Chapter 17

The next day , Xinn was the first to wake up as usual . He immediately sat up and turned to look at the room at the left side of the cave and removed the barrier . No wonder he felt a little bit weak , he forgot that he's actually been supplying energy on the barrier around his room ..

Xinn thought that he should use the room right away.  Xinn carried his snake up in a princess style . Alonzo was immediately awakened and opened his drowsy eyes in confusion .

Xinn immediately kissed his lover's eyes then patted his thigh . " Sleep "

Alonzo hummed then closed his eyes again . Xinn then walked to the room and slowly layed Alonzo on the soft mattress of the bed . Alonzo's body slightly sank into the mattress . Xinn then pulled their quilt and covered Alonzo's body with it . Xinn climb into the bed and lied sideways while watching his boyfriend sleeping. 

He stroke the edges of his face and combed the strands of his hair. He was already getting used to Alonzo's body temperature and no longer felt that it was too cold . Alonzo on the other hand liked Xinn's warm temperature and always coiled his body around Xinn to feel his warmth .

Xinn's heart is burning with affection towards his boyfriend and couldn't help kissing Alonzo's forehead and cheeks. He patted his cheeks before climbing down the bed . He closed the curtains and went to the kitchen where all his mini stoves are located . On the other part , there's a stove made of soil and mud . He has not yet filled the storage with dry woods , looking at the half filled storage.

He decided to quickly cook food for their breakfast . After he was finished cooking . He picked up his axe and went outside to collect woods . The sun was already high and the temperature in the forest has already started turning high .

He roamed around the vicinity of their cave and picked up woods . He then put them in the wheelbarrow and pulled it back to the cave to be sun dried .

He repeatedly collected woods while piling them up outside.  By the time Alonzo woke up , Xinn was already sweating from splitting the fat logs into thin ones .

Alonzo hurriedly fetch water from the dispenser Xinn put in the kitchen and ran towards his hardworking female .

He immediately stopped Xinn from chopping woods and wiped his sweat personally . Xinn's heart immediately felt complete being treated like this and obediently let his snake lover to wipe his sweat .

Xinn pointed at his cheeks . Alonzo then bend his waist down and kissed Xinn's cheeks . Xinn then expressed a satisfied expression and handed the axe to him .

With this kind of love life, Xinn doesn't mind mating with Alonzo at all . He was even preparing his mentality for it .

Xinn sat on a stool at the side and watched his snake lifting up the axe as he chopped woods inexperiencedly.  Xinn chuckled then summoned his camera to take a pic of Alonzo half naked while chopping woods , in the picture , Alonzo looked manly but in reality, the snake was actually struggling .

-Second Month , 17th day , 1245 After Six Rock Fall . - Alonzo chopped woods for me but was struggling to do so.

Alonzo heard the camera shutter and turned his head to Xinn's direction . His female was writing on the back of the paper and smiled at him . Alonzo helplessly shook his head then focused his attention back to chopping wood .

After a few more munites , Xinn stopped Alonzo and beckoned him inside the cave to eat with him.  Alonzo wasn't hungry at all , but he doesn't mind stuffing his bottomless stomach to accompany his hungry female .

Xinn ate his food then put some dishes on top of Alonzo's bowl . Alonzo moved his fork and put the scrambled eggs on Xinn's plate then ate on his own plate . After eating , Alonzo recieved a milk then obediently drink it. 

After Alonzo finished eating , he immediately shivered when he saw the green toothbrush in Xinn's hand . Alonzo's instincts told him to run away but Xinn's hands had already gripped his wrist and stopped him from running away.

" Don't worry , the toothpaste this time isn't as spicy as before . "

Alonzo fearfully looked at the green toothbrush with red toothpaste in it . Then obediently opened his mouth to be cleaned . Xinn smiled in satisfaction by his snake's obedience and started brushing Alonzo's teeth , this time , he is specially careful and gentle .

Alonzo no longer trembled then moved his tongue to slightly taste the bubble , it is surprisingly sweet , but still , it is an unpleasant experience for him , it is still slightly better than the tear enducing spicy toothpaste he used yesterday. 

" Good boy " Xinn smiled then handed Alonzo a cup of water .

Alonzo immediately washed his mouth then wiped it with the towel Xinn handed to him .

" Smile for me . "

Alonzo smiled handsomely and flashed a row of white teeth looking handsome and bright .

Xinn's heart immediately fell for his charms and hugged Alonzo .


Xinn decided to wash up later as he planned on ploughing lands around the cave . Alonzo followed Xinn and walked around the vicinity of the cave to choose a plot of land to plough and plant crops .

When Xinn inspected the soil around their vicinity.  Xinn discovered that it is only suitable for growing spices , wheat , tropical fruits , barley's etc .

However , if he grows spices in here , his snake might get irritated from the strong scent .

Xinn loved tropical fruits , if he grows them , then he could have tropical fruits in the future.  It is only sad that snakes are mostly carnivorous , even though Alonzo can also eat fruits , he definitely prefers meat over fruit .

Xinn pulled Alonzo's hands and asked.  " Can you eat fruits? "

Alonzo arc up his brows.  " Of course , albeit rare, I could still eat fruit . After all , I am also a man . "

" But you still prefer meat . "

" Naturally . "

Xinn decided to just plant some wheat , that way , he could also bake breads for Alonzo . Of he put in some meat on the bread , Alonzo might like to eat it. 

There are tall grasses stuck in the plot of land and he have to pluck them out in order to start sowing seeds inside . The way Xinn grow crops is different from how people in his world use technology . He thought that using his ability is more convenient than driving a tractor .

Alonzo was crouching beside Xinn when Xinn's aura suddenly changed.  Xinn extended his hands and put them over the soil.  Then suddenly , the space over the soil suddenly distorted , because of the distortion , the earth immediately turned up and the wild grasses was pluck out. 

It was as if there are worm under that turned up all the soil . Xinn stopped his ability before it could reach the border where trees where located. 

Xinn clapped his hands and flashed a smile.  " So quick , right? "

Alonzo's eyes widened like saucers and ran across the plot of land that now have been upturned.  His female just touched the soil and the earth was ploughed instantly?

What kind of ability is this? Did he unknowingly saved a god?

Xinn laughed at Alonzo's reaction and hit his thigh.  " It's my ability , I can control space . "

Alonzo turned to face Xinn and asked.  " Do all people in your world possess abilities like this? "

Xinn shook his head.  " Not at all , some people failed to awaken and became monsters . Awakening a powerful ability such as this is dangerous and there's a very high percentage that I will become a monster. Fortunately my immune system was quiet strong and I managed to survive the virus.  "

Alonzo doesn't know what Xinn was talking about but he get the gist that getting such ability is not easy and is even dangerous to the point of life threathening .

Xinn went back to his own business and removed all the weeds that are left and leveled the beds . Alonzo helped him put fertilizers on the soil to boost the fertility. After that , the two started sowing seeds.  The space that Xinn upturned were enough for him to bake 50 loafs of bread , he doesn't need a large plot of land to plant wheat as only he and Alonzo would eat them. 

After they carefully sowed the seeds , Xinn ordered Alonzo to help him cover the space beds with crop cover in order to avoid wild birds from pecking at the seeds .

By the time he and Alonzo finished it , it was already passed lunch time . Xinn sat down under the shadow of the tree to drink fresh water.  Alonzo became Xinn's portable cooler as his body was relatively cold . Xinn hugged Alonzo's cool body and relaxed his tired muscles. 

Xinn went back to planting but this time , he just transplanted some mature tropical trees from his space into their crop land and watered it with water before they die .

Xinn then ran back to the shadow of the tree and pounced into his lover's arms.  He whinned and ordered Alonzo to massage his waist, then his back and shoulders.

Alonzo obediently massaged Xinn's shoulder happily . Xinn was nakedly lying on his stomach showing Alonzo his bare back . Alonzo greedily feasts on the scene and touched his skin. 

From Alonzo's cold skin , Xinn gradually fell asleep.  Alonzo pulled Xinn's head to his lap and wiped Xinn's wet face.  He stared at his female's handsome face silently and wished to himself that their relationship would last long. 

At least until he matured and mated with Xinn , that way , if Xinn gets pregnant , he wouldn't be able to break up with him since he would give birth to his children. 

A few munites later , Alonzo carried Xinn's body back to the cave , went to the room to get two pairs of attires from the closet and pulled the basket filled with soap and shampoo . After that , He carried the sleeping Xinn and walked towards the Creek to bath him .

Alonzo sat down on a boulder and let Xinn's sleeping body to sit on his lap and removed all their clothes.  Alonzo's face turned red seeing Xinn's naked body and carefully touched Xinn's scars . How he wished he could lick them . Alonzo sniffed Xinn's neck and moaned from the restrained lust hidden within his heart .

He wanted to suppress Xinn , surround him with his tail and lick all his skin.

Alonzo's golden slit eyes glowed with intense aura as he feasted on Xinn's naked body . He dropped kisses after kisses on all his scars and pinched Xinn's butt , his scale bulged and rubbed on Xinn's length. Alonzo panted and decided to stop .

He rubbed soap on Xinn's skin and bathe him before wrapping him with a towel and carried him back to their cave to change clothes .

Alonzo layed Xinn on the bed and wore clothes on himself before put the clothes he prepared on Xinn's body.  He climbed the bed and layed Xinn's head on his lap and started drying his hair. 

Xinn subconsciously smiled from the comfort and turned to his side to hug Alonzo's waist .

Staring at Xinn's charming smile , Alonzo is more determined to practice controlling his venom . Once he completely controlled his gland , he would ravage Xinn's lips all night and leave traces on his skin once they mate with each other .

" Alonzo , I'm hungry . " Xinn groaned. 

Alonzo froze then stared at Xinn's knowing eyes .

" Y-you "

Xinn chuckled , he was awake all the time . All Alonzo's actions earlier , he witnessed it all .

Alonzo's heart almost jumped out of his throat learning that Xinn knew all of the things he had done when he thought Xinn was sleeping.

" You already know how to squeeze my butt when I'm asleep , huh? "

Alonzo's turned crimson from being guilty . Xinn took Alonzo's hand and gently bit on it.

Alonzo's heart halted and stared at Xinn who is currently seducing him . Xinn licked index finger and sucked on it . Alonzo's breathing turned rugged and wanted to pull out his finger but Xinn's hands were firm around his wrist .

Xinn moved his fingers as he slid it up and down from his fingertips to his knuckles .

" Xinn ... " Alonzo closed his eyes , Xinn's seductive expression when he was licking his fingers were too much for his eyes .

Xinn pulled Alonzo's head to his neck and whispered into his ears .

" Baby , please grow quickly. "

Alonzo's Adams apple moved up and down , then he answered in his haorse voice.  " Soon ... Soon , I will grow up quickly , I promise.  "

Xinn stared at Alonzo with gentle eyes and then hovered over him to suck on his Adams apple .