Wombat encounter, again!

"Phew, thank God Andy didn't ask more about your car, or I have no idea how to explain this steely box to him..." After Andy left for his tribe, Prancer sighed with relief.

In this primitive world, it is obvious that no metal was found at this time, and no one would have a concept of what alloy is. When Kirra and all the members of the thylacine tribe firstly saw Bai Lu's car and her camping equipment, they sure were all surprised and curious about what those things were made of. 

Although felt sorry for lying to them, Bai Lu still had to hide the truth of her transmigration from another world. Based on this premise, she just told them specialists made those kinds of stuff in her tribe years ago, and before she began her trip on this continent, her parents used some meat and fur to exchange all the supplies for her. To some extent, Bai Lu didn't deceive them: she herself indeed has no idea how to make materials like nylons and steels, let alone make a real car.