Chapter 45


I never believed I would find love again but Brandon proved me wrong. Ever since I agreed to be his girlfriend, he's been so loving and caring I felt like I was in heaven. My dad was so happy I had finally gotten over my last experience but my mum was still sceptical but with time, she'll come around.

Aunty Pat and Megan were okay. Megan resumed school, aunty Pat didn't want to take chances and enrolled her in one very close to the house. Ronald hadn't attempted to reach us anymore and soon, the matter was forgotten.

Today, Brandon was taking me to his favorite spot in the world. I tried to find out where that was but he said it was a surprise. I couldn't wait to find out, he was due to arrive any moment and just then, his car arrived. I quickly brushed my hair and tied it in a loose ponytail grabbing my purse in the process.

"I'll be back soon mum", i said.

"Sure honey, be careful and say hi to Brandon", she said.