Spirit of Farming

"Kruger, can you please pay extra attention to finding some termite mounds when you are hunting in the bush?"

As far as I know, there are two ways of making a suitable clay that has the less possibility to crack in the fire: digging mud from the bank of creeks or rivers and blending dead leaves and wood ashes in the mud, or finding some termite mounds and crush those humps, add water to the clay and no more process is needed. Every now and then, to add more fibres to the clay so it could be more steady and tough, people might add some dry weeds to the clay.

When it comes to manufacturing bricks and potteries, I think using termite clay might be better, as the termites' mouths are so small that their structures don't include sticks or stones and the clay is relatively purer and smoother. In this case, I am asking Kruger to help me find the materials.