Chapter 6. I will kill you

On my way to my house King gave me lots of missed calls but I didn't pick up. when I got to my house I saw King's car parked outside with two bodyguards standing outside my door. I parked my car and came down from the car and King came down from his car too and walked towards me. King never comes out with just two bodyguards. The least he goes out with is six with me being his very own best man that he trusted with his life but now he himself knows that this very man he trusted with his life will be the very one to end it. Before I could say anything he spoke

" Look Jaden I know I wronged you that's why I'm here to make amends. Anything you want me to do I will do it as long as this does not get to the public or affect my political career in any way." The bastard only thinks of himself and no one else. " I meant it when I said I will give you ten million dollars." He continued. Just then my phone buzzed and I checked it to see a message from Lionel 'you forgot your house key.' I would have attacked King but for a second I thought about Lionel and how he is working hard to raise money to start his own company. It's not like Charlotte will ever come back to me. She already made a choice - a wealthy man over a security guard. I knew I was the loser here. If this was a chance to be a better me, then I won't mess it up.

" You will do anything you say?" I asked king

"Anything as long as this remains a secret that we both take to the grave."

"Alright." I stood before him and looked into his eyes never to regret what I was about to say.

" You will transfer a sum of five hundred million dollars to this account." I brought out my phone and typed Lionel's account details on it. He was angry. He knew I was blackmailing him. He was reluctant at first. I don't know what was on his mind but seeing the smirk on my face his reluctance was followed by acceptance.

" Alright if that's what you want." He brought out his phone to call his bank manager.

"And I'm not finished. Mason is not my biological son but technically he is my son. No harm must come to him. Take very good care of him cause he is a great kid."

A hint of smile was on our faces at least the child is one thing that endears us both. He made the call and in less than a few minutes told me it was done. I chose Lionel's account cause he can go to the bank to confirm the payment just in case king decides to play games with me. I called Lionel who picked his call and asked him if he received any alert to which he said no. I sniggered and turned to King. " You really want to play me, right?" He knew what I was talking about.

"Give it time, it will...." He didn't finish his words because Lionel was calling back. I picked up to hear his shocked voice.

"Jaden, I just got five hundred million dollars alert."

"Ok, I'm on my way."

"Wait! What is going on? Where are you?"

"I'll be with you soon." I replied him before ending the call. I nodded at King to confirm the payment and turned to leave.

"I'll kill you Jaden, if this ever comes out to the public." Great! Now he's talking back. "I came here today because I know I wronged you and I believe this settles the score. I'm doing this for old times sake. So if this in anyway gets to the public or affects my political career in any way I'll haunt you down and butcher you to shreds." That said he walked past me to his car and the driver drove off with the two guard's car following behind.

By the time I got to Lionel's place he was waiting for an explanation like a grandma waiting for a child's. I told him everything that happened and although he didn't like it accepted after I explained my ' the loser theory' to him.

"So what do you intend to do with the whole money? Lionel asked me.

"We're moving out of this country to another country."

"Jaden, all our lives has been here."

" The more reason we are moving out. To start a new life. We'll buy two houses where we are going to. We will live in one, that is if you want to live with me".

"There's no way I am living with you, you are a clean freak." We both laughed. "That's okay by me. And the other house?"

"We are starting your business developer office." He was shocked. He never expected it. He ran to me and hugged me like a baby. " Hey man, you didn't think I was going to spend the money all alone, did you?" He almost cried but suppressed it with a laugh.

"Well after that" I continued " you will help with developing my own business with your business ideas."

" I will gladly do that. Don't worry I'll start packing"

" Umm I think it's better you give your things to the orphanage or whomever you want to. We are starting a new life, remember?" He nodded happily. "I'll book us a flight."

"To where?"

"Don't worry about that, you'll love it."

"Okay. Uh Jaden, what about Harrison?"

"Shit. I almost forgot." Just then my phone buzzed again I checked the message and it was from Harrison." He just texted me he is at the location waiting for me."

"You know you can't tell him again, right?"

"Yes I do."

"So what happens now?"

"I'll find a way to make him believe my lie."

"Jaden please be careful. These are powerful men also."

"Perhaps I'll just text him to cancel ."

"You know you can't do that, it will only make him believe something is not right. He won't stop digging until he finds out the truth."

I sighed before speaking.

"Don't worry Lionel I'll handle this carefully." I left him with different thoughts of what to tell Harrison in my head.


I can't believe we have all that money. Everything is just like a dream come true. I know Jaden being who he is must have thought about me. He said he collected the money cause he felt he was the loser but I know better. He has always been like this. Once Jaden opens his heart and welcomes you, you will always be his priority. I had Flashes of our days in the orphanage. I remembered one night I sneaked out of the orphanage. Our condition was bad and the staff were mean to us because the owner of the orphanage was owing them six months salary. Whatever donations were given to the orphanage instead of giving us, the staff would share it amongst themselves while we go Hungry. We had only tattered clothes on. Earlier that day Jaden had brought bread for me but we've been without food for days that the little bread was not enough for me so I snuck out at night. I went to a food store and stole few things but unfortunately I was caught. I struggled out of the hand of my captor who was a big fat man and ran upstairs. I was headed for the first window on my left. I opened it and although the distance was a bit far from the ground I still jumped hoping to land on the big garbage bin first before hitting the ground. I know I'd only sustain slight injuries but my calculations were cut short because the moment I jumped my captor who was chasing me hauled a big stone at me. It hits me on the head and I fell down to the ground hitting the big garbage bin that I planned to jump on before finally falling face down to the ground. I thought I died. Funny enough the shop owner denied knowing me or what I was doing on his shop window. When my semi unconscious body was brought to the orphanage for identification the staff took me from them with a promise to take me to the hospital but it was all a lie. They kept me in the room to die. No drugs or food. Jaden came to check on me and in that moment it seems he knew why the staff kept me there. He left without a word and I didn't see him again until noon. When he came back he came with an ambulance. He had paid for my hospital bills. He was accompanied by two nurses, a male and a female. Where did he get the money? He had broken into the same store I fell from and pointed a gun at the man demanding all his money. Where he got a gun from? Nobody knows. The shop owner later came with officers to arrest him at the orphanage. He was sixteen then and I was thirteen. He was a minor so he was sent to a juvenile prison. Good thing was he was later released when it was reported he did it to save my life. My phone rang bringing me back from my thoughts. I looked at the screen unable to identify the caller. I intend not to pick but when it rang a second time I had no choice but to pick it.

"Hey uncle Lionel." I heard a very sad voice called.
