Chapter 19

That night , Xinn stared at the pile of fruits on the table . He stared at his silent boyfriend nibbling on an apple at the sofa not daring to even give him a glance. 

Xinn smiled in amusement and felt warmth inside about how Alonzo listens to his suggestions . Alonzo might have been felt offended when he told him his semen tastes salty which he didn't prefer . A man's pride shouldn't be trampled , he thought Alonzo would sulk again yet this cute guy actually listened to his suggestions and really took some temperate and tropical fruits to try out .

How did he get such perfect lover? Although he's not literally perfect that he was flawless , he was perfect for him to pamper and bully. 

Xinn happily sliced some bananas , apples , pineapples , mango , lemon and oranges , he put them all in a bowl and summoned an all purpose cream , condense milk and ice cubes .

He mixed them before tasting them . " What a simple fruit salad , but at least it taste pretty good . "

He immediately brought the bowl of fruit salad and beckoned Alonzo to try them out .

Alonzo hesitated then picked up the spoon to try it out. He picked up a yellow cube coated with white milky liquid , when he ate it.  It was cold , sweet and sour.  He could taste the taste of milk in it as well as the sourness of several fruits that were mixed in.

Alonzo picked up another cube , this time he ate an apple cube and pine apple cube. Alonzo felt it tastes good and so he started eating them in a fast pace. 

Xinn smiled then picked up his own share and ate peacefully with his lover.  While they were eating ,Alonzo suddenly stopped eating and looked ahead .

Xinn followed Alonzo's gaze and didn't see anything . Xinn pick up a mango slice then sipped some milk . He then asked . " What's wrong? "

Alonzo touched his head and said.  " I could feel like some troubles are gonna enter the vicinity of the forest.  "

Xinn arc up his brows.  " What trouble? "

Alonzo's eyes turned dark as he stared silently at the southern direction .

" Maybe some immigrants . "

Xinn picked another fruit   " oh? Not exiled Beastmen? "

Alonzo sighed then went back to eating his salad.  " It was natural for some tribes to migrate specially if a disaster is upcoming towards their territory such as volcano eruption , earthquake , landslide and etc.  "

" Then ... Will they enter the forest? "

Alonzo shook his head.  " No , they will not ... Everyone knows that there are a lot of dangers and mystery in the forest . Ancient beasts especially resides the forest so they don't dare to venture deep into the forest . They might stay there temporarily and return back after a certain span of time . "

" Oh , I see . " Xinn nodded then looked at the southern direction .

" I am quite curious as to what kind of animal are there in their tribe . "

Alonzo narrowed his eyes.  " What? You're gonna cheat on me? "

Xinn immediately denied . " No way , they are not as good as you baby.  Why would I cheat? "

Alonzo hmmped then went back to eating his salad but Xinn never missed the reddening ears of his lover. 

Heh~ this tsundere ... Why do switch deres all the time? What would you become next? Deredere? Kuudere? Oujidere? Yandere? What what?

Alonzo usually sleep late at night because he often hunt during night , but he also sometimes sleep at night if he's full or not yet hungry. 

This time , Alonzo walked out of the cave and practiced his fangs again . Xinn on the other hand washed the dishes and cleaned the house before laying on the sofa while reading translated Chinese novels . On the coffee table , there's a pile of mangas , manhwas , novels and light novels .

Alonzo put down the novel and picked up a manga . This time , it was the manga entitled ' Dr. Stone ' , a manga about a world with people being petrified by a mysterious light , Dr stone is the main character of the story . He was revived after many thousands of years later and discovered the revival liquid that could de-petrify people . He then build a science kingdom and fought with Tsukasa a powerful villain who thinks that they should eliminate people who don't deserve to live in the purified world .

Alonzo was in the middle part of the Stone Wars Saga when Alonzo suddenly returned back . Xinn didn't realized that it's already 8 in the middle of night and immediately closed the book .

Alonzo came back with bloody mouth . Xinn sighed , this guy is really working hard to control his venomous salivary gland just to kiss him .

Xinn made Alonzo to clean his mouth before pulling him into the room to sleep . Alonzo embraced Xinn's warm body and held Xinn's curvy waist and licked his lips in regret .

He hopes that with his pent up desires , his sexual maturity would be quickened. 


In the middle of the night , in the southern part of the forest , a group of Beastmen explored into the forest . They are a group of Beastmen with 10 members in it . Everyone of them was in their human form each holding a torch as they made their way deeper.

When they arrived in the middle part of the forest , the scent of blood in the surroundings became thicker and distinct.  They halted their steps and vigilantly looked around .

" It seems that this place is a territory of a strong beast.  We should probably stop here and mark this place as the border which females are not aloud to cross through . " A blonde haired man said seriously with an air of a wise leader .

The rest of the members nodded in agreement.  The method of marking a border was relatively simple , they would just put symbols on the trees and let everyone in their tribe know that they should not venture through this place and should stop .

The leader named , Alex suddenly noticed a dead mountain rat and crouched down to pick it up.  He noticed four bloody fang marks around its neck and immediately discerned that the tyrant in the forest is probably a strong snake species.  Moreover , it was even venomous base on the body of the dead mouse.

Alex narrowed his eyes and reminded his teammates.  " A snake is ruling this area , if you ever meet it when you go here . Immediately run away or simply hide , if the snake detects your snake , spray your body some herb that could mask your scent . Am I clear? "

The teammates immediately answered. " Understood , leader . "

Alex then sighed in relief before standing up . " We should head back ... There are few Beastmen guarding the females right now . "

When Alex and his team returned to their temporary stop . The females waiting at the vicinity of the forest finally sighed in relief . The married females immediately pounced into their Beastmen and started kissing boldly.

Alex was unperturbed about it but he was inwardly jealous about them who were rewarded a female for their meritorious deed. 

Alex has not yet reach his adulthood and so cannot choose his own female but he has his eyes on a female already .

The partriarch suddenly appeared . " Did you discover something inside? "

Alex went into their tent and sat down . Alex nodded.  " There are some traces of hunted animals and bloody scent in the middle part of the forest . A venomous monster is probably living around that area and is very dangerous for the females if they accidentally lost themselves there.  "

The partriarch named Erion was already stressed about the tide of giant boars that passed through their territory . Those hoarde of ordinary animals were frightened by the upcoming volcano eruption from the large river in the vicinity of their tribal territory . They didn't expect that not long after they settled in there , a dormant volcano would actually suddenly erupt. 

They have no choice but to migrate to the north and temporary settle until they found a suitable place to use as their permanent territory . After all , they wouldn't want to live in an uncertain place such as their former territory that is located near a volcano .

" Tommorow , me and my teammates would go back to the forest and see if we could get some wild animals to be eaten by the females . I have observed that the females have now became thinner from hunger . "

Erion nodded . " I would also accompany the females to collect some fruits and vegetables along the way.  The underground fruits that we manage to get couldn't last long given by the number of our tribe . "

Their tribe is not particularly large , but their food is not enough for them to last in a week if they do not begin to stock up food before autumn falls . Autumn is the transitional season between summer and winter . The temperature would begin to drop and the pants would stop making food , the animals would begin to prepare for winter .

Autumn is also known as the harvest season ,once the autumn falls , they have to quickly pile up foods and woods before winter . They even have to quickly finish building tents and stabilize their temporary place . If they don't find a place to warm themselves up during winter , that would be the end of their tribe. 

Because Winter is also known as the Death Season where most females are very vulnerable.  Time flies so fast and Alex couldn't relax himself as they were racing with time.

--- Second Month , 19th day , 1245 ----

Alex woke up along with his teammates.  He picked up his axe and met with Weino ( why no ) , the second strongest Beastmen in their tribe after him.

" Lay some traps? " Weino

Alex nodded ." We should start digging pitfalls and lure some prey into it . It is best if we target a larger animal . "

The group then went into the forest but they didn't enter the middle part fearing of meeting the venomous monster inside. 

They dug pitfalls and waited , some beastmen went to the other direction to dig up some herbs for their witch and some went to the southwest to pick up some wild fruits .

Not long after , an adult deer suddenly appeared near the pitfall . The Beastmen stared at the venison with narrow eyes as they watched while sitting on the tree.  They are a type of feline creature that could mimic sounds that evolved from observing other creatures for hunting , they are at the same time nocturnals , their ancestors were relatively small the size smaller than a tiger cub.  They are extremely agile which allows them to manoeuver between branches. 

This time , they were observing a deer that was about to step into their pitfall . When the deer stepped into the pitfall , it immediately fell and was killed by the sharp bamboo sticks planted upright by them. 

One part of the team lured a large bear then the other team below the trees tripped the bear , the violent bear then tripped down into trap and was stabbed by the sticks along with the deer . The scent of blood immediately turned intense and lured a lot more preys , but the Margay Tribe doesn't dare to hunt at that place anymore fearing of attracting the monster in the middle part of the forest .

A two meter sized margay agilely ran towards the east thinking of finding some water body to wash up. When Alex came upon a creek , he suddenly heard a voice .

" Alonzo? Have you brought the soap? I'm sorry , I was so careless and let the soap to slip out of my hands--- . "

Xinn suddenly stopped ... These kind of footsteps .... Isn't familiar to him at all ..

" Who is there? "

Alex didn't expect to see a female here in the eastern part of the forest . He originally thought no one is living in such a dangerous place yet who would have thought that he would meet a female in here. 

Alex froze and stared at the naked female in the creek he immediately meowed and closed his virgin eyes . Although the female looked sexy and hot to his eyes , he still has his intergity . He is a gentleman giant cat , not a perverted one .

Xinn has subconsciously formed a mentality of being Alonzo's lover , so only his lover could have the previlege to see his body . Although he was already used to being naked in hot springs , now that he has a jealous lover in the cave , he couldn't afford to let some misunderstanding to occur .

He didn't wait for Alonzo to bring him spare soap for the soap he wasted and immediately pulled his robe to cover his body and vigilantly turned to look at the south direction.  Below the shadow of a tree , two meter sized cute looking cat was covering his virgin eyes with his two forepaws. 

Xinn widened his eyes in surprise and turned into amusement.  Xinn tied the knot on his waist and said.  " Ok , you can open your eyes now . "

The cat couldn't understand what the female was talking , he still opened his eyes to check . He then sigh in relief when he saw him already wearing something that could cover his sensitive parts .

A female's body is precious and couldn't be sullied by some perverted guys with their gazes.  Alex was taught morals in his tribe and is a gentlebeastman that everyone admire .

Alex turned his eyes serious then asked the female . "How are you alone in here? "

Xinn remained silent as he couldn't understand the little cat's meow meows at all .

Xinn gestured the giant cat to wait as he crossed his arms to wait for his personal translator.  That guy has an inferiority complex , if he saw me talking to a strange Beastmen , that baby will surely drink sour vinegar.

Alex couldn't understand what the female means with his gesture but he could see that the female seems to be waiting for something.

A few munites later , a green haired man suddenly appeared running from the northern direction carrying a basket of things and put down the basket to the bank of the creek.  The man then suddenly noticed the feline at the side .

The green haired man immediately exuded maliscious intent and glared at the cat as if he was his mortal enemy .

" Who are you? And why are you still here? Don't you see that my female was taking a bath here?!! "

Alex frowned then transformed into his human form . A handsome blonde man appeared and stared at the green haired man before responding. 

" I was originally going to find some creek to drink on and wash my body but I didn't expect to find a female here.  I thought he was abandoned and wanted to ask how is he alone in here.  Don't misunderstand dude , I am not going to snatch him from you.  "

Xinn at the side couldn't understand what they were saying but he could feel his lover's aggression.  He immediately patted his shoulder to pacify him and said.  " He didn't see anything , when he found me in the creek , he immediately closed his eyes and didn't peek . "

Alonzo groaned ... " Still, he still took a glimpse at your body . "

Xinn sighed ." It's not that my body is so holy though? I'm all yours , what are you scared of? "

I'm scared you're going to cheat .... Alonzo thought to himself.

Alonzo turned to the margay and asked.  " You guys are the immigrants who dared to step your paws into the border of my forest?"

Alex nodded. " I'm sorry if we have disturbed you , sir , but we were just desperate to find some place to settle on . If it is find for you , can you give us some permission to settle down in the vicinity of the forest? We promise to not step paw in the middle part of the forest . ",

Xinn immediately patted Alonzo's shoulder asking what he said . Alonzo reluctantly translated it to him.  Xinn thoughtfully looked at the gentle Beastmen and couldn't help feeling surprise that there's actually a gentleman here in this primitive world when Beastmen were supposed to be wild , bold , strong and domineering .

Their tribe must have unique characteristics for this Beastman to grow like that .