Chapter 1

A loud deafening sound rang out throughout the whole city. Followed by the joyful cheers of the people, everyone jumped with tears of joy as the huge pressure looming over their chests finally disappeared.

The last zombie in the world, the zombie king, was finally taken down by their leader, Xinn. He was a space ability user with very powerful fighting prowess and leadership ability. He led the whole base to fight the threats of the zombies and hoarded food to feed all of them. They developed and grew stronger together, and finally, the zombie king was killed.

Everyone in the base liked Xinn. He is a kind and powerful leader that everyone depends on. He is the hero that led them to see the new dawn of hope. Today is the start of the post-apocalyptic era and everyone is excited about the development of their lost civilization.

Speaking of their culture that was lost during the apocalypse. They began to miss the warmth and joyful life where the city is still filled with life. Where the population was still big and how their lives before were convenient because of the help of advanced technology.

Xinn planned on developing the base and starting the operation of restoring their world and culture. Inside his space, there hid the books and data that he had hoarded from the national library when he was escaping from the countryside to the capital.

No one knows about this except his companion, Ruru.

After killing the zombie king, he put the zombie core into his space and happily hugged his subordinates who were cheering loudly for their success.

" Let's celebrate!!! " Xinn declared and released the mutated beasts they had captured as livestock.

That night, everyone surrounded the big campfire and roasted their share while drinking beers. Near the fire, three sexy ladies were dancing in a seductive manner followed by the cheers and whistles of the men.

Everyone was intoxicated from drunkenness and began indulging themselves in fleshly sins. Men pulled their lovers into their designated room and started rolling on the bed. While drunkards began singing with their deaf-toned voices.

Xinn smiled and gulped down his beer. He turned to look at his companion and patted his back. " The dawn has finally appeared, don't you think, Ruru? "

Ruru hung his head down and hummed before gulping his beer.

Xinn lay down on the ground and watched the stars up above. An intoxicated smile flashed upon his face as he reminisced about his life before the apocalypse appeared.

" Finally, finally, I get to take a rest. " Xinn sighed and closed his eyes.

Ruru at the side gave him a silent glance and suddenly raised the corner of his lips. Something suddenly glistened within his hand and the sharp tip of the knife suddenly stabbed into the chest of the base leader.

Xinn opened his eyes in surprise and stared at Ruru with disbelief.

Ruru flashed a malicious smile and snatched the amulet from Xinn's chest and said it in his low voice. " Rest in peace, my friend. "

Xinn's eyes followed the amulet within Ruru's hand and suddenly realized something. " S... So you've been coveting my magical space huh. "

Ruru patted Xinn's bloody chest and smirked. " You have worked hard, it's time for you to step back and let me lead the base to prosperity. "

Xinn felt his world spinning and a mind-numbing feeling enveloped his brain as he felt his ears ringing. His vision suddenly darkened, but Ruru's voice still repeatedly rang within his head, causing him to feel worse.

He just couldn't believe, that he would be betrayed by his best friend.

Xinn's body suddenly stopped breathing as his body temperature started to drop. Ruru extended his hand to feel his cold skin and smirked. He turned to look at the amulet that he believed contained the mysterious magical space that Xinn possessed.

The magical space that caused the whole base to unconditionally believe in Xinn is finally within his hands.

Before Ruru could celebrate what he had done. Xinn's body suddenly began glowing as the space around him suddenly started cracking. Ruru frowned in confusion and asked himself. " What is going on? "

A few seconds later, Xinn's corpse suddenly disappeared without any trace. Ruru expressed his disbelief at what had happened and suddenly felt a premonition of his situation.

Ruru hurriedly wounded himself and smeared a drop of blood on the amulet. After he did that, Ruru waited for a few seconds, but the amulet didn't react to it and remained still.

" What's going on? Isn't it supposed to acknowledge a new master after the former master died? "

" Why did the amulet remain still and unresponsive. "

Ruru gulped and started sweating. That's when he realized that he was fooled by Xinn for a very long time. The magical space wasn't within the amulet.

The magical space did not come from the artifact. It is his ability.

Having such a vast and capable of accommodating life, magical space is unbelievable for any space ability users in the world. That's why Xinn said that because he could control space, he was able to unseal the seal on the ancient magic artifact and owned the magical space inside. Yet who would have thought that it never came from a magic artifact, but was his ability all along.

Ruru regretted what he did and shouted in the middle of the night.


In a dark forest filled with towering trees. Rustling sounds of swaying grass resounded. Suddenly, an outline of a snake's body appeared and passed through the bushes and slithered on the ground agilely.

As the snake heads back to his cave, the snake suddenly stops and flicks his forked tongue into the air. The snake could taste the scent of blood in its surroundings.

Someone is around the area. The snake decided to check it out as he doesn't like having someone else around the vicinity of his territory.

The slender body of the snake slithered on the ground and followed the scent of blood. When the scent of blood intensified, the snake stopped his movements and locked his gaze on the silhouette of a bloody body.

" A female? " The snake hissed and slithered closely to the bloody body.

He could still sense the faint breath from the female's mouth. He wondered why such a female got wounded. The snake squinted his golden slit eyes at the chest of the female, where the blood was concentrated the most. He then found a stab wound on his chest; it seems that someone stabbed him. The snake was angry because the female's tribe failed to protect the female. He decided to bring him back to his cave to be healed.

The snake slowly slithered closer to the female and slowly coiled his body around the female. After he surrounded the female, he slightly tilted his body and let the female lie down on top of his back, and slowly began to slither back to his cave.

Alonzo couldn't believe that he had found a female. Females are rare, they are fragile, and they have to be taken carefully. The mortality rate of the females is particularly high that's why every Beastman cherishes their females to the point of spoiling them.

When he arrived at his cave.  He slowly moved the injured female and laid him on top of a fur bedsheet and began to smash the herbs he collected. Coiling his tail around the pestle, he began pounding the herbs and poured the juice into the wooden bowl. He then took out a clean fur and pulled up the helm of the female's shirt and wiped the blood off around his wound.

He was especially careful when wiping the blood off his skin.  He heard that a female's skin is delicate.  A Beastman has to be careful when he wants to caress his female. 

After cleaning his wound, he then slowly dips the tip of his tail in the bowl of herbs and slowly applies the herb over the part of the skin around the wound. Alonzo narrowed his eyes dangerously and stared at the wound.

" Who gave the perpetrator the courage to hurt a female. Is he not afraid of the punishment of the god? " Alonzo clicked his tongue and then wrapped gauze around the chest area.

After he tended the female's wound. Alonzo cleaned the female's dirty face and suddenly found that the female he brought back possessed a very good-looking face.

With such top-notch beauty, Alonzo felt blessed. For the god to give him such a beautiful female, he couldn't thank the god any less.

Alonzo gazed at the female with worry.  The female must have suffered from someone else's jealousy. Look at his pretty face; some female must have developed malicious intent because he must be the most beautiful female in their tribe. How could they do that to this female, females are so precious, why would they kill him? They should be treasured and protected, not killed.  Alonzo felt like the females in his tribe must be some kind of idiots.

He lifted his tail and slowly stroked the face of the female. He thought to himself that he would take good care of this female and feed him delicious food, never let him starve, and together with their future babies, they would raise them and live a life of prosperity and happiness. Just thinking about that, he couldn't help but lightly hit the female's cheeks with his head. This kind of movement would have been a queue for a male snake Beastman like him to mate readily but his female was still unconscious and weak, so he just reluctantly patted his arm and slowly rested his head beside the female's arms.

His forked tongue slid over the cheek of the female, then he contentedly slithered over and rested his head over the weak beating heart of the female.

' please survive '

At this time , Xinn only had this simple minded beast as his company when he was bordering the line between life and death .

[ Proofread and edited by your very own author : if there's any wrong grammar that you guys have detected , please don't be shy to remind me.  This author still lacks wisdom and experience regarding writing and grammatical errors or typos are inevitable.  ]