Chapter 28

[ You can check the video over there , I'm sure you'll like the song.  ] Link :

Xinn doesn't want to talk anymore . He could only accept his fate.  No wonder Alonzo wanted to have intercourse with him badly . It is because of this reason . Because even if he wanted to break up with Alonzo , once his sperm is inside his belly , he could no longer marry another Beastman because of him having the possibility to become pregnant again and again even though he did not copulate .

Xinn gave Alonzo a fierce look.  Too scum!!! Where is my naive snake! Why have you turned into a scumbag snake !

Xinn cried imaginary tears as he recalled how many times Alonzo released inside. He will not be worse than a b*tchy sow!

He doesn't even know if he would be laying eggs or give birth to live snakes or give birth to a female baby.

He quickly rummage to his memories and immediately remembered the time period of female snakes giving birth , but he doesn't know if he would be having the same span of time of pregnancy .

Before Xinn could further torture his mentality with more terrifying thoughts.  Alonzo suddenly pulled him into his embrace and patted his back .

" What are you thinking there? Your face is changing in a very fast speed.  Don't worry over trivial things , I am here , I will accompany you through hardships and leisure.  "

Xinn moved his eyes to him then snorted.  " Don't forget what you said to be this time.  "

Alonzo hummed in agreement.  After hearing his response , only then did Xinn finally sigh in relief. 

Ok , I could give birth to your snakelets to how many times fate would let me , just don't leave me alone  

Alonzo embraced his female and patted him as he lull him to sleep. Staring at his female's sleeping face , his eyes gradually relaxed as his gaze turned gentle . He rubbed his female's tummy and thought to himself what it feels like to become a father .

A normal snakes gestation period is normally around 28-54 days . In their tribe however , females have an egg gestation period of around three to five months depending on their physique and health.  The incubation period of the eggs will also take one to two months of incubation period before the clutch of eggs hatch .

Depending on the baby that will develop in their stomach , female baby would take a gestation period of around 5 to six months depending on the genes of the beastman father.  The female babies were also born in clutch , but there's a very small probability of hatching a female baby egg. 

A female's uterus is too small to accommodate tens of eggs unlike the ancient female snakes in the legends , so mostly , females could only give birth around two to four eggs and there is even a probability of the egg dying if it is not properly incubated. 

And because they were in the form of eggs , most Beastmen or ancient animals mistook a snake beastman's eggs as normal eggs of a normal animal to be eaten .

Most females of their predecessors in his memory cried in despair when they learned that their eggs or babies were accidentally eaten by another tribe's people. 

It was really heart breaking for even he to review that memory again . The females sadness and despair was so vivid that it evokes violence within his heart to kill the perpetrator or the one who had accidentally mistaken the egg as a normal egg .


Margay Tribe ---

Ever since Timothy visited Xinn's cave and met the Margay Tribe along the way . He would noe occasionally go to the creek to meet a boy named Sky. 

The two boys would play hide and seek and even play mini cooking in a simple three stone stove.  They would hunt hares in a safe area then roast it by themselves talking about their experience in their life. 

Timothy asked what is Sky's life during their migration . Sky then would answer how they met a lot of gigantic ancient beasts and how many of their powerful Beastmen died protecting them. 

He also has friends before but they died of hunger and sickness along the way.  Only Sky remained alive and the female number in their tribe has now reduced to a terrifying degree. 

Timothy felt distress for Sky and hugged the little boy who is now crying in sadness. 

" It's ok Little Sky , I your big brother Timothy would accompany you to play all the time.  "

Sky chuckled at Timothy then said.  " Fool , I'm two years older than you . I'm the big brother between us.  "

Timothy immediately puffed his cheeks.  " It doesn't matter since I will be your Beastman once you grow up.  "

Sky shook his head . " We don't know . "

Timothy patted his own chest in confidence.  " I will make sure of that . "

Sky picked his roasted hare meat then told Timothy.  " I'm bored , let's play a game . "

Timothy asked.  " What game? "

Sky shook his head.  " I don't know , you think. "

Timothy narrowed his eyes in ponder. " Then let's play house . "

" Build a house? "

Timothy nodded.  " Yes , let's build a house and get married.  "

Sky laughed naively then nodded in agreement.  The two run towards the Margay Tribe . The old females watched at them with amiable smile talking to their fellow old females about how Sky has finally acquired a playmate and how he's finally willing to talk and smile so bright as shine as the sun. 

Sky stole the table clothe his grandpa used , while Timothy runs towards the forest to get a lot of woods . The two little boys then went to the safe vicinity they played at earlier and started building tents and laying fabric on the ground like a picnick. 

" Ok! It's time to get married.  "

Timothy smiled then wrapped a white blanket around Sky's body like a gown , he tied the two ends around Sky's waist then the other two ends to his neck.  He now look like a boy in a wedding dress .

Timothy clapped and praised . " Sky , you look so beautiful in white . "

Sky smiled cutely then asked.  " Really? "

" Yes! I am the luckiest groom in the world.  "

" You're too foolish , Timothy haha . "

The two smiled at each other then crawled into their tent . They then started eating their barbeque as celebration of their wedding day and clapped hands .

In the past three days , they always played like this , role playing as a stall owner and a buyer , a servant and the sutra , the chief and the witch , as well as wedding play .

Timothy suddenly said.  " I wished I could have the camera brother Xinn have.  "

Sky asked " what's a camera.  "

Timothy formed a rectangle with his hands and aimed it at the sky.  He then immitated the sound of the shutter. 


And explained how a paper came out of the camera and instantly painted the scene that they took a picture of , it was vivid and looked real as if the people and place went inside the camera and became a two dimensional paper .

Sky listened carefully and thought it sounds magical and unbelievable .

While they were playing inside the tent . Erion's enraged voice suddenly rang throughout the whole southern part of the forest .

" Sky!!!! Where is my table cloth!!!!! "

Sky and Timothy immediately widened their eyes in fear. 

" Oh ohw , this is bad . "