Duncan's Wedding Day

Behind all her boyfriends' backs, Bai Lu has been learning how to carve wood with stone tools from Ellin for a long time. When time went one week before Duncan and her wedding, Bai Lu was able to carve a small sculpture, so she decided to make a pair of mini wooden boxing gloves as Duncan's wedding gift.

For some unknown reason — maybe because of the overdeveloped chest and arm muscles, kangaroos are often looked on as good animal boxing fighters. Their strong tails, excellent sense of balance and powerful upper bodies make them well-suited for boxing, and there were lots of videos filming a kangaroo punching at other animals. This theory is proved better in the beast world: almost all kangaroo beasts love to fight with each other, boxing in particular; they will throw a competition every week in the kangaroo tribe as entertainment; every kangaroo has a muscular body shape.