Who Is The Real Owner Of The Locket...?

It was dark all around some street dogs were barking and some people could be heard talking as they passed in front of the house, and there was complete silence inside the house only the sounds of Sara's snoring were coming from the room.

Shefali was leaning on a chair near the table in the hall, holding a book with both her hand, her feet above the table and wearing thick glasses over her eyes, focused all her attention on the book and along with Sara's snoring the sounds of the book turning the pages were sometimes heard in the silence of the room.

After some time there was a knock on the door, Shefali looked at the clock on the wall, it was 7:30 clock in the night, she closed the book and put it on the table and also put the glasses on it.

She got up and went towards the door, which she opened the door, smiled and said, "oh aunty you have come home".

Shobha didn't answer, came in with her eyes down, she had sadness and tiredness in her eyes, her eyes turned red due to crying, and she took long steps toward the room when she heard Sara's snoring, she stopped in front of her room looked at the door and then came back to her room, she slammed the door to shut behind her, took off her shoulder bag and wrist watch and threw it on the bed, then with one stroke opened the wardrobe and took out her night suit and entered in the bathroom.

On the other hand, Shefali was surprised to see the expression on Shobha's face and not get any warm reply from her side, she closed the door and thought to her mind," what has happened to Auntie today, looking very sad", she ran toward the room and reaching near Sara's bed she grabbed her sheet with a jerk and throw it on her bed, she mumbled," you have snored a lot, get up now, Auntie has come home".

She was breathing rapidly, she took a long breath staring at Sara when Sara did not respond and she continued to sleep, Shefali sat close to the bed with both her legs half bent and holding Sara firmly with both her hands, she started shaking her body vigorously.

"What is it? why are you bothering me?", Sara said without opening her eyes, changing her sides, Sara's backside toward her, Shefali stood up and come closer to Sara's ear she shouted," wakeup, the Auntie has come home".

She immediately got up and sat down with her hand on her ear and opened her eyes blinking, she stared at Shefali, "what is the need to speak so loudly that my ear has stopped hearing".

Shefali pointed to the other side," sit with that ear toward me so that you can hear my words".

"Tell me what to say, I am listening", she said yawing with wide mouth open.

Shefali quickly sat next to Sara and put her hand on her shoulder," today aunt's mood is not good, she looks very tired"

"She must have been exhausted because of work, and then this morning she has come from her friend's house after travelling a long distance, so she must have been drained"

"It's all fine, but when I greeted him with a smile she didn't reply or not even hug me"

Sara said a bit annoyed while getting irritated," just woke me up from sleep for such a thing, I had reached Korea in my dream and it was my turn to meet Ye Joon in the fan meeting but before that, you disturbed me".

"Hey, you come out of these Ye Joon dreams and go and talk to Auntie, ask her what has happened to her, why she is so sad?", Shefali spoke together and got up and came to the table, she sat on the chair leaning to the back of the chair and then suddenly with a jerk picked up the book on the table and held it with both hands in front of her face.

Sara came out of the room, lazily pulled the chair and sat down in front of Shefali," what are you reading", she asked taking a long yawn.

Shefali put the book down on her nose and half of her face was covered with the book, "I am reading how to get rich".

Sara laughed out loud," Seriously, do you want to buy a bungalow"

"So what do you think I'm joking"

"No, I am also serious but I have some advice, you will never be able to become rich by doing this part-time tourist guide job"

"I don't need your advice keep it with you," Shefali said.

"I am giving you without any cost, otherwise nowadays you have to pay even for taking advice", Sara said.

Then the door of Shobha's room opened both of them immediately started glancing toward the room, she came out of the room holding the photo frame in her hand.

Sara said looking at the photo frame," where are you going mom?"

Shobha said while moving toward the main door," both of you have dinner, don't wait for me, I will be late"

"But mom where are you going? Sara asked in surprise.

Shobha opened the door without answering and went out, both of them looked at the door in surprise for a while and then looked at each other.

Shefali again placed the book in front of her face, she said from behind the book," I was saying something wrong with her"

"I see", Sara said, she was still looking at the door chewing her lower lip.

" What are you looking for, go out and find out what has happened to her"

Sara got up from her place, went to the bathroom and washed her face and then moved toward the door she said, "you have dinner, don't wait for me"

Shefali angrily slammed the book on the table and came to the kitchen, she whispered to herself, "I am mad that I wasted two hours preparing dinner"

Dong Hyun and Jeong Hoon were sitting together by the dining table and Seo Yeon was sitting in front of them, three of them were having dinner in silence.

Dong Hyun once again remembered Shobha's face, he placed the spoon on the plate and gazed toward Seo Yeon.

"What happened? the food is not good, Seo Yeon asked him when she saw that Dong Hyun was not eating dinner.

" No, the food is good, but I have to talk to you about something", he lowered his eyes and said.

"Ok, but finish the dinner first only after that I can talk to you"

"I have had dinner, I want to talk about something important"

"So let me finish my dinner", she said a little sternly.

Jeong Hoon first saw Dong Hyun and then Seo Yeon's face, Dong Hyun glared at Seo Yeon and angrily pushed the chair back and came out of the quarter and sat down on the stairs.

He murmured to himself," her rules annoy me, why am I staying here, for whom I have to stay, for the mom who cares more about her rules than me"

Jeong Hoon quickly got up from the chair and said while going outside, "you have dinner I will explain to him", he went and sat next to Dong Hyun, putting his hand on his shoulder," why do you get angry so quickly? she didn't say anything wrong"

"So am I always wrong? , Dong Hyun looked at him.

" When did I say that you are wrong"

Just then Seo Yeon's voice came from behind, " Jeong doesn't give him an explanation, I handle this matter, you go"

He got up and came inside, She sat down in his place, and the two sat down together and looked in front without saying anything.

Then after a while, Seo Yeon said," why do you always misunderstand me? my son".

"If I am your son then why did you send me a mile away from you?"

"Because it was better for you to go to Korea for your better future"

"And what I spent so many years alone without you, always sitting alone in loneliness waiting for you but you were not going to come because you lied to me"

"I do not want to talk about old things if you want to talk about something else, then tell me", she spoke in a stern voice.

Dong Hyun clears his throat," have you told Shobha Auntie that Sara wants to go to Korea"

"Yes, I have told, why what happened?", she quickly asked.

Dong Hyun peeked at her angrily," you shouldn't have done that"

"But tell me what happened?" she asked surprisingly.

Dong Hyun said rudely, " nothing had happened" he got up and walked toward the garden.

She sat on the stairs watching him go toward the garden," my dear son why do you have so much hatred for me?, why do you feel like this I do everything wrong, whatever I did for your betterment, why don't you understand this? after all I am your mother, how can I think bad of you?"

Dong Hyun stood in the garden with his head up looking at the sky and with both hands behind his back, he remembered the day when he was twelve years old and was leaving India for Korea.

A child was crying loudly by putting

both his arms around a woman's neck, he was saying again and again, " I have to stay with you mom, I don't want to go away from you, please don't send me so far", the women smile while wiping the child's tears, her eyes were also full of tears but hiding her tears from the child, she said, "my dear son, you are going only for a few days and then after a few days I will also come to you".

The boy smiled, " Promise", he extended his hand to the woman, and the lady shook hands with the boy and said, "Sure Promise".

Both of them reach the airport sitting in the car when the child looks back and sees his mother for the last time, he cannot stop himself and runs fast toward his mother and then suddenly a little girl appears in front of him and he collided with her and boy falls to the ground.

A lady came from behind she took the girl's hand and politely said," Sorry", and she quickly went ahead, the boy saw a locket lying in front of him, and he picked up the locket and stood up, looked around but till the girls and lady were out of his sight.

Dong Hyun lowered his head and looked at the pendant of the locket he had around his neck, he said," I am not your real owner but still I have kept you for seven years".

Sara came out of the house and started looking for Shobha, saw every street and went to the neighbouring houses and asked people on the way but no one had seen Shobha, she got tired and sat outside the house," mom, where have you gone, that too at night", she mumbled to herself.

She was sitting and running around her eyes to see the Shobha coming from somewhere and was throwing up the grass growing on the ground together, she had been sitting like this for two hours but she did not return, now Sara's troubles and tension started increasing, she got up with a jolt and cleaned the soil behind her back with her hands and came after walking some distance from the house, only then she saw the Shobha coming from the front.

A smile spread across Sara's face, she ran toward her and gasped, she said, "where did you go, mom?".

Shobha looked at her from top to bottom and then went ahead without saying anything.

Sara was surprised by her mom's behaviour she turned back toward her and stood looking at her back.