Chapter 6: Live Streaming

"Oppa? Why can't I kiss you? What is this?"

[Ethereal Shield Armor is activated]

[Ethereal Shield Armor (Mythical Item)- An ancient armor that's made of invisible purified magic that deflects any physical and magic attack by 100%. The ethereal matter made it more invinsible as the strongest defensive item. It may take effect upon use.]

Wyvon chuckled seeing Angelica trying to kiss him again. Her red rosy lips can't reach him because of the armor. He felt safe after reading the item description. Kissing isn't a physical attack but the armor worked though.

"Princess, that's enough."

"Fine, it's just a normal Elven greetings."

"I'm a human. So, how was the forest?"

The elven people scattered and continued their work again. They are building their castle in the middle of the forest.

"It's fine. Oppa, I know that you can't stay here for too long. Your journey does not end here. Can I come with you? My beauty will be of a great help." Angelica flipped her golden hair exposing her white pointed ears.

He sighed as he think of the possibilities that may happened. Can he really make an NPC a companion?

"If that's what you want. It's ok, but who will manage the whole clan?"

"Don't worry I already made the preparations before leaving."

She talked about her preparations. The only thing that he understood is that a royal representative named Gardion will take care of the rest. Royal responsibilities will made her stress thus could affect her beauty as her only reason. It seems that the Drayad made a wrong premonition about Princess Angelica at all.

He is now at the lake. He left the princess alone so she could have her beauty rest. He's looking at his right hand. The Elven Clan gave him a magic ring as a way of thanking him. He has two rings now.

[You have obtained a Mythical Item.]

[Ring of Life(Mythical Item)- a mythical item that was used by the ancient dryad that made the existence of the Elven Clan. The blessing of the ring will grant you 100 lives. This can be automatically activated when the user died.]

He started to arranged his players setting to live streaming so that he can earn some money. Earning real money is important. Wyvon's face changed into a good looking guy earlier. He does not want the whole network know his true existence. That's a big risk according to Shane. He bought an essential skill earlier at the survival store. Though it cost 30,000 Ridan, it's nothing to him for the sake of his safety in the real world.

[Figure Concealment is now activated]

[Figure Concealment (Royal Skill)- a royal skill that can hide the user's appearance. Concealment can be cancelled unless the user decides to deactivate or body vitality reached 50% instability.]

[Your personal streaming in now live.]

[Number of Spectators: 0]

Shane mentioned while we're in the grocery last time that live streaming in the game will be automatically go live too in other live streaming flat forms. She mentioned that I just need to reached atleast 10,000 spectators as a requirement for the money banking system of the game to appear. There are two ways to make the streaming came known in the network that Shane recommended.

First, share your streaming link in the universal messaging.

[You've shared your steaming link in the universal messaging.] Universal messaging is a public communication feature that players could share information and broadcast important announcements. System's essential announcement can be seen too.

And second, make an announcement yourself in the Universal Messaging.

[You've published an announcement.]

[Announcement: I'm Photon-V. Enter my channel now or else you'll regret it.]

'Intriguing statement it is.' he talked to himself and chuckled.

Wyvon could feel Angelica's presence from behind.

"Why are you here? I thought you're gonna sleep."

"Can't sleep, Oppa. What should I do?" Angelica said in a very childish way.

Wyvon didn't replied yet. Instead he got shocked.

[You're streaming is now live.]

[Number of Spectators: 96,673]

"Holy Cow! This!" He didn't expect such number of spectators in his live streaming.

"You looked like you've seen something, Oppa. Are you alright? What is .... Holy Cow?"

"I'm great! Just don't mind what I've just said."

[You have reached the requirement to open your bank account.]

[Please enter your bank account.]

[Bank account in verification]

[Bank account has been verified]

[The gifts you'll receive from spectators will be automatically be converted into money and will be added to your bank account.]

[Your streaming chat bulletin has been turned on]

[BorgYard99: Photon-V! So fucking handsome..

Mr. BAND: You have a goddess elf.

StealerMan: so fucking jealous

MaritesPH: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ oppa!


Messages from spectators flooded my live stream because of these princess? Hmm.

"Hey Princess, can't sleep right? How about you dance?"

"Great idea! Should I start now?"

"Any moment princess. Think that you have audiences."

"Got it!"

Princess Angelica has no idea. Many players right now have entered my live stream and are watching her dancing.

[You have turned off the chat bulletin.]

I don't want to read them because I know what they would say. If that words reached Angelica, she will have her head bigger than the usual. She's dancing a traditional elven dance. She gently sways her hips and move her hands upwards. Her feet stomped in the soft grass in the edge of the lake. I admit that she's pretty but she isn't my type at all.

"Hey, why are you blushing?" Her movements became slow and she focused her eyes on him.

[Number of Spectators: 564,932]

[Number of Shooting Stars received: 946]

The number of spectators and gifts are insanely increasing. Wyvon didn't even cared about it. He's bothered on how Angelica dance now.

"Stop dancing now Angelica."

"Oppa, should I take off my clothes too?"

Angelica feels like her body is burning.

"Don't even try- Woah! Stop that!" He covered his eyes.

[Number of Spectators: 745,931]

[Number of Shooting Stars received: 1261]

[You have turned off your live streaming]

Wyvon got frustrated. He opened his eyes and Angelica stood infront of him smiling.

"Am I famous now, right?"

He was puzzled at first but realized what she talked about.

" did you know?!"


It's been two days since that 'dancing incident' happened. It's Friday afternoon. He is now in front of his last scheduled class. The students are silently answering the quiz he gave them. This is the last day of school for the week. He really needs to talk to his best friend Anton. Something is still bothering his mind.

"Time's up everyone! Please pass your papers and you're good to go." He checked the papers that has been passed if there are missing informations such as names. Students sometimes missed to write their names. Kids are now gone. He's also ready to go home. When he's about to close the door, a girl spoke.

"Uhmm Sir?"

"Hi Ms. Santillan. The class is over. Do you need something?" His eyes roamed around. No one's around except for them. He glanced again at the student. She's wearing a typical nerdy outfit. A thick nerd glass, loosen uniform, bulging big pink back pack and holding several science books. Her name was Jane Santillan, his excellent student being top one in his class.

"I have a question if you don't mind?" He locked the door and started to walk. Jane followed him.

"Go on. Just don't ask about my personal life. We're still at school." It's right. Wyvon was so disclose about his personal life in school or even his colleagues like Ms. Shane.

"Don't worry Sir. It's about our lesson."

"So.. what is it?"

They are now going downstairs to the lobby. Wyvon needs to scan his fingerprint to log out.

"It's 2072 now. Our technology must be so advanced since it was shown in the past centuries that science grows rapidly over time. It's bothering me that our technology is still the same as what we had 50 years ago. Except for the famous game company, nothing has changed. Astronomy must excelled now for studying the universe but the discoveries and information from 50 years ago is almost the same. Nothing has changed."

Wyvon knew it too. Modern science must be at it's peak now but almost nothing has changed. He tried to find some answers years ago but he gave up. There's nothing he could find at that time.

"You're question must be like 'Why are our modern science stuck over time? Right?"

"You got it Sir."

"I don't know too. I had investigated it years ago too but I can't find anything. Don't mind it anyway. Atleast the world is in peace now."

Wyvon is right. For the last 50 years no conflicts arised between countries.

"I should get going Sir. Bye!" Jane ran towards the exit living him alone. He scanned his fingerprint for attendance tracking to the lobby and head out of the school.

As usual, many students can be seen near the game pod rent shops on the other side of the road. He looked up and saw the news at the building's digital board that's been trending for days now. He's already tired of it. His streaming went viral, not because of him but because of Angelica dancing in a seductive manner. She is aware of what happened last time because she used a skill to Wyvon. When the princess has been cursed, most of her skills are restricted. All this time, Angelica reads his mind since the curse has been lifted.

"What a real slime." He talked to himself.

He went into his apartment and changed his usual clothes. He is ready to go. Walking in a few minutes, he is now infront of the strange house or more likely a huge lego house. He silently entered the door's password and get inside. Anton can't be seen in the living room so he decided to enter the elevator and go up.

Anton is now in his mechanic lab room. The room this time is in hexagonal shape. He was busy putting things together when Wyvon showed up.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Give me a moment Von. I'm almost.... It's done!"

"Do you think it will work this time?"

Wyvon is talking about the big metal rings at the center of the massive metal structure with big cables surrounding it. They are connected to the computers on the left side of the room.

This a wormhole-like engine is actually a teleportation machine. It's Wyvon's idea 3 years ago when he was teasing Anton about something on their college years. He didn't know later that Anton take the idea seriously. Anton is a genius and rich so it is possible to do so. Wyvon later discovered the machine and helped Anton to calculate data. He is a science geek but not a genius after all. They have done simulations for years but always failed. They don't know what was wrong. They recalculated numbers countless of times but it always gone wrong.

"I think it will work. Our formula seems like a mistake, so I recreated it."

"You mean the space-time algorithms from five decades are wrong? You know that it's very offensive, right? Numbers can't be never gone wrong."

"Come here, Von. Look at these." He walked towards Anton infront of the computer. Calculations are being displayed.

"No way! How did you made these?"

Anton sat in the wooden chair in front of him and talked.

"Last night, I was working with my thermodynamics and dimension thesis when my paper calculated equations and the computer equations result didn't matched up with atleast 0.001%. Computer programmed calculations are very convenient since the early 20th century that the hand manual calculations has never been used. I started doing it these past few days because I find it interesting."

"And?" Wyvon urged him to continue.

"The equations are twisted but almost true. I came into a theory that some equations existed but never have been discovered or someone has .... it don't matter. It's impossible."

Anton stopped for a while and opened the computer's mainframe.

"Anyway, let's make this possible."

They worked the whole night. They talked again about many things. Anton reprogrammed the system while Wyvon adjusted the mechanic functions of the machine by Anton's instructions. It's almost 2 am when Wyvon decided to make some coffee. He needs to wake up atleast. He left Anton alone while finishing the program. When he came back, Anton is now staring at the screen blankly.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Von.. it's working...."

"Working what?" He sat down next to Anton and sip a cup of coffee. He glanced at the screen. Only the mug fell on the floor made the sound. He can't believed it that he can't even say a word for a minute.

"Holy shit... it worked."

"I think we'll be sleepless for the next 12 hours." Anton said in a delightful manner.