Chapter 10

A few munites later , Xinn stepped out of the creek and immediately wrap himself with a towel in one second . Alonzo was amazed at Xinn's supernatural speed . Then turned his head to the side to avoid watching him .

Xinn picked up his clothes and remembered how Alonzo was naked all the time with only green scales covering his private parts . Xinn summoned an oversized black t-shirt from the space and some extra large brief and black short pants. 

Xinn turned to the side where Alonzo was waiting under the shadow of a tree and walked towards him . Alonzo's eyes moved and landed on the female and saw him carrying a pile of clothes that were similar to the pictured he saw on Xinn's phone before. 

Clothes from Xinn's world .

Xinn smiled and handed the folder clothes to him. " Here , wear this.  "

Alonzo recieved the clothes but doesn't know how to wear the clothes.  " How do I wear these? "

Xinn scratched his head and chuckled.  He forgot to teach him that. 

" Ok , pick up that black t shirt. "

Alonzo followed Xinn's instructions . Xinn on the other hand also pick up his tank top and started demonstrating the method of wearing the clothes. 

" You see these two holes at the? Insert both of your arms to the largest hole then pass it through the two holes at both sides .... "

Xinn slowly wore his tank tap and then passed his head to the last hole . Alonzo followed after him and nodded . It was pretty easy , he just doesn't know which hole he should put his body parts on .

A few munites later , Alonzo was finally dressed up . Xinn narrowed his eyes at the handsome man in front of him and couldn't help clicking his tongue in admiration. 

So handsome .

Xinn gave Alonzo a thumbs up . Xinn immediately summoned his camera and pulled Alonzo to his side.  Alonzo was confused as Xinn lifted a rectangular box in front of them .

Xinn patted Alonzo's hand and said.  " Smile at the camera's direction . "

" Ok , smile in one , two three "


A light flashed suddenly then the scenery was captured by the camera . Xinn immediately waited for the picture to come out. Once the paper exited the camera he immediately picked it up and covered it with his palm .

A few seconds later , a picture of Xinn and Alonzo appeared on the black paper. Alonzo leaned over to look closely at the picture and saw himself standing beside his female with his hands wrapped around Xinn's waist . He was wearing an oversized t shirt and black short pants.  His green hair was draping down to his shoulder as he smiled at the front. This is the first time Alonzo saw himself in a picture , there is no mirror in their clan and they could only check their face in the reflection of the water , nevertheless , it isn't as clear as the picture that was captured by the camera. 

Xinn smiled and complimented Alonzo's looks.  " You're so handsome , Alonzo.  Especially now that you're wearing our world's clothes.  You really look more handsome than the usual.  "

Alonzo subconsciously touched his face then lowered his head as he smiled . " Really? "

Xinn nodded.  " Hmm "

" Who's more handsome between me and that red haired man ? "

Xinn recalled the man he met before then stared at his boyfriend's face.  " Of course you.  "

A triumphant smile immediately surfaced upon the beastman's countenance.  His female complimented him for his looks , that means his female prefers him than those muscle headed four legged beasts. 

Xinn summoned a small frame from his space and inserted the photo inside.  Once he was done , he handed the frame to Alonzo and said. " My gift for you.  "

Alonzo widened his eyes in surprise and recieved the gift . He run his fingertips across the surface of the picture frame and hugged it.  The time where they wore good clothes and hugged each other was permanently captured by a camera . This is his first picture with his lover .

Xinn summoned a marker again and slowly wrote a quote behind the frame.  " What's the date today? "

Alonzo answered.  " Second Moon , 14th day , year 1245 of the calendar After Sixth Rock Fall.  "

Xinn froze when he heard the date . " Wow , so today is actually valentine's day?!!! "

Alonzo arc up his brows in confusion.  " What is Valentine's day? "

Xinn laughed as he hit his palm on his thigh. " It is the day of love.  Most people in the world give chocolates and flowers to the people they like or love.  "

Xinn smiled brightly as he uncapped the marker.  He then wrote the date below the qoute he just wrote and smiled .

" Me and my boyfriend , Alonzo took our very first picture at the day of love. The day 14th of Second Summer Moon , year 1245 . "

Alonzo listening to his words blushed and covered his twitching lips . Xinn then stopped writing and gave the frame back to Alonzo . He then smiled . " Happy Valentines Day , Alonzo . "

Alonzo trembledly received the picture frame and felt his eyes turning watery . He dropped his head into the nook of Xinn's neck and hugged him tightly.  " Thank You for accompanying me today . "

Xinn hugged back and nodded . Alonzo let go then hugged the frame carefully . " I will cherish this . "

Alonzo silently thought.  _ This will become our Family Heirloom where our future children would take a look at this every 14th day of February.  This is the day that their parents took a bath with each other for the first time and took a picture for the first time . _

_ And also , this will be the start of the family's tradition.  From today onwards , every single snakelets in the family would celebrate the Valetines Day and take a picture . _

Xinn never thought that his boyfriend was already thinking of their future babies and family traditions.

Xinn pulled Alonzo back to their cave as he decided to summon the ingredients and tools in his space to cook Alonzo a breakfast. 

When they returned back to the cave , Xinn suddenly remembered that snakes are sensitive to strong scents.  Human food has aromatics mixed in it , does that mean that snake Beastmen couldn't eat human food ?

" Alonzo , can you eat cooked food? " Xinn asked. 

Cooked food? " You mean , the food that every females eat? "

" Yeah? "

" Yes , we do . Although , most of the time , I would just swallow my prey whole to satiate my stomach. ",

As expected of a snake .

" But , can you eat food with strong aromas? "

Alonzo then explained to Xinn.  " Snakes with no spirituality couldn't stand strong scents but snake Beastmen do not.  As we have human forms , we also eat cooked food from time to time , most cooked food needed condiments and seasonings that most ordinary snakes hated but we underwater serpents does not mind strong scents assaulting our senses.  "

So tribes nearby has already discovered using aromatic in their cooking. He really should not underestimate the intelligence of these people. 

Xinn summoned his three mini gas stove , his cookware set . bottles of condiments and seasonings , a frozen chicken , and some other ingredients he had in store during apocalyse .

His space has a part in which time was frozen . It was especially convenient for him to store food to avoid spoilage .

Xinn started marinating the chicken with dark soy sauce , vinegar , ordinary soy sauce , slices of an aromatic such as garlic , pepper and etc.. He massaged the chicken carefully before heating up his pan. 

He carefully half fried the marinated chickens first before putting it back to a spare plate.  He then poured the marinated juice from before into the pan and heated it , once a certain time has passed , he then slowly put the chicken and covered it .

A few munites passed and the aroma of the braised pork started diffusing into the the surroundings.  Xinn took out some sugar and sprinkled it before adding bay leaves on top .

While the pork is still cooking , he checked the rice he was cooking at the other mini stove.

Xinn cooked a few more dishes in his third stove , fried some sunny side up eggs and sausages .

Alonzo was watching him cook with the modern world's cooking tools all this time and wore a smile as he dazedly stared at his female's handsome focused face.

His female is cooking for him , he must compliment him for taking care of him.

Xinn clapped his hands and turned to look at his boyfriend.  He smiled at him then invited him to start eating. 

Xinn summoned a low legged table and put it over a flat surface.  He then layed all the dishes on top of the table and handed Alonzo a plate , spoon , knife and fork. 

Alonzo dazedly accepted it and stared at the sumptuous dish.  He never had such varieties of food in a single meal before as he usually only eat raw foods. 

Xinn patted Alonzo who was wearing a lost look and said to him . " From now on , I will cook every meal for you everyday . Why do you eat your prey raw? It's not delicious at all.  "

Taste doesn't matter to them though , Alonzo inwardly retorted but still obediently held his spoon and started eating the dishes his lover made. 

" Are these dishes enough for you , Alonzo? "

Alonzo doesn't know.

" Eat first and let see when will you get full of this dishes after this.  "

" Ok "

In order to stuff Alonzo's bottomless snake stomach, Xinn particularly recommended eating meat with rice.  When Alonzo ate his food with rice , he immediately showered Xinn with a lot of praises and said that this is his first meal that he could call unforgettable. 

Xinn was not a cook , but a 21st century man is still better than that of a primitive man's cooking.

As expected , it took Alonzo 9 full plates of rice before he got enough . The sauce of the braised chicken was what Alonzo liked the most and he would always pour the sauce over the rice and then eat it.  Xinn laughed at him seeing this as he could relate to his taste buds. He himself liked the sauce better than the pork .

After finishing 9 plates of rice , he went to eat all the chicken parts left in the bowl and then started eating the sausages .

Xinn handed him a ketchup . Then he picked up one sunny side up egg and poured the braised pork sauce over it before eating .

Snakes were supposed to be solely carnivorous , but Beastmen are omnivores .However, the Essential nutrients that they needed vary from their race. 

Such as Alonzo , he tend to eat more meat than fruits, but since he's a Beastmen , he also needed nutrients that humans needed . So eventually , Alonzo still has to eat foods rich in carbohydrates , proteins , minerals and etc.  Snake Beastmen naturally needs more vitamin D and calcium that are both good for their bones since they are snakes. 

Next time , he should cook a fish for his snake lover. 

Instead of Alonzo pampering Xinn . Xinn became the one who pampered him instead.  Although it may sound shameless , but Alonzo is enjoying his female's treatment. 

As Alonzo was savoring the feeling of being treated. Xinn brewed him a milk. Alonzo obediently drank it and was told by Xinn to bask in the sun. 

Alonzo transformed into his snake form and slithered out of the cave to bask .

Xinn also followed him and layed on top of Alonzo's body as he bathed in the warm sunlight. 

Oh , this is the lifestyle that Xinn wanted .

Alonzo stared at the relaxed expression on Xinn's face and slowly coiled his body around him.