Chapter 14

Before they decided to embark towards the east . Alonzo and Xinn decided to bring the child into their cave to fed him . The child's stomach was already grumbling in hunger when they were in the middle of their conversation .

When Timothy arrived at the entrance of the couple's territory , Timothy's eyes was attracted to the flowers hanging on the fence surrounding the cave . Xinn and Alonzo led him inside and gave him a small legged stool to sit upon. 

Xinn then went to a table he put in the cave long ago which contained their leftovers.  The rice was already lukewarm but it can still be eaten . Xinn scooped it in a big plate since he knew that Beastmen have big appetites .

Timothy said that they are a tribe of red foxes.  The exiled Beastmen were a group of exiled coyotes and their race was the prey of coyotes since ancient times , coyotes still have the instinct to prey on red foxes so they suffered a lot whenever they meet coyotes . Although Beastmen Coyotes no longer preyed on them , they still want to to kill red foxes .

Hearing that , Xinn could understand since even in their world , there are few red foxes whenever there's coyotes around. 

It is tribal matter and Xinn and Alonzo doesn't want to get involve , but since they met this little child , they still want to help him even a little bit. 

Xinn gave him food that are suitable for canines , Xinn told Timothy to eat a lot of dark green leafy vegetables and also handed him a lot of fishes and eggs .

Timothy was so hungry that even if he dislike vegetables he still obediently ate them then recieved a glass of milk from Xinn.

Alonzo at the side was watching this seen with a thoughtful expression , thinking that this would probably what will happen if the two of them had a child , but Alonzo was already feeling sour with jealousy .

He was having two thoughts among the two ideas of having children or not .

The fishes that Xinn cooked came from the fish pond in his space . Xinn was planning on making a pond outside of their cave then install another fence and grow some crops . If Xinn don't do this , Alonzo would constantly wait for his food reserve to be emptied. Alonzo has been asking him wether he still have food in his space and wether he wants Alonzo to hunt for him. 

Xin laughed at that time thinking that Alonzo was so excited to raise him with his hunted food . In order to reassure his snake , he decided to build a pond , grow some crops and build a poultry . Since he doesn't have a smartphone and internet to entertain himself , he planned on busying himself on some things . While thinking of that , Xinn changed into a new clothes and handed Alonzo new clothes to change into .

Both of them wore camouflage turtle necks and camouflage jogging pants . When they stood in front of each other , their eyes scrunitized each other's attire and thought that they are really good looking.

Xinn handed Alonzo military boots then tied himself with a pair of military boots . Xinn smiled thinking that this is their first time wearing couple's attire .

Of course , he didn't forget to also give Timothy a set of camouflage attires and thought they somehow looked like a family of military lineage.

Xinn immediately pulled the two of them and pulled out his camera.  Seeing the camera , Alonzo immediately made his expression serious and solemn and stared at the camera with a handsome pose . Timothy at the side doesn't know what's going and just looked up curiously at the square thing in Xinn's hand .

Xinn smiled at the camera when it flashes .

" That's it! "

Xinn immediately pulled out the picture then waited for the picture to turn clear.  Timothy curiously looked at and suddenly widened his eyes when he saw himself in it .

" D-did I go in there?!! "

Alonzo chuckled and explained to him that it is an item that could copy a picture from the outside into a picture . It is like an instant realistic painting of reality .

Timothy widened his eyes in wonder and felt like Xinn's camera was so formidable and divine. 

Xinn pulled out his marker and put the date behind the picture.  " Second Month , 15th day , year 1245 After Sixth Rock Fall . the day we met Timothy . "

Timothy listened to what Xinn was talking but he couldn't understand it . He turned to Alonzo and asked what Xinn was talking and writing.

Alonzo replied that he is talking notes of the time they made a picture together and met him.  Timothy realized that it was like a diary but it was a picture . Xinn indeed wanted to fill the cave with their pictures , if there's too much , he would store them in an album .

Picking up his sword , he looked at Alonzo and said they should go .

Timothy couldn't completely transform into his beast form yet so he could only partially transform , but since he is wearing precious clothings he was reluctant to transform into his half beast form .

Alonzo is still fast in his human form so he didn't bother transforming into his python form . Xinn ran towards the east followed by Timothy and Alonzo . Timothy pointed at the direction as the three of them ran agilely like breezes of winds. 

Timothy was so shocked by Xinn's speed . Females weren't supposed to own such supernatural speed yet Xinn surprisingly could run quickly like them. Alonzo on the other hand knew that Xinn came from a mysterious advanced world and thought that Xinn innately possessed such strength .

They passed through several streams and rocky pathways until they came out of the forest.  Timothy led them to a valley and pointed at a destroyed tribe.  Xinn took a look and raised his brows seeing several tall men in leather skirt patrolling around the vicinity of the tribe territory. 

" It seems that these coyotes wanted to use your territory as their headquarter.  " Alonzo said .

Xinn nodded in agreement . Timothy's face wasn't good and his hands were already cold from the thought that his parents were already dead. 

Alonzo and Xinn were supposed to only deliver Timothy back to the tribe but seeing his place in a dire place . Xinn couldn't get himself to ignore them . He doesn't really want to meddle with their problem but looking at Timothy's desperate gaze .

Xinn suddenly recalled the same expression back then . Having your own place being invaded by intruders , it was just like his world having been thrown to chaos by zombies and mutated monsters . They were driven away from their homes and were forced to run towards a safe place to take refugee . Several homes have been hoarded by people for food , and some were destroyed by rampaging mutated monsters and powerful zombies .

The scene of the tribal houses being burned and destroyed overlapped with his memory of the city with buildings broken from several battles and bombings.  Dead corpse being eaten by the undead could be seen everywhere and he could hear their desperate cry for god to save them. 

Xinn's head throbbed and he couldn't help massaging his temple . Alonzo worriedly held Xinn's hand and massaged Xinn's temple.  " What's wrong? "

Xinn shook his head.  " Nothing , I just felt like this scene is familiar to me.  "

Alonzo straightened his lips then slowly embraced Xinn. " Do you want to save them. "

Xinn shook his head.  " Not really , maybe driving them out will do . Release the caged Beastmen and let them take revenge for themselves . We don't have any grudges with the exiled Beastmen but they are wrong for attacking an innocent tribe . "

" Let them face the wrath of the victims . "

Alonzo nodded in understanding. 

Xinn held his sword then told Alonzo to wait for him.  Alonzo stopped Xinn and said that he will be the one to free them , but Xinn shook his head in refusal and told Alonzo that he had the ability to free them easily .

Alonzo was left behind by Xinn to guard Timothy and quietly waited for Xinn to free the caged Red Fox Beastmen. 

The red fox Beastmen were clearly weaker than coyotes , but that doesn't have to do with Xinn . He's not a hero , but he's not heartless either .

Xinn immediately teleported on roof of a destroyed tribal house and quietly jumped through the tribal house until he arrived at the chief tribal house.  There he saw several coyote Beastmen guarding the chief tribal house that has now turned into a prison .

There are 8 coyote Beastmen guarding every corner of the prison . All of them are leisurely and unguarded . They don't seem to smell the the scent of the intruder .

Xinn aimed his tranquilizer gun filled with high dosage of drug and aimed it them. 

Blag Blag ...

Two men collapsed , Xinn crawled on the roof then changed position. 

He aimed again and took down another pair . He changed position and aimed until all of the guards collapsed .

The people inside noticed the sound of bodies falling unto the ground . One particular female peeked out through a hole and looked at the coyotes sleeping on the ground .

The female immediately widened his eyes and pulled his friend to take a look . Several female went to take a look and immediately restrained their shout as they celebrated with clasped hands.  On the other side of the room , the Beastmen were also peeking out through the gaps and immediately jumped silently together . The door to the tribal houses opened and the females and Beastmen found each other when they simultaneously exited .

They tacitly nodded and then started separating . It seems that they are going to take their revenge .

A bag full of weapons suddenly dropped in front of them . The red fox tribe paused their movements and stared at the sack with surprised eyes .

Xinn stood up and looked down on them . The tribal people on the other found Xinn on top of the roof and almost screamed in surprise thinking it was a ghost . Fortunately they managed to cover the female's mouth before he could make a loud sound.

Xinn gestured for them to open the sack . One tall Beastmen stepped forward and crouched down to open the sack and when he opened it , he expressed his disbelief and showed it to them. 

The Beastmen took out a wooden spear , sticks , bamboo bows , stone axes and even javelines and slingshots .

Everyone of them picked out their own choices of weapon and stared dazedly at the female over the roof .

Xinn crossed his arms and gestured for them to fight then disappeared .

The whole tribe couldn't believe it , such female possessed such movements that even their best warrior and the coyotes couldn't detect. 

Who's this god like female that helped them?

The tribal chief among the Beastmen immediately picked up his spear then said with solemnity . " Let's not dally anymore and immediately help our captured companions from being forced upon and killed ."

The females immediately pick up long range weapons and nodded with serious expressions.


When Xinn went back to the place where he left the two . Alonzo immediately hugged Xinn tightly . Xinn patted Alonzo's back then turn to Timothy who was wearing a look of worry , concern and relief that he came back .

Xinn patted his head and carried him up . He then jumped high and landed on a tree branch and faced the direction of the tribal territory . In here , they could clearly see what was going on in there and witnessed how the red foxes copied Xinn and climbed through their room and throw stones , javelines and heavy things towards the coyotes . The Beastmen on the other hand fought head on like crazy madmen taking their revenge for stealing their females and food .

Timothy trembled witnessing such violent scene . Xinn patted his head . Xinn want Timothy to witness how cruel the world is , but at the same time warning him to grow stronger to be able to protect his love ones .

Xinn said something and , Alonzo who were sitting on the branch beside them translated. 

" If you don't want your female to be stolen by others especially outsiders . Become strong . "

Timothy clenched his fist and nodded . " I will " he answered with his milky voice yet he wore an expression of determination. 

Xinn patted Timothy's head and waited until the bloodshed ended .

When they were heading towards here earlier , Xinn had Alonzo and Timothy to collect herbs along the way .

Xinn handed Timothy the sack of herbs then jumped down . He pushed Timothy to the direction of the Tribe and said something.

Alonzo then translated it . " Help the wounded to be treated . "

Timothy hugged the bottles of alcohol , herbs , clean gauzes , mortar and pestle and needles and stitches .

Alonzo explained to Timothy that if someone get a big wound , let some Females skilled in tailoring to stitch their wounds and apply a gauze before it scabs , he reminded that they should remove the thread after the wound heals back to the range of no longer in danger .

Xinn was the one who told Alonzo to translate for him. Timothy listened carefully then nodded as he run towards the tribe .


When Timothy arrived back to the tribe , he immediately shouted his parents' names and pounced towards them.  He cried but stopped himself before telling them that he was fine .

He then went to their witch and handed the sack of medicine to the witch .

The Witch named Areo recieved the medicines and teared up . When they were caught by the exiles , the coyotes snatched their food reserve and medicines . The medicines were burned down while the foods entered the Coyotes' stomachs. 

He was worried that after their revenge , a lot of men would perish from their wounds . Who would have thought that the beast god would bless them with Timothy's arrival .

" Are you fine? Timothy . " Aria asked and patted the toddler's head .

Timothy nodded and wiped his red eyes . " I'm fine , Witch , someone took care of me temporarily and helped me bring these necessary things to you . "

Areo asked. ", Where are they? Have you thanked them? "

Timothy sniffed his mucus and said.  " They left and told me to get stronger in order to protect my loved ones . "

Arel smiled . " It is correct . "

Timothy clenched his fist . " I will never let the villains to hurt the tribe in the future.  "

Areo chuckled , " We should have thanked them for saving us ."

Timothy . " Brother Alonzo said that we don't need to thank them . He said that they only gave us the opportunity to take revenge ... Uhmmm . "

Timothy blushed . " They also said that if not because of me , they wouldn't be able to assist us and help us with our predicament so we don't need to thank them . But I personally want to go back there and thank them , however , I couldn't go back there without mom and dad accompanying me ."

Areo patted Timothy's head and said. " Once our tribe stabilized , we will take a visit in their place and personally give them our heartfelt gratitude.  "