Barberian lord's death! *

The plan was going smoothly as expected, They turned back their face and yu Guo changed his face and body to look like Yan qui's and said everyone to start behaving like a miner till the barberian king came inside the cave, and placed two guards at the main door to look after.

Yu guo and others were having a meeting on how to progress further since the barberian king was in the Martial soul realm master, they needed a perfect plan to win, there was yu guo, Yu Tang, Guan Yunfan, Ximen Lang, Nalan Meng and Yun Xianchen discussing plan inside that small cave, they couldn't afford to direct attack on them since there were martial soul realm barbarians in village, they had to handle them one by one first and then attack on them for granted victory, they first planned to attack on barberian lord and than one after one another three before full fledged attack, meanwhile yu tang was staring at Nalan Meng's body, he couldn't stop staring at her since she was looking fabulous in that outfit, on top of that those lines on her robe, because of those golden chain she was wearing underneath was making it more lusty, but there was many people discussing serious things here, he was trying to look like hearing plan, but his evil mind was playing with Nalan Meng in his imagination.

There have been a few hours and two guards come out running that barberian lord was coming to visit, as soon as they here that, all were started preparing, yu guo looked at Nalan Meng and Yun Xianchen, they understand and started taking off those robe and turned back to slave, all of them couldn't stop from staring those beautiful breasts jumping out of chains, there were both had red face from shame, but they had no choice, all started taking their place, as lord entered yu guo greeted him with smile on face, from look of him, he was muscular and big enough to called barberian lord, he was walking like beast, as he sitted on chair, all the guards and cultivators acting as miners were gathered in front for greeting lord, he asked, " where is my slaves, as yu guo here that, he said, "they are inside cave lord" and started running towards cave, and gone inside, Nalan Meng and Yun Xianchen was ready inside by wearing chains, he hold their coller chain and walked them out of cave , as they come in out of cave all of the gaurds and cultivators disguised as miners were in shock, they had heard about them being lords slaves from previous gaurds but seeing those two beautiful goddess in almost naked was unbelievable to them, their dick were like fighting with their pants to come out of it, as yu Guo bring them to lord, lord looked at them and told yu guo disguised as yan qiu," you kept them in good condition, and stand up and took their chains in his hand,

Nalan Meng and Yun Xianchen were so embarrassed that they couldn't even lift their face, since all guards who had seen their city lord as mighty women were now almost standing nude in front of them, while yun xian chen who was untouchable beauty of true yang sect was now being treated like slave in hand of barberian, they were all joulous of barberian lord as well as angry to kill him out of jealousy, barberian lord pulled their chain and lead them to chair, and sitted and loosen his pants and bring out his huge dick out of it, no matter how you see it , it was too big that every man standing in mine couldn't compare.

he looked at Nalan Meng and Yun Xianchen and said, " do i have to tell you, every time to suck it, before you do it.? "

as soon as they both heard that they moved in front and sat on their knees to suck his dick , they both moved in front to suck his dick lifting their ass towards miners, of course there was little cloth on the back but, it almost failed to hide their beautiful butts since it was being lifted upside from bending, their butts were sticking towards their loyal guard and junior brothers to see the view, there was only little golden chain passing through their butts which was almost fainted in their butt crack, and was visible again for their spread ass, meanwhile in front barberian lord was enjoying two toung going all over on his huge dick, they were sucking it from each side making it more lusty, he was completely lost in pleasure and didn't noticed yu guo moving silently behind his back, yu guo brought out sword from system and quickly put in his neck from back and in front blood from his neck spread out like fountain on top of Nalan meng and Yun Xianchen, their body become red from all blood, while barberian lord couldn't even understood what is happening and died with hard dick, without being able to shoot his last load,

As he died yu guo pulled his sword back, they had successfully executed the first plan, now only three were left ,all of them were looking at each other, plan going smoothly, Nalan Meng and Yun Xianchen were standing there with blood on their body, they started to going towards bath for cleaning, while four of them started removing trace of fighting amd transported his dead body outside from secret passage, and waited inside cave room, and other miners started mining like normal, after an hour Nalan Meng and Yun Xianchen come back from bathing, they still had those golden chains outfit on their body while coming back, so, in all way back, those army in disguise were staring at their back from behind, as they entered inside room, they put on those robe on their body, and all started discussing next plan , they decided to go out disguised as barberian lord and go outside with Nalan Meng and Yun Xianchen, since he come here for bringing his slaves out,

So, problem was who will go outside disguising as barberian lord Luo Jin, since yu guo was in adv.martial teacher realm he couldn't go, since lord was in martial soul realm, he could get busted, out of all people here only yu tang was in Martial soul realm Cultivator, but trusting him was like playing a blind game, since yu guo knew he was always thinking of getting rid of him, and taking Nalan Meng's body, he was villan, but who wasn't a villan here, yu guo, yu tang and also Ximen Lang, yu guo decided to trust on his step brother yu tang with further plan and, said, "since you are the only one in martial soul realm you disguised as barberian lord and go outside for further plan, as soon as, he heard those words his evil mind started running, and he said, ofcourse brother you can trust me, with further plan.

and looked at Nalan Meng and Yun Xianchen with lustful eyes,

as planned Nalan Meng and Yun Xianchen were to go with yu tang in village as slaves,

all gathered at the main gate of cave and yu tang has put on disguising mask and change in to barberian lord, he was exactly looking like him with his evil smile, Nalan Meng and Yun Xianchen also took off their robes and turned back into slave, and put on neck collar with chain, yu guo handed out those chains on yu tangs hand, and told, " don't forget mission and don't do anything stupid,

hearing that yu tang said," of course dear brother, while smiling inside,

as he left leading those beautiful goddesses behind him, in cave entrance, yu guo, Guan Yunfan and Ximen Lang were watching them leaving, Guan Yunfan asked," do you think it was best plan to send yu tang with sister-in-law ?, in reply yu guo said, " well we didn't have choice, but he couldn't betray us after seeing this crystal mine, and started going back inside cave.