Detective LuLu

Fortunately, we successfully made a beeswax candle, and it was convinced to be able to provide a bright flame. Kruger told me they didn't throw those honeycombs after collecting honey from the hives, so we found those wax caps in the central cave and started to make beeswax candles.

All females in our tribe are working together this afternoon: Kirra and I are heating the beeswax in the pot; Bindi is pouring the melted wax into separate containers; Marlee is spinning the thread for the wicks of the candles; and as the strongest female, Ellin is cutting firewood near us. 

I really enjoy chatting and doing things together with those females, we are all from different cultures and places, but we united together in this tribe to make our life better with our bare hands. We don't have powerful mana nor can we change into another beast form, but we can also achieve goals through our pearls of wisdom.