Chapter 23

Sky took a peek at the handsome little guy and couldn't help blushing . Timothy is so handsome with his heroic red hair and small body clad in military camouflage suit . He had never seen such handsome boy before , Sky couldn't help feeling a little ticklish in his belly.

Timothy pointed at Sky and said to Partriarch Tudore with watery eyes. " I want to marry that female. "

The witch of the Margay Tribe laughed out loud and hit his thigh in amusement. Morgan turned to look at Erion and said . " This is good , our Sky finally have a playmate to play with. "

Erion turned to look at Sky who is now giving the boy from the other tribe some shy look and shook his head .

" What's the purpose of your visit to the forest , Comrade? " Asked Erion to Tudore who he thought is the partriarch of the tribe m

Tudore carried his grandson , Timothy, from his third beastman son , and faced Erion .

" This Timothy here had once lost his way here and met the snake beastman and his female bathing in the creek . At that time , our tribe was captured by our archenemies and only Timothy could have the ability to save us if they brought back help from allies . We didn't expect that he brought back the infamous tyrant of this forest . We're here to give our gratitude to those two . "

Erion nodded in understanding and the vigilance in their body finally subsided . The females who were also waiting for the fight finally calmed down and looked at the cliche between Sky and Timothy.

Milan then suddenly broke the solemn atmosphere . " Heh~ Sky , how about you play with Timothy starting from now on? "

Sky flinched and the whole Margay Tribe suddenly gave him a knowing look .

Timothy at the side noticed the expression on his party's faces and immediately blushed.

Tudore on the other spank the toddler's butt .

" You're still a baby yet you're already falling inlove like an adult." Tudore pinched Timothy's cheeks and put him down to the ground .

Timothy touched his hot butt and then hiccuped to restrain his tears . His grandpa is so fierce and strict . He may look like a toddler in their eyes but he already passed that , he's already about to become five.

Tudore didn't dally anymore and asked Timothy. " Let's go to your saviour's place and give them thanks for their assistance. "

Timothy lead his team to Brother Xinn's cave but he took a few more munites to ponder about which direction they should before they finally found an outline of a small cliff , below the cliff , there's a cave entrance and the big front yard of the cave were surrounded by green painted fences and a gate with a plaque with a beautifully written text written in a language they could not understand .

When they arrived at his brother Xinn's place , they could see the two of them sitting under the shadow of the tree , cuddling and seems to be having good time within each other's embrace.

Timothy covered his face , he had always been aware of this couple's love doveyness , he just couldn't get used to seeing them acting such behavior .

Xinn was hugging a handsome green haired man's head to his chest then looked at Timothy who was leading the Red Fox Tribe Hunting Team.

Alonzo wrapped Xinn's disheveled appearance with a blanket and narrowed his golden slit eyes dangerously towards the uninvited visitors.

" Timothy? " Xinn arc up his brows then immediately let go of his boyfriend's head .

Alonzo was disatisfied with this and immediately sent Timothy an accusing eye . He's been sniffing his female's scent greedily and hugging him to the point of wanting to devour Xinn yet this stinky brat broke the atmosphere.

Timothy brightened his eyes and immediately ran towards Xinn . Timothy pounced into Xinn's embrace and recieved a pat on the head.

He hugged Xinn then turned to the gloomy snake at the side , eyeing his every movements.

Tudore at the side gulped , his grandson is courting death by pouncing of the snake's female.

Tudore immediately coughed to remove the awkward atmosphere and took a step forward.

" Good morning , These two bosses. I am the partriarch of the Red Fox Tribe that you assisted the other time.. uhmmm we're here not to cause trouble. We actually came here to personally thank the both of you to what you've done to our tribe. "

Xinn turned to Alonzo , Alonzo translated it then Xinn nodded .

" My wife said it doesn't matter to him, you guys were the one who fought the coyotes . You guys don't have to thank us. "

Tudore shook his head. " No no , please accept our heartfelt gratitude . This is our Tribal Treasure that we kept for hundreds of years . Please accept this box as a token of our tribe's am gratitude , we couldn't owe you guys for a very long time or we would feel burdened emotionally . "

Alonzo was about to wave his hand in refusal when he suddenly felt Xinn tugging at the helm of his tank top .

Alonzo turned to Xinn and asked . " You want that? "

Xinn stared at the box in silence then nodded , his heart is brewing in turmoil right now because he could feel inside the box a familiar aura similar to that of the zombie core's aura .

An energy core not weaker than the zombie king's nucleus!!!!

Xinn could never let such incredible thing to slip away from his hands .

Xinn turned to Alonzo hesitantly . " Are you sure they are giving away such Treasure? Do they know the value of that thing? "

Alonzo translated Xinn's words to the Partriarch. Tudore immediately shook his head and said. " You don't have to worry about this treasure , boss , we know that this core is the essence core of one of our ancestors. ",

" In actually , this core is actually useless to us as we don't know what we should do to this core in order to strengthen our tribe . Truthfully , our tribe's well being is more priceless than this treasure that our predecessors kept so carefully . "

" Our predecessors may think that its our lose if we give this to you , but I choose to lose this thing than to lose my tribe . Since you partly saved our tribe from peril , I want to give this thing as a token of our whole tribe's gratitude . "

Xinn frowned and felt like he didn't really do a lot to save them . Xinn couldn't help feeling guilty exploiting such kindness from them when he didn't really do a lot .

Timothy saw Xinn's expression and immediately took the box from the partriarch and handed the box withing Xinn's hands .

" Don't hesitate , brother Xinn . You saved me and our tribe . It's only natural for you to accept reward . "

Alonzo translated it to him . Xinn arc up his brows them chuckled .

He patted the baby's head then said . " Stupid , I just fed you a meal then throw them some weapons . I didn't do really a lot . In fact ,we could also save them completely and not let anyone get hurt but we still chose to just hand the blade to you guys , causing some of your tribesmen to get wounded. "

Alonzo translated it to everyone .

Tudore widened his eyes , but he didn't get angry . Contrarily , he sighed in relief . In fact , he prefer what Xinn chose to do to their tribe by sending blade to them rather than saving them all by himself.

After all , they wouldn't know what to do if all the coyotes had already been killed but they were still bearing grudges within their heart yet at the same time have to thank the one that saved them . That method could easily let them think that Xinn has an ulterior motive if he indeed do that . Tudore thought that what if Xinn asked the title of Partriarch in exchange for his heroic deeds .

" We don't mind , it is our tribe's fault for being too weak. Only by letting them experience the feeling of danger would their mind germinate the thought of becoming stronger. "

Alonzo nodded in agreement to what he said . Xinn stood up . He ran towards the entrance and came back after a few munites . He was holding a tray , in the tray , there's a pitchel of juice mixed with ice cubes , fruit salad that he made last night and frozen in a refrigerator in the space .

Actually , he could just put the fruit salad in a time frozen space but he wanted to eat an all night frozen fruit salad because it tasted more cold to the teeth which is what he usually prefer.

" Take a seat , Partriarch . "

Xinn put a table under the shade of the tree not too far away from their picknick fabric . And put some low legged stool on each side . He then layed the tray and gave them small bowls of fruit salad then the apple juice at the middle.

Alonzo translated Xinn's words for them and Tudore sat down carefully . Xinn handed the partriarch with a ceramic mug of juice .

Tudore recieved the ceramic mug and scrunitized the material of the mug . He was surprised to feel that the surface of the mug was smooth and cool to the skin.

How was this mug made?

Tudore took a sip on the juice and immediately felt freshed by the cold juice inside. It's still summer and they had just walked a very long road . He felt like his thirst has been satiated thanks to the juice . The taste is also good .

Xinn then handed him a bowl of fruit salad . Tudore nodded in thanks and scooped up a spoon of salad and ate .

His eyes immediately widened from the sweetness. " Hmmm " Tudore nodded in approval and gqve a thumbs up .

Xinn's eyes bent as he went to hug Alonzo's bicep , watching the hunting team of the Fox Tribe favoring the flavor of his fruit salad.

Only his snake would have two thoughts between meat and salad because he's always been eating meat all his life. Unlike the tribe who would occasionally eat vegetables and fruits as substitute if they didn't get to hunt a prey.

Timothy , although hates dark leafy vegetables. He still likes fruit.

Tudore then suspiciously thought ... How did they get the ice when it is still not winter?

Did they learn a way to learn how to store ice during winter in a place until summer?

Tudore pondered and thought of storing ice too when winter comes, but he has to discuss this with his witch to discuss how to store ice.

Xinn bid them a see you next time and watched as they walked and left away . He looked down to the box in his arms and sighed . He couldn't believe that their predecessors could think of a method to stop the essence core from leaking the energy out.

He turned to his lover. " Hey babe , do you want to try absorbing the essence energy? "

Alonzo looked at the box in Xinn's hands and shook his head . " I don't know how . "

Xinn then said . " I will teach you , if you absorb this core , you will be able to reach sexual maturity quickly . "

Alonzo immediately paused then stared at the box with burning eyes.

He gulped then nodded . " Ok "

Xinn felt hot seeing his hot boyfriend's perverted look then felt aroused .

" Hey Baby "

Alonzo hummed in question?

" I want to blow you right now . "

Alonzo's head immediately exploded from heat .