Hand Games

We went back to enjoy the spring carnival again after our victory on the first night. The amount of food we hunted and gathered was quite sufficient, so it allowed us to pause the food collecting activities and put all of our energy into this event. 

More often than not, it is the males that cook for the whole family, and the single males will assemble as several groups, preparing meals for each other in turn. During the event time, since almost all beasts (except for the breastfeeding fathers) would take part in the boxing match, females will take over the roasting job, whilst other beasts also offered us a hand in their free time. 

All my mates were having a good time these days, while Duncan was having fun reconciling with his old friends, Kruger, Prancer and Blaze also arranged some night fights with their new friends. As for me, with Jedda's introduction, I joined the female chatting group.