I definitely am living a good twenty-three life 'till that so called chosen came to me forging hatred I wasn't even informed of the reason about.

Really, not only came to ruin my day but also want me to speculate for the sake of her purpose.

If I can pick in my vocabulary what was the most appropriate and most available words for her and that will of the world siding with her, there was only a few, and they're all swear words ready to jump out of my mouth any moment now.

I have self-awareness that because years passed, my past life memories were blurred to an extent they were very vague and I couldn't remember, they don't leave that much impact now making me successfully integrate alot with the ways of the world.

This also made the 'brainwashing' of the crazy family ways more impacful than I expected because of my previous confidence with my memories, they weren't that vague back then.

Growing up and studying myself, reviewing any change in mindset, I know it was a bit more lunatic than before, more indifferent, less caring.. carving a villainess in this world.

But no matter, I have no issues with it, I won't plan to change.

The cup of tea was finished and was put down on the table. Mother's was also there together with the third cup of tea that I didn't bother to drink.

It was prepared by a maid. A mere maid who came uninvited by the crown prince's side, who has the guts to glare at me with hidden and compressed killing intent.

She didn't even bother to hide it from me, and it irritates me, so much.

When does a mere maid have that authority, how confident is she that her master can protect her because he's the crown prince.

And besides, when did a mere maid have the qualifications to attend in my debut.

I would frown at my thoughts but can only give face to my uncle Imperial Emperor who is the husband of my mother's elder cousin sister. He would surely protect the crown prince who vales this maid to bring her here because of his doting attitude.

Tsk, I really not like this concubine born crown prince after fostering a disqualified maid. He wasn't even my cousin that I would not bother giving face if we were alone. Her mother was also my aunt's enemy too.

For the two important dukes of the empire too, the old master of the mage tower, and respect for the invited people at my 'official debut' at the age of 23, the age I wanted to show myself to the people I deemed the 'society' even though should've done at 16 in front of the whole world, tsk tsk, too bad, it's not my type.

I still need to behave while I am in the imperial capital after all. Just give face, give face...

I can bear to hold down this irritation with a smile but the girl..

Ha, she was serving me tea when she actually 'accidentaly' splashed on my newmade feather fan while acting panicked 'apologizing' to me with that ugly glare of hers that didn't stop for a moment since a while ago.

Of course, this is the time when things are not that easy to press back the irritation swelling within me, hey, I wasn't even someone who usually does that.

Since my kindness isn't much appreciated, I breathed out deeply to fully 'showcase' my efforts of trying hard to ignore her rudeness a while ago and showed a beaming and gentle smile, held out my hands and choked her while she was still pouring tea for mother after her quick apology deeming my silence as approval of her ugly sorries.

If there is anything that's as close as my highest stat, charm stat, in the status panel, that was my strength stat.


CHARM : 62

"Say Your Highness, the Crown Prince, it is really deeply appreciated that you punish this girl when you excuse yourself out later. Please dig her eyes out for me as her disrespectfulness since a while ago is something I have been tolerating patiently. I also suggest, you improve in disciplining your own servants as it is pitiful and worrying when they get themselves in trouble- no, disasters for being so careless."

Finishing this speech for the master, wait not done yet.

"As I feel emotionally offended, please let me vent ou- help to discipline your servant as I also give you tips in further developing loyalty so they won't have any thoughts of rebuttal or rebellion in the future, Your Highness."

Without waiting for his approval, I quickly maid the maid kneel on the hard floor and kept my hands off her neck for a split second to grab her hair by the roots.

" Ugh"

She tried to rebel by scratching my hands with her fingernails but before even reaching me, I glared at her more terrifying than her compressed killing intent that can scare anybody even my elder sister, I don't even know how she was able to hide that and then focus it on me, nobody other than me sensed it,with the strength of the people here, I don't know if they are being ignorant.

She stopped and then had a hard time breathing, I watched as she reached for her neck writhing in pain at my squeezing power, it was a purple handprint and it may hust so much but I couldn't care less anyways.

I raised my other empty hand and brought it down with heavy momentum at her face.


Wearing my gloves was a good move, so as to not get dirtied with oil when it precisely hit her left cheek as she faced me.

The sound was heavy and it silenced the once happily chatting people here.

While my mother was cold and indifferent towards my act of continuous slapping after the first slap, the others were astounded at the heavy sounds of the palm meeting her ugly face.

I only stopped when the maid was about to faint after a few more slaps, good thing I have good strength stats, judging from her actions of rebellion during my performance, she almost slipped a few times but I always caught her back by her hair anyways.

She was dizzy and her face was swolen and was collapsed on the floor when I let go, she was still conscious though.

"Mere maid does not appreciate my kindness of tolerance. I am patient even with your glare filled with hatred and killing intent which I don't know where it came from, answer my question. Tell me, what's your name?"

I spoke with an expressionless face and a voice that doesn't waver. The crown prince then broke the silence of the guest side and tried to speak for her sake.

" That.. her name is.. "

" Crown prince highness, please forgive me for cutting you off but I shall hear it from her mouth. I understand you are giving protection as her master but, please let me settle this as I am not used to being disrespected much."

" Ah... "

The crown prince isn't used to it either, so he just tried to keep silent while I teased this woman infront of me.

" Maidy.. Maidy.. Don't fall asleep yet, tell this lady your name."

Ah, I'm back to my elegance now. Probably temporary anyway. My eyes that exuded aura also calmed down after the final slap, that feels really great.

I heard her gritting her teeth and tried to speak with her swollen face, Pfft, really ugly huh. Don't laugh, don't laugh.

"Aym-.. Hahld-"

"Ah.. I don't think this little maidy here needs to be this desperate just to make this lady remember.. your muddled name.. Pfft."

Ah, it made me laugh in the end, I showed a smug expression while she completely collapsed now, but all of it was immediately changed to an indifferent face by the next second.

I elegant stood up and immediately made a gesture of etiquette.

" Your majesty, your highnesses, old master, everyone invited here, please forgive me as I showed such unsightly things. I could not control myself after my efforts of kindness has been taken for granted and immediately showed you this.. situation. Once again, I hope everone can bear to forgive this malicious young lady here."

I bowed and my foot also did the rest of what should be done.