Chapter 57

--[ Part Of The World - ]----

The group of merfolks in the water retreated in shock. They stared at the female standing on the seashore, glaring at them as he clenched his fist. The merfolks trembled when they saw faint outlines of spacial cracks around the female. The being in front of them is not an easy person.

The merfolks however just hated that they couldn't drive the intruders away from their territory.

Xinn spat out the sand and salty water from his mouth and hmpped in arrogance. He could understand that no one wants to have their territory get intruded on but to attack arbitrarily while not even asking their purpose. That's too silly, don't they know vigilance? Are they confident about their strength? What if they met a person who could kill them effortlessly.

Sometimes, you have to avoid making enemies out of nowhere, it will only bring you trouble. If he was an unreasonable person he would have cut the necks of these beautiful creatures long ago.

Alonzo stepped forward to calm Xinn down and looked at the row of merfolks glaring at them.

Alonzo stepped forward and asked. " Sorry for the intrusion, my friends, it is just that we've been traveling from the northern mountains of the wilderness region. We were planning on returning to our Clan, the underwater green serpents. Do you guys know where the direction of the clan's territory is? "

Hearing the green-haired man's words. The merfolks froze and stared suspiciously at the man. " You are a member of that ancient Green Serpent Clan? "

Alonzo nodded in response. " I apologize, for that ... Were you guys disturbed by us? "

The merfolks nodded but they waved their hands. " It doesn't matter anymore. By the way, you said that you are a green serpent? " The leader of the merfolks asked.

Alonzo nodded in response.

The merfolks looked at the female standing behind Alonzo and said, " The island that the clan resides in is very far. I'm afraid that snowbirds couldn't last long flying in the sky with such high heat from the sun. It would be better if you carry your family members on your serpent body and swim with us to the territory of your clan. "

Hearing their words, Alonzo's eyes bent to crescents in gentleness.

As expected, although these merfolks are territorial. If they see you as their own member, they wouldn't treat you harshly.

It seems that the problem regarding the former issue of intruding has been resolved easily by his husband.

Xinn patted Alonzo's back and asked. " Did they agree to lead us there?"

Alonzo smiled and nodded. Xinn's eyes move to the group of merfolks.

They couldn't be called mermaids since female merfolks don't exist. Xinn was curious about their reproduction.

Alonzo could understand Xinn's expression and carefully explain it to him.

Merfolks can also transform their tails into legs like how snakes do. They travel the land once they reach sexual maturity and would bring their chosen female to the sea.

However, they can only stay on islands as females couldn't breathe under the water.

Xinn suddenly pouted and glanced at the group of merfolks, expressing a sad expression for them.

They couldn't even drag their females under the sea to copulate comfortably.

The brows of the group of merfolks twitched seeing the look the female was giving. They were waiting for the group of intruders to follow them when the female suddenly approached them.

Cielo, the leader of the merfolks retreated and looked vigilantly at the female.

The female slowly crouched down and waved his hands, beckoning them to go near him. Cielo furrowed his brows in confusion but still swam nearer.

Then a magical scene unfolded in their vision, and a set of strange things suddenly appeared out of thin air. The group of merfolks drew sharp breathes witnessing this scene.

The female's gentle voice flowed out of his voice but they were unable to understand it. When Alonzo translated it, only then did the merfolks nod in understanding.

" These are sets of waterproof makeup that your females could use to doll themselves up. My wife is giving them to you as presents for meeting each other. "

Xinn nodded and extended his hands holding sets of makeup.

Cielo blinked and received them. Then he suddenly saw the female extending his blank palm to them. Cielo subconsciously put his cold hands on top of them. The female then gripped them softly and gently shook their hands up and down.

Alonzo then translated Xinn's words. " My wife is saying, although it was not a pleasant meeting. It was nice meeting you guys. "

Cielo withdraw his hands softly and then nodded blankly. Earlier, this fierce female was shouting at them as if his tail was touched, but look at him this time, he is now as gentle as their holy ancestor who is as amicable as warm green understand jade.

Alonzo and Xinn didn't dally any more. Xinn stood up and held Dylan and Haven in his arms as he put Snowie back in his space.

Snowie sighed in relief, thinking he could finally take a rest.

Alonzo on the other hand walked father from them. Cielo and his fellow merfolks watched the beastman.

However, they couldn't stop themselves from getting shocked when Alonzo's snake form appeared within their field of vision. Their mouths opened with a wide gap as their eyes stared blankly at the gigantic snake in disbelief.

Such a big snake!!!, don't tell me, we have actually met a holy ancient being?!!!

Cielo trembled and stared dumbfoundedly at Alonzo's serpent form.

Seeing the silly reactions of the merfolks, Xinn covered his mouth mouthing fufufu sounds.

Alonzo slowly slithered towards the water and turned his head to the seashore. The triplets clutching behind Xinn immediately let go of Xinn's shoulders and suddenly flew towards Alonzo's direction, frightening the group of merfolks in the sea.

" Hahaha " Xinn couldn't stop himself from laughing again and covered his mouth.

Xinn waved his hands as he smiled. " Don't be afraid, they are not monsters, hahaha. "

Xinn adjusted his twins' sleeping posture and slowly levitated towards Alonzo. He slowly landed on top of Alonzo's head and sat down. Valen and Caelan on the other hand didn't slither to their father's head and instead swam in the sea like fishes that have returned to the sea.

Cielo swam curiously at the two small snakes and surrounded the two-meters long, green snakes. They thought the two babies would have serpent form with a small length of two feet.

Yet they didn't expect them to be this long at such a very young age.

The group of merfolks immediately gave the family odd gazes. Serpents were supposed to leave such long-sized babies to the wild to hone their fighting capabilities, yet these two parents pampered their children that they don't even have the heart to abandon their children.

Cielo and his fellow merfolks formed a new impression within their heads.

These people can't be bad.

However, when their sight landed back on the serpent's body, their impression wavered. Good snakes can't have the heart to wantonly prey on animals to grow such big sizes, right?

Alonzo looked at the group of merfolks staring at him with suspicions. Alonzo chuckled and honestly exposed his secret.

" I didn't grow by preying, my wife made me like this. Just look at my son's ability to fly. "

Cielo's and his fellow merfolks' eyes landed on the flying Shawn.

They then gulped in disbelief.

Are they ghosts?!!

The merfolks' eyes were brought back in the direction of the serpent's head and witnessed a barrier forming around the bodies of the female and the twins.

Xinn turned his head to them and flashed a mysterious smile.

Cielo held his aching head. They couldn't believe that they met such a group of peculiar people.

Nevertheless, that didn't stop them from leading the group to the Clan's territory.

The two groups began traveling on the sea. Alonzo and the merfolks swam under the water. Xinn looked around and sighed in relief that no water went inside his barrier. Xinn's heart dropped back to his chest as he felt at ease.

While they were traveling, Cielo and the merfolks surprisingly discovered that they have not encountered any apex predators merfolks in the sea. Such as the shark merfolk tribe, turtle merfolk tribe, dolphin merfolks and etc.

Cielo's merfolk form is similar to that of a half-human and half-fish. They were versatile and could be considered noble existences under the water, just second to that of the underwater serpent merfolks.

Right, Alonzo actually couldn't be called a beastman as he is not a land snake.

However, ever since he started living on land, he had already regarded himself as a beastman.

There are varieties of snake species, Alonzo's specie was just a Superior one, that is why no snakes would fight him in the forest.

At first, Alonzo feels a bit strange swimming in the water as it's been a long time since he had last swam in the sea.

Valen and Caelan climb on top of Alonzo's head when they got tired and snuggled into their female father's embrace.

Xinn silently patted their back, lulling them to sleep.

Cielo and the merfolks were quietly swimming when suddenly, an ethereal voice echoed in the silent sea.

"I wanna be where the people are

I wanna see, wanna see 'em dancin'

Walking around on those, what do you call 'em?

Oh, feet. "

"Flippin' your fins, you don't get too far

Legs are required for jumping, dancing

Strolling along down the, what's that word again?

Street. "

Xinn slowly sang as he laid down on top of Alonzo's head. He patted his sleeping babies as he gently sang. His voice gently resounded in the sea, penetrating the minds of the swimming water creatures. His voice was mixed with spiritual energy enabling them to understand his words and music.

" Up where they walk, up where they run

Up where they stay all day in the sun

Wanderin' free, wish I could be

Part of that world "

Cielo and his teammates secretly glanced at the female on top of the Serpent's head and sighed in admiration. The female got a good voice, even he, could not contend with that voice.

What is the title of that song?

Who made such a wonderful song, it is perfect for them merfolks. There seems to be a story in that song.

Just like this, they traveled peacefully without any dangers.

Weeks passed, and the Serpents in the clan could feel something close to them approaching.

On a big Island in the middle of the ocean. A group of clan members stand on the seashore and gazed at the calm ocean.

And they then gradually behold a giant shadow lurking under the water.

The patriarch of the serpent clan walked through the gaps of the crowd and looked at the water in silence.

One particular couple stared at the water intensely, expressing expressions of excitement as well as longing.

They could feel it in their blood.

Their beloved youngest son is coming back.