Chapter 13

During break time, the whole school was agog over Brandon's arrest. Newspaper clippings perpetrated by some of the school's miscreants filled the hallway, the locker rooms and even the bathrooms. The clippings had Brandon's picture on it, calling him all sorts of names. For a moment, Arianna felt bad for him. Nobody deserved this but if he was found guilty, he deserved everything he got.

"If you ask my human side, I feel bad for Brandon", Emily said.

"And your inhumane side says what?", Arianna asked.

"Well, not so much pity there", she said.

"It's just so weird. Someone who just came to the school and now, he's been suspected for murder. I wonder how his parents would feel, especially his mum" Arianna said.

"Away from that. Leslie called yesterday, she'll be resuming school the following week. At least, it's been over a month since her mother's death. She said she's ready to resume", Emily sighed.