Chapter 40

"Are you planning on getting me drunk?", Ariana asked.

"Well, if I can help it. That's the plan", Brandon laughed.

Ariana took a small sip from the glass. Her tolerance for wine was very low and she knew if she didn't cut down on it soon, she would be a drunken mess which was something she didn't want happening.

"Well, your plan won't work because I want a clear head tonight", Ariana said.

"We'll see about that. So, how have you been this past days?".

Ariana sliced through her chicken, placing a portion in her mouth. She sighed in bliss as the warm food melted on her tongue. This was one of the best chickens she had tasted in dayss and the closest one to this was her mother's.

"I've just been there", she said.

"Care to explain?", Brandon asked.

"It's really none of your business since you abandoned me", Ariana snapped.