Behind the Times

A light breeze passed through the streets downtown, scattering leaves and refuse all around— not really that scenic of a view. The hustle and bustle downtown intensified as the day grew hotter, approaching the time when the sun would be directly overhead. The shops which still had a few empty seats a moment ago were already getting filled, and the people were coming in by the droves. Some of them window-shopping and some of them halting out of nowhere, causing the flow of the passers-by to slow down, needlessly causing traffic. This was why Hajime never wanted to spend his time downtown, especially during this time. The people didn't mind though, even Megumi was going out about her day, unbothered by the growing crowd.

'Come to think of it... it's been more than a year since I accompanied a girl downtown huh,' Pushing through the crowd, Hajime exerted his precious strength just to catch up to Megumi, who seemed to weave her way through the meandering flow of people. She was an expert at it, almost enviable. As for Hajime though, it was too much for him to handle, and the sun wasn't helping in the least bit,

Megumi's eyes darted here and there, admiring trinkets, accessories, and such as she resumed her window shopping. For her, there was no clear plan as to how they'd go about their day. Apparently, her invitation to Hajime was given at the spur of the moment. As such she hasn't really thought much about it.

Shortly, they arrived at a fast-food restaurant, one that Hajime knew to be famous. The restaurant had been open for more than a few years now, earning its reputation and location downtown. Megumi didn't think twice about stepping inside, gesturing for Hajime to come in.

Hajime was a beat too late in noticing that Megumi had already stepped inside the restaurant. Fortunately, he was able to catch himself, stopping right at the entrance. His gesture confused Megumi since it was unnatural for a person to walk into a restaurant and stop right at the door. "Why aren't you coming in?" She asked.

"Look, I don't have money at the moment. If you want to buy something for lunch, then just do it yourself. I'll wait outside." Hajime jerked his thumb towards the back before turning around and heading nowhere.

With a puzzled look, Megumi exited the restaurant and grabbed Hajime by his forearm."What are you doing? I only asked you to accompany me for today, meal's on me." She continued, lightly pulling Hajime by the arm since he didn't seem convinced.

"And how do I know you won't ask me for something in return later on? Just get it done, I can wait outside." Hajime's mind was fixed and Megumi noticed it. There was no point in trying to convince her so she just gave up, uttering a soft 'fine' before heading back inside the restaurant.


Meanwhile, Franz was observing them a few meters away. He decided to roll up his sleeves since the sweltering heat bore down on him. Sweat continuously poured down his head, causing him to constantly wipe his face with a handkerchief. That didn't impede his observation duty, however, since he was able to follow Hajime and Megumi despite the ever-growing crowd.

"What are they doing right now? Oh, I see, they are about to get some lunch." Franz half-expected the two to enter a fast-food restaurant for lunch and he was right on the money. Of course, Hajime didn't seem like the type to go to a fancy restaurant. As a working student, Franz knew just how hard it is to get by since had experienced it before.

'Wait, why did Hajime stop? Don't tell me... he didn't want the restaurant? Did he want to treat young miss to something better?' Franz rubbed his mustache as he pondered on Hajime's action. 'They didn't seem to have any problems heading towards the fast-food restaurant but now Hajime didn't want to go inside? Did he change his mind? What was he thinking?'

Before Franz could come up with a set of different conclusions, Hajime turned around. A voice in Franz's head told him that Hajime did that so Megumi would feel cornered, and then they could go to a restaurant he wanted. However, as Franz would later find out, his thoughts are way out of mark.

Franz watched as the two of them seemed to have a slight altercation, and then Megumi turned around, leaving Hajime by the sidewalk. 'Did young miss want to go to that particular fast-food restaurant? I see, so it was young miss and not Hajime who wanted to eat there... but why does Hajime seem content? Didn't they just fight a moment ago?'


Something unseen was definitely going on and Franz was sure of it. Nonetheless, he can't quite put a finger around it, seeing that their reactions contradicted their actions.

A couple of minutes later, Megumi got out of the restaurant, carrying two paper bags in hand. To Franz's amusement, she also wore a smile on her face, just like Hajime when she left him outside. After Megumi approached Hajime with a light skip in her steps, she patted him on the shoulders and handed him one of the paper bags. Hajime averted his gaze from Megumi and it seemed like he didn't want to accept the paper bag. But after a few coaxes, Hajime gave in. With drooping shoulders, he accepted the bag, and the two walked side by side, eating together as if nothing happened. But then again, Hajime still seemed uncomfortable walking side by side with Megumi, so Franz assumed that he hasn't gotten over their disagreement a few moments ago.

"Well... that was... let's just say, that was interesting. Never in my life have I seen young miss act like that. Sigh~ I guess I should start watching romantic comedies nowadays, I can't understand youthful romance at all. What just happened a moment ago?" With all the questions whirling in his head, Franz picked up his pace and continued his tail.