Chapter 31

Although his female doesn't want him to touch him , in the middle of the night , he still turned to face Xinn's direction and pull him into his arms.  He pouted then kissed his nape before cuddling.  Xinn obediently remained in his arms the whole night .

--- Third Month , 15 , 1245 ---

Xinn opened his eyes drowsily then suddenly turned dull when he heard the sound of sucking just below his jaws. 

Xinn's eyes moved down then saw his perverted boyfriend sucking and playing his nipple like a hungry infant . Ever since yesterday , he could feel the change in his body as well as the enhanced sensitiveness of his nipple and other erogenous areas.

These are clearly signs of pregnancy.  It seems that Alonzo's sperm luckily met an egg that just came out from his ovary that day and immediately started the fertilization.  The fertilization took place quickly and once it moves to the fallopian tube .... He's already pregnant .

The structure of his body is slightly different from a woman's reproductive system but when it comes to gestation , it's possible that his unique powerful physique could cause him to immediately get pregnant. 

Alonzo licked his lower lip and thought Xinn's nipple somehow looked more enticing and red last time. 

Just what happened? Whenever he saw the erect nipple , it was as if they were tempting him to suck them . Moreover , they look swollen and sensitive which evokes his perverted thoughts of leaving bite marks around it and suck it to his content .

Xinn stroked Alonzo's head then sighed . Alonzo looked up to him and asked . " Why are you so moody last night?"

Xinn rolled his eyes , can't this stupid man see that he's having symptoms of pregnancy?

Alonzo didn't get the answer and pondered over wether he did something wrong last night . Obviously not! He was so hard working yesterday and he even delivered the sausage succesfully to the tribe. 

Wait ... Is he jealous? Is he doubting wether he looked at a female when he went there?

Oh , it's also a feasible reasoning.

Xinn pushed Alonzo's head away and then climb to his wheelchair then pushed himself towards the bathroom along with a change of clothes. Alonzo also followed him to the bathroom and helped Xinn to wash up. 

Xinn felt like he was a disabled person. Fortunately , the aching in his rear does not seem to ache a lot anymore . Who wouldn't be able to walk if two lengths rammed into you for a whole three days?!

His rear almost couldn't close up because it got accostumed to the two lengths' form and size in his buttocks. Alonzo did not even feel shame and sorry for him.  Just taking care of the aftermath as if it is only natural for it to happen. 

What natural!!! It's not natural!!! It's abnormal!

  Xinn dully let Alonzo washed his body and push his wheelchair towards the kitchen to be fed . Truthfully , he is just punishing Alonzo to be his servant , and he can actually endure walking on his legs already , but these past few days , he was already accostumed to Alonzo's pampering that he couldn't help extending his acting .

While he was in the middle of being fed , he suddenly felt like vomiting . He immediately rolled his wheels and entered the bathroom. Alonzo put down the spoon and hurried to follow after him into the bathroom.

The sound of a man vomiting on the sink rang out . Hearing such sound made Alonzo panic .

" W-w wa wa wa what's wrong?!!! "

Xinn wiped his lips and washed his mouth before rolling his eyes thinking when would the idiot notice. 

" Maybe because I ate incompatible foods and became acidic . "

Alonzo immediately believed him and pushed him to the living room and started touching his 'acidic' stomach. 

" Don't eat a lot of fruits anymore , they are too acidic.  "

Xinn smiled . " Ok "

" It's good that you're finally listening . "

" I'm always listening my dear , I'm not deaf you sea.  "

Alonzo  " ... " Alonzo is simply speechless to his lover's answer full of sarcasm .

Xinn is usually kind and pampering to him . What happened? Why is he so bad to him now? Did he do something wrong?


--- Third Month , 22 , 1245 ----

Several days passed and Xinn gradually experience a lot of pregnancy symptoms . He would be feeling weak all day , his face had also gone paler and his feet colder than before .

All he did all day was to lie on his back at the bed and never come out ever since . He would always refuse to come out of the bedroom and would sleep instead to take a rest .

The vomiting had also turned intense whenever he's in the middle of doing something such as eating or cleaning the cavehouse.

Alonzo obviously noticed it and was now feeling panic in his heart . Right now , he was cleaning his female's vomit on the ground and kept on asking himself why is his female so sick. 

Alonzo knew that his female has a stronger physique than any other normal females in this world and he could even contend to a powerful Beastman with ease .

His female had also refused his advances touches saying that he's not in the mood . But Alonzo is not in the food for a whole week already. 

Alonzo walked out of the cave and threw the leaves filled with vomit on the trash can outside and went back to the cave to wipe the floor with a dark face. 

When he was in the middle of wiping the floor Alonzo subconsciously scratched his skin that has long since turned red and felt irritated. 

Now that he has grown bigger in longer , it is finally his time to shed another skin and he badly wanted to rub something to his skin as the effect of it . It took 5 to 7 days before the skin completely comes off. 

Alonzo took a rest and rubbed his eyes which is now turning dull and lighter . During his shedding , his body naturally feels more sensitive and he has to stay in a humid place to increase the shedding success.

What he hates the most during the shedding process is the irritation in his eyes where his eyecap also sheds. 

His mood will also turn moody , cranky and defensive because of his cloudy eyes.  Usually , he would hide in a deserted dark place to stay but he now has a female in his house who seems to be also sick. 

Alonzo went out of the cave and took a a wood to use as a cane.  As days passed by his vision seems to have turned more blurry and cloudy .

When Xinn saw Alonzo walking slowly with a cane like an old man . He asked in confusion.  " Why are you walking that way? "

Alonzo massaged his head in irritation and walked towards the bed and sat on the edge. 

" Shedding " he said and burried his head on the pillow.

Xinn noticed Alonzo's peculiarity and touched his head.  Alonzo wanted to flick his hands away in irritation but he held it in.  He couldn't let his female feel wronged by showing him such bad attitude.

Alonzo remained silent while not moving as if he was asleep.  However , it is abnormal if he's sleeping on his stomach . Xinn sat up weakly and patted the snake . Then he heard a hissing sound. 

Xinn is familiar with this sound.  Xinn bit his nails in contemplation and went below his bed to fetch the box he hid inside . He knelt on the ground and rummage through it to find the book regarding snakes. 

When he found it , he immediately opened it and scanned the text until he found the Shedding content.  Only then did he remembered that snakes indeed shed their skin after growing longer. 

Xinn immediately closed the book , pushed the box under the bed and massaged his head as he sat on the edge of the bed . It seems that Alonzo's shedding phase has come in a wrong time.  They are having a baby and the female could not even provoke the snake beastman because they are sensitive and irritable  

Good , good , Alonzo ... I want to choke your neck right now .

The best thing to do during the snake's shedding phase is to leave them alone and not disturb them .

It seems that the pampering is over. 

When the night fall , Xinn weakly sat up then walked to the kitchen to cook . Alonzo would have been the one who are cooking right now , but snakes' eyes are cloudy and their skin is sensitive to fire in their shedding phase.  He couldn't let his man move close to the fire right now. 

Xinn disgustingly ate his dinner and stepped into the the bathroom to vomit . After that , he brushed his teeth , washed his mouth with oral rinse before walking back to the bedroom .

As he walked , he could feel that his feet are too cold and he felt extremely nauseous . When he climbs into the bed , he immediately noticed that there are some dry skin peels around his handsome man's body , his body is also red and there are traces scratches on the surface of his skin .

Xinn took out his pillow and quilt before slowly walking to the living room . He layed his pillow on the rest of the sofa and slowly lied down on it.  He decided to give his snake some time to shed his skin and sleep in the living room .

Inside the bedroom , Alonzo moved to his side and habitually extended his hand on his side to pull a person within his embrace but he caught nothing.  Alonzo's cloudy eyes opened and looked around but he couldn't see properly .

Alonzo felt anxious.

Where is his female? Why is he not here isn't it already late at night . Alonzo hissed in irritation and anxiety and immediately extended his hands around to feel his cane . When he took a hold on the cane he stumbled and slowly walked outside but he bumped his head on the doorstep .

Alonzo hissed in violence and looked around frantically , searching for his female's whereabouts .

He shouted with his hoarse voice.  " Xinn!!! "

The pregnant man sleeping on the sofa woke up and flinched . He looked to the bedroom's direction and saw his lover looking like a blind man as he waved his hands on the air . Xinn felt distressed and weakly sat up before putting his legs down to stand up .

" I'm here , why are you panicking there.  "

Alonzo gritted his teeth in irritation , he couldn't see properly , he wanted to peel his skin off his body right now and remove his shedding eyecap but it is impossible. 

" Xinn! Where are you!!! Come here right now!!! "

Xinn immediately walk forward and held Alonzo's cold hands.  Alonzo paused then immediately pulled Xinn into his embrace . Alonzo's body is trembling from suppressed violence as he tightened his hug around Xinn. 

" Darling , don't leave me alone ok? I will be good , don't leave me.  " Alonzo burried his head in the nook of his female's neck and whinned. 

Xinn blinked his eyes then sighed . He thought it was best for him to stay away for while base on the book's information about snake's shedding phase but it seems that his man is just a bit different from them since he was too attached to his female .

Xinn circled his arms around Alonzo's neck and kissed his lips deeply .


"  Ok , I'll go back now . Calm down , I'm not leaving , I'm not leaving . "

Alonzo looked at the blurry figure in front of him then smiled gently.  " That's good darling , I'm afraid you left because I am not good enough . "

Xinn laughed at his childish thoughts.  " You're the best for me , fool.  Alright , let's sleep , let's sleep . "

Alonzo smiled then held Xinn's hands tightly.  " Darling , I love you . "

Xinn paused then looked at Alonzo . He blushed then nodded.  " I love you too , hubby.  "