. She won't be angry anymore, though she's very strict and has ill-tempered personality when she's alive."

He placed the item into a small sub-space. It's his sub-space inventory. Every players has the inventory to store small items. Limited amount of items can only be stored at the sub-space inventory.

"Thanks. I think we should get out of here now. There's no much time left."

[Mission 2: Don't Die!

Intel Data: At exactly 18:00:00, the night fellas of the forest will rise to eat their prey. Survive the next 12 hours without dying.

Probability of Difficulty: 90%

Rewards: 5,000 Ridan, leathered battle suit, and and Stealth Mode(Epic Skill).

Time limit: 12:00:00 (Survival Countdown: 6:00:58)

Penalty: Banned to play for 1 week]

[Hidden Mission: Cursed Elven's Tunnel

Intel Data: Cursed elves are deformed creatures, together with the forest beast has received an evil curse from the from the Dryad. Help them lift the curse.

Probability of Difficulty: 100%


Time limit: 12:00:00 (Mission Countdown: 6:00:02)

Penalty: ?]

[Player's Profile

Name: Photon-V

Role: Macrocosm Mage Lv.11 (Mythical Role)

Skills: Creation Magic Lv.10(Mythical Skill), Dimension Magic Lv.10(Mythical Skill), Astral Magic Lv.10(Mythical Skill)

Body Vitality Lv. 10: 100%(Stable)

Mental Activity Lv. 10:100%(Stable)

Weapon(s)/Items: Celestial Ring (Mythical Item), Last bone of Hero Riq(Ordinary Item), Necklace of Alva(Legendary Item), Ragged Cloak(Master Item)

Experience:Lv. 2(500 Experience Points needed to level-up)

Personal Fund: 70 Ridan

Universal Time: 04:34:02]

The last item is needed to lift the curse. Wyvon's problem is that how he could obtain it. The item can be found at the bottom of the lake of the forest. His disturbing face reached Angelica's attention.

"Oppa, what's the problem?"

After acquiring the second item, they are now travelling to go outside the tunnel. There's a secret passage under the castle that will leads to a safe exit. Angelica gets surprised knowing that she's the only one who knew the passage. She can't even believed that a first time intruder knew all the things she only knew.

"Oppa, how did you know this secret tunnel?"

"..." He ignored her questions because he knew that once it was answered, she'll continue to speak non-stop again.

They keep walking and the beautiful rainforest came in sight. A nearby lake can be seen which is so peaceful just like in some fantasy movies. Moon's light made the lake more fascinating.

"Oppa, where can we find the item that you said earlier?"

"Under the lake. Can you swim?" Wyvon nervously replied.

"Of course I can swim. Who's a dumbass that couldn't even swim?"

"I'm that dumbass." Wyvon said in small voice.

"You mean you can't swim?! I understand you. Being ugly means untalented at all."

Wyvon became frustrated.

'This self-centered elf!' he thought. He calmed to stay focus in the mission.

"Here's what we have to do."

Wyvon explained the plan in details as simple as possible. After a few tries, Angelica finally understood the simple plan. Using his creation magic, he made some preparations. There are two chances left for that skill. He created a rope out of vines and a key from a piece of wood. They tied the rope to connect each other.

Wyvon and Angelica begins to walk into the lake. When the water reached his waist, they started the first plan with the help of Angelica.

"It's time. Now, do your thing Angelica."

Angelica's thoughts begin to wander that even bothered her imagination.

"Wait, I know this will work but I can't turn into a fish. I don't really like the idea of being an ugly tailed-beast."

"Think of your beauty later! There's no time left, besides you want to lift the curse. Right?"

"Fine! Just stay still."

Angelica chanted a spell and their bodies begins to shrunk.

[Princess Angelica is now using Mirror Projection Skill on you.]

They can feel the water and was able to breathe with it. They look at each other and begin to swim at the deepest part of the lake. After a while, an entrance within a huge rock formations came in sight. It's a huge door made of rusty metal with a big pod lock. The second plan needs to be done. Angelica checked the surrounding if there are any nearby water beasts and lucky there is no one. Wyvon transformed into a human form and inserted the wooden key he created in the pod lock.

He needs to open it in a maximum of one minute. Danger may appear after that time. Also he can't hold his breath for few minutes. This may leads to death and failed the mission. He can't afford that to happen.

Thirty-seconds later when Angelica begins to panic. She swims faster than usual and looking at all directions. Wyvon's feeling anxious too. The key he created seems not to work. The information he got from the system about this hidden mission does not tells the location of key nor very details about it.

'Maybe there is no key at all!' He realized that this is truly a hidden mission and is nearly impossible to accomplish. He calmed and looked for other solutions.

"Oppa! They're now coming! What should we do?!" Angelica shouted at a distance. They could really talk underwater.

Her skill can't be effective for too long because they transformed into a small creature that's living on the water. Her skill is perfectly effective on land creatures.

There are few seconds remaining before the water beasts appear when he decided to take his emergency plan. He quickly pulled the rope where Angelica is tied on the other side.

"Swim towards me fast!"

Angelica swim faster because of her physical strength. They could feel something is approaching in a great speed. Wyvon touched Angelica's arms and forced to face him.

"Transform yourself into a small thing! Anything small! Don't ask, just do it!" Angelica didn't ask and transform into a thing that crossed her mind. Angelica became an elf doll. Wyvon quickly grabbed it and activate his skill.

[Dimension Magic Lv. 10 is now activated]

Before they disappeared, a huge sharp teeth appear and is about to devour them but the beast failed.

They fall into a green sticky mud feeling dizzy. Wyvon stand up slowly holding his head. He realized that plan worked well. He hurriedly look for Angelica. She is lying on the mud unconsciously with the rope in tied in the belly. Wyvon untied the rope to them and slowly slap Angelica's cheek enough to wake her up.

"Oppa, don't slap me. It will make my cheeks swollen." Angelica said in a small voice. She begins to seat slowly and holding her head.

"Sorry. Are you ok?"

"Don't worry Oppa, I'm just a little dizzy. Where are we?"

Wyvon and Angelica begins to wander their eyes. A huge tree with fireflies was in the center of the field green sticky mud. The edge of the place is completely void. Only darkness surrounds the whole place. Fireflies made the tree glow into darkness.

"Oppa, what is this place?"

[Current Location: Planetary System 687(Planet Krada), Akhoi Rainforest, Lone Tree of Nothingness.]

"I guess we're still at Akhoi Rainforest."

"Can you walk?"

"I'm still pretty so I can walk." Wyvon chuckled and they begin to walk towards the tree.