Brilliant Builders

Holding a torch in her hand, Jedda led us to the guest cave. 

It seems to be their dinner time at this moment, in this large square, people were diffusely sitting around the central bonfire, and most of them were busy chopping and roasting. Not to my surprise, males are watching the fire and adding seasonings like a chef, while the females doing the cutting job — looks like almost all kangaroos are good cookers, but in my opinion, I believe my Duncan must be the best chef.

From my observation on our way to the guest cave, there is an obvious difference between a kangaroo's dinner and a thylacine's dinner: kangaroos only eat a small amount of meat, and they mostly consume vegetables, so it doesn't cost them too much time grilling; while thylacines basically only eat meat in every meal, and they can really swallow a big meat mountain into their stomachs, which makes it impossible for them to wait for the meat to be cooked.