Dark Side

Sara sighed, she said, "a few months after my mom and dad got married a big Korean businessman came here to Buddha temple, then dad used to do the cleaning work in the temple when he saw my dad he offered to go to Korea with him, he also offered to give a better job, then mother and dad shifted from here to Korea and I was born there, we have been there ten years, that's why I and mother know Korean"

Sara was lost in some thoughts again, Dong Hyun looked at Sara's face," what thought are you lost again?

Sara glanced at Dong Hyun she smiled, "just lost in the memories of my dad"

"Where is your father? why doesn't he live with you?

" I don't know where is my dad, Sara said"

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"On my tenth birthday, my mom and I were waiting for my dad to come from the office in our Korean house so we should all celebrate the birthday together, but..."

Sara fell silent tears welling up in her eyes, Dong Hyun gazed at Sara," don't tell me your story if you feel uncomfortable"

Sara smiled," I am fine, and when dad comes home from the office he looked very upset and suddenly said that both of you should go back to India"

"Why? your mom didn't ask him?"

"Mom tried to ask a lot what is the matter? but dad said that I will tell you everything after coming to India first both of you need to leave from here, but dad hasn't come back till today"

Again tears welled up in Sara's eyes and began to fall on her hands wetting her cheeks, Dong Hyun started feeling bad he said, "sorry, I made you sad"

Sara wiped her tears, "it's ok I am fine anyway, seven-year have passed, and now I and mom have given up hope of father returning to us"

Sara looked at Dong Hyun with a smile "tell your story, how do you know Hindi so well"?

Dong Hyun smiled," my story is like yours, just my mother came here from Korea when she found out my father had cheated on her a few months after the wedding, mother was five months pregnant and she returned here with her father"

Sara was surprised, she said," was your maternal grandfather also a master like Seo Yeon madam in the Buddha temple?"

"His position was higher than mom, she is still in the process of learning, even though she has many disciples under her, but grandfather used to be in the rank of the greatest master of the temple"

Sara asked in surprise," then where is your maternal grandfather?"

"He passed away when I was ten years old"

Sara patted Dong Hyun's hand, she said," I'm sorry but your dad isn't a perfect husband for Seo Yeon madam"

"Yes, I know, mom was a good businesswoman before marriage and was handling her business very well"

"Then how did she meet your father"?

" Dad come as an employee in mom's company and made everyone happy with his sweet talk and hard work and my mom fell in love with him and then both of them got married"

"Didn't your dad love your mother? Sara asked"

"No, dad only loves mom's wealth and after marriage dad became the owner of fifty per cent business mom after that dad real intention came in front and mom was so sad that she left everything and came here to her father"

"So fifty per cent of your mom's share was in the business, then why did she stay here to hand over everything to your dad?"

"Because mom's secretary was there to handle the business and sometimes she used to go to Korea, then when I was twelve years old, mom transferred the whole share in my name and sent me to Korea"

Sara said happily, "then you are the boss of your company"

Dong Hyun laughed," No, dad has complete control over the company"

"But after your dad, you will be the owner of your company"

"No, Dong Hyun told"

"But why? Sara asked"

"Because I have a step-older brother and a step-younger sister"

Sara became shocked, What?!!

"Yes, dad was married before he married mom and had a son"

"Oh, now I understand, so how did your grandfather come here?"

"There is a long story behind this too"

"So tell me by the way your story is very interesting and sad"

Dong Hyun said, "let me explain in short, that grandfather was from Thailand and he followed Buddhism, so he used to come here once a year to visit the Buddha temple, once he had come to the temple with his family, then a priest here told him that one day he would leave everything and serve the Buddha God"

Sara smiled, "and the prophecy of that priest came true, but tell me one thing how did your mom set up her business in Korea?"

"Because my maternal grandmother was from Korea and after their marriage, they moved to Korea and when grandmother died, grandfather transferred his entire business to mom's name and came here and became a priest"

"Your grandfather and your mother both came here in their time of sorrow when they were very sad"

Dong Hyun smiled, "Yes, and they came back to life once again"

Sara and Dong Hyun sat in silence lost in their thoughts and Shefali was busy playing football, then Jeong Hoon came from the front and said," what's the matter, you both look very sad?"

Dong Hyun stared at Jeong Hoon, he smiled and said, "I was not sad at all"

Sara laughed and told," both of us had challenged that who can make the saddest facial expression of all, then you tell which of the two won"

Jeong Hoon said after thinking for a while, "I think Dong Hyun"

"This is wrong Dong Hyun is your friend, it doesn't mean you will make him win"

"My facial expression is much better so I won, well let me tell you one thing about Jeong Hoon he plays fair game since childhood"

Sara whispered," I just got to know how fair game he plays"

Jeong Hoon looked at Sara, where is your friend?"

Sara pointed to the playground in front, "look there"

Jeong Hoon turned back and looked at Shefali, walking toward her with a smile when he reached the ground she was so busy playing football and did not pay attention to Jeong Hoon.

Jeong Hoon while clearing his throat said, "Hello player"

Shefali took a look at Jeong Hoon and asked while playing football, "when did you come?"

"Just come, can I join you?"

"Do you like playing football?"

"Yes, of course"

And both of them started playing while passing football to each other. Sara and Dong Hyun sat quietly on the stairs watching Shefali and Jeong Hoon.

After a while, Sara said, "for the first time today I am seeing Shefali so happy since her father left her she forgot to be happy"

Dong Hyun is surprised, "is Shefali not your sister?"

"She is not my biological sister but for me, she is everything to me, my best friend, elder sister"

"So where has his father gone? Dong Hyun asked"

"Shefali too has a sad past and perhaps her past is more painful than both of us"