Chapter 51

Alonzo is thinking about something . His female is depriving him of sex despite him being so attractive.  He looked in front of the mirror again and stared at himself . He clearly looks good to behold , yet why is his female still limiting the time of their love making?

Xinn should be begging to be rammed yet why is he the one begging to do love?

Maybe he is not attractive enough?

Alonzo drank his daily doze of narcissism again inside the bathroom .


In truth , there's nothing wrong with what Xinn told Alonzo before . Alonzo just had a huge libido and Xinn couldn't cope up with his s*x drive.  Moreover , he is still struggling to maintain the barrier within his belly , because anytime he lowers his guard and forgot to supply his barrier with energy , the lively sperms waiting in his belly might attack his reproductive system again and impregnate him .

Right now , his triplets no longer depend on him for breastfeeding and they could finally drink fortified milk stuck in his space. 

He is currently heating up water in the electric heater as he spoons milk into the bottle feeder . When the heater finally ring with a green light , he pulled out the plug and poured small amount of milk into the bottles before closing it . He then shook all of them before opening them again. 

After the milk powder were dissolve , he pushed the bottle into the dispenser and poured warm water inside. 

Babies have sensitive tongues and couldn't be fed with a hot milk . Xinn is especially careful when it comes to feeding them milk .

Xinn brought the three bottles up to the second floor and pulled the floating Shawn lightly as he handed the blue bottle to his hands. 

Shawn softly pulled out his pacifier and recieved the baby bottle from his female father.  Xinn couldn't help pinching the baby's cheeks and shower him with kisses. 

Shawn chuckled with his milky voice and slapped Xinn's cheeks playfully . Xinn touched his red cheeks and thought to himself that his babies are really strong , if it is a normal man in his shoes right now, they might probably be dead already .

The two snakes who were trembling from Shawn's chases finally calmed down and swam to Xinn's side before transforming back to their human baby form .

Xinn enveloped both of them into a hug and wiped the tears from their watery eyes . He couldn't help sighing . His eldest is really a bully , he would always scare his younger brothers with his habit of putting things into his mouth .

Shawn especially liked chasing the two little snakes as he wanted to swallow them into his belly.  It may be because he has the blood of a snake and Shawn had this foodie traits within him. 

Surprisingly , the babies don't easily get a bad stomach. 

Xinn doesn't know if Alonzo's genes is a blessing for them or not .

The three family went inside the space. When the triplets noticed the change in environment , they didn't panicked and instead immediately flew to the forest to meet Snowie.

A cry of a bird rang out followed by a big gust of wind.  Shawn screamed excitedly as he kicked his hands and legs to the air. 

Xinn let go of Shawn , the eldest then immediately flew towards the bird like a superman and hugged Snowie's head while rubbing his cheeks on Snowie's cute feathers .

Snowie is also excited to see his 'fellow bird's again and also made sounds of excitement. 

Valen and Caelan slithered in the air and surrounded the giant Snow Bird and rode on top of him.  Once the triplets made their way to the bird's head. Snowie immediately flapped his wings and flew away .

Xinn and Alonzo's eyes followed the bird's figure then smiled to themselves .

While Xinn is savoring the scene , Alonzo's ominous voice suddenly rang. 

" Don't you think that Shawn , Valen and Caelan aren't enough? "

Alonzo smiled at Xinn , Xinn turned to him with a confused expression.  " Why not enough? It's enough . "

Alonzo kneaded Xinn's soft waist and curved up the corners of his lips.  " But I want to add more babies in the family . "

Xinn's face immediately froze in shock.  The hand massaging his waist seems to have turned colder and colder the more seconds passed by. 

Xinn calmed himself then shook his head.  " No , the triplets is already enough. "

Alonzo narrowed his eyes.  " I want more.  "

" Over my dead body "

Alonzo stumped his feet and crouched down.  " How about we send the triplets to play with Timothy and Sky? Let's have a good time . "

Xinn lightly hit the back of Alonzo's neck and said . " Do you only have *ex in your mind right now? "

Alonzo pouted , " well yeah? "

Xinn immediately kicked Alonzo's buttocks . " Pervert! "

" I am pervert indeed , I never denied it! "

Xinn felt choke up as his hands trembled ,

Alonzo ... You're good , I want to choke your neck right now. 


The couple exited the space with a heavy mood . Xinn went to the kitchen to cook lunch while Alonzo sat on the sofa lazily .

Xinn frowned and walked to the living room . " Dear , can you wash the plates . "

Alonzo turned a deaf ear and hugged his knees while staring mid-air as if he was deliberately ignoring him . Xinn stared at the back of the green haired man with a dumbfounded face .

Is this for real?

Does this Alonzo even remember how hard it was for him to conceive a triplet? When he refused , this Alonzo actually ignored him?

Alonzo is still pouting his lips as he ignored his female . He knows he's in the wrong, and he also knows that he's a greedy snake . It's just that he couldn't remove this unsatifaction within his heart and could only ignore his female to avoid making Xinn feel that he's an annoying clingy lover .

When Xinn asked him for the second time , Alonzo was about to ignore him again when Xinn's threat suddenly rang ominously in the whole cave.

" Don't wash the plate and I won't marry you.  "

The green haired man sitting on the sofa suddenly disappeared in the blink of an eye.  Xinn turned to look at the kitchen area and saw Alonzo washing the plates while pouting. 

Xinn was amused by this and couldn't help walking over to wrap his hands around Alonzo's waist.  Alonzo paused rubbing dishwashing soap on the plate then snorted childishly as he continue washing.  Xinn chuckled then tiptoed to kiss at his cold nape .

" Why is my baby sulking again~ "

" I am not a baby.  " Alonzo coughed as he started washing the plates but Xinn didn't miss the red ears of the snake. 

" Even if you have matured already , Alonzo is still my number one baby.  "

Alonzo raised the corner of his lips.  " Really? "

Xinn nodded as he hummed in agreement. Alonzo immediately turned to face Xinn and hugged him.  Alonzo happily smiled then said.  " Then we don't need more babies for now.  "

For now ... Xinn's lips twitched but he still nodded. 

Well , Let's prioritize coaxing this childish snake first before discussing that terrible subject. 

Alonzo pecked on Xinn's lips and said.  " Promise me , I am your number one baby . "

Xinn chuckled " how about you start calling me daddy . "

Alonzo's face immediately turned dull . " What daddy , I am your daddy . "

Xinn arc up his brows . " Oh , you want to become a daddy and a baby at the same time? Does that even make sense? "

Alonzo was about to respond when Xinn suddenly covered his lips . " Ok , my sugar baby , your sugar daddy doesn't want to listen to any of your childish complaints and immediately proceed your job as the dish washer . "

Xinn kissed the corner of the snake's eyes as he winked . " Sugar daddy will cook first for sugar baby . "

Alonzo's temple immediately bulge with purple veins and stared at Xinn with anger .

I will let you tease me this time , but once we go to bed , I will make sure to ram into you ruthlessly until you call me daddy .

Xinn who was currently frying crispy chickens suddenly shivered .


Renneth , Roel , Royeth and the other team members returned to the tribe with gloomy faces.  The result is still nothing , they couldn't find Ralph .

Royeth suddenly had an ominous thought.  Did Ralph really got eaten in the wilderness?

Royeth doesn't want to believe it but the more days passed by and they still couldn't find any clue about the Partriarch's son the more their hope diminished. 

Roel coldly snorted.  " If you still want to continue finding a dead man , go ahead.  I and Renneth would return back to the tribe to take a rest.  "

Royeth gave Roel a cold glance.  " Suit yourself to return there ... We'll see what happens when Patriarch knew you guys returned without us.  "

Roel rolled his eyes and walked towards Renneth.  Rennet transformed into his White Winged Tiger Beast Form and slowly lowered himself to let Roel to sit on his back .

Roel climbed to Renneth's back and patted Renneth's neck . Rennet roared in response and unfolded his wings before soaring high.  Roel closed his eyes from the winds' impact and slowly leaned forward to reduce the effect , he hugged Renneth's neck tightly and said. 

" Don't let Royeth know that we're escaping.  "

Renneth nodded then suddenly speeded up towards the South .

Royeth not too far away from them watched calmly before coldly raising the corner of his lips in disdain. 

Renneth immediately turned to a rocky mountains and hid their figured before turning to the other side to head north where Royeth couldn't see them. 


The two main tailors drew on a piece of paper provided by Xinn while holding a soft mechanical pen .

Taine ( Teyn ) rubbed his own mechanical pen and asked the Old tailor of the red fox tribe beside him .

" If we go with this design , I'm sure Mountain Ruler would reject it . He doesn't want his female to show a lot for skin in front of many crowds . " Taine shook his head .

Yawen bit his thumb as he frowned . " Then should we design a two piece dress instead? "

Taine opened the book of secrets he recieved from Xinn and looked at the modern designs of tuxedo and wedding dress but nothing suited for their mountain rulers officiation.

Yawen then said.  " We shouldn't design a dress , I think dresses aren't suitable for that mysterious female . Maybe , we should design black and white leather tuxedos for them.  "

Taine looked at it then recalled their ceremonies before , they usually just wear a one piece of animal hide dress and nothing more , but since their ruler's are peculiar beings , they couldn't afford to make it simple .

Actually , they couldn't find any materials on making clothes for the time being , especially the cotton mentioned in the book .

But if they really have to make a tuxedo for the couple , maybe they should hunt for a beige colored animal and make a tuxedo out of it .

" No , most wedding ceremonies in the book has white and black theme in it . The bride has to wear white while the groom has to wear a tuxedo , whatever color it is . "

" Maybe we could try making clothes of a Asian style traditional dress? "

" We don't have any materials Taine.  " Yawen shook his head .

Taine's eyes turned red from stress . " How about a tiger leather ?"

Yawen refused . " It's dangerous . "

" Yeah , you're right . "

Taine then contemplated.  " Leather it is then.  "

Yawen nodded." Ok "

" Then what animal should we hunt? "

Yawen recalled some good furred animals then thought of an ancient cow from the eastern part of their tribe where a forest is also located that is mostly resided with gigantic ancient birds and animals.

" There's an ancient cow in the eastern forest .... We should probably check it out soon . "


An old man stared at the book he recieved and thought of the shoes he's going to make ...

Leather is the only option he had as they don't have any other materials they have yet to discover.

Sky and Timothy looked at the book the old man's hands .

Sky then asked . " Old Man Paopao , can you make me a leather booth the same as Timothy wears? "

Paopao turned to look at Timothy's feet and saw a pair of green and black leather boots that reached his ankle .

Paopao narrowed his eyes and imagined the mountain ruler's wife's feet .

Leather boots or leather shoes ...


Clarence and Tudore's wife named Sand gathered in the kitchen and looked at the cake in the book .

Clarence sighed in relief remembering that Xinn donated a sack of wheat flour to their tribe a few days ago .

Sand then looked at the milk in the list of ingredients and frowned. " What milk should we use? "

Clarence covered his chest in defense.  " Not my milk "

Sand gritted his teeth . " Not me either. "

The two stared intensely to each other. 

Sand then said resolutely.  ", We must catch a cow . "



The group of ancient cows nibbled on the grass peacefully but they suddenly shivered for some unknown reason .

Why do they felt like an impending doom is about to come .