Chapter 67

---Margay Tribe ---

Patriarch Erion and Tudore stared at the uninvited visitors that knocked upon their door.

A streak of tigers gathered in front of their gate as they growled at them.

Inside the tribe, armored warriors held their weapons in position as they glared back at the streak of red tigers.

Roel and Renneth walked throughout the crowd of tribesmen and solemly looked at the man among the streak of red tigers.

Royeth coldly glanced at the two tigers and snorted. " Just as I expected, the two of you betrayed the whole tribe. "

Roel slicked his hair back and clicked his tongue. " Just as I expected, you are still the same as that disgusting Ralph. Narcissistic , brazen, presumptive, and hipocrite. "

Royeth's face turned darker hearing such insulting discriptions. " Traitor, you are a shame to our clan. We will not leave until I kill you today. "

River stepped forward and suddenly pointed his sword to the direction of the red tiger. " Invader, you are being disrespectful by trespassing our territory. Do you have the ill intention of besieging us? "

Royeth glanced at the arrogant female and snorted. " What would a weak female like you can do in front of our mighty tribe? With just a single flick of our paws, your tribe would be destroyed by us in a quick span of time. "

The whole Margay Tribe , together with the Red Fox Tribesmen got triggered by the arrogant tiger's words.

Erion immediately shouted. " Prepare!! And attack!! "

All Beastmen of the Northern Mountain suddenly transformed into their Margay formed and growled.

Margays have the ability to mimic other animal's voice and could perfectly growl like a tiger. Because of their size, they look exactly the same as leopards or ocelots.

Alex, a large margay cat walked in front of the gate and narrowed his round eyes at the red tigers.

The other margay cats followed after him and stared at the streak of red tigers. The tiger also growled back at them and exposed their fangs to intimidate them.

Alex suddenly pounced on Royeth and growled as he slashed his claws on his face.

Royeth dodged him and pounced back at him, but he was suddenly bitten by Weino on his hindleg. Royeth growled in anger and immediately slammed his paw on the smaller cat.

The other tigers attacked and roared at margay cats.

The red foxes immediately howled and ran after them to join the fight.

River at the back observed the fight and determined that he has weaker strength than them and immediately concluded that he couldn't do close combat.

River calmly sheathed his sword and instead draw his bow and knocked an arrow.

River jumped up over the wall and stood on it. The wall was made of mud and stones, when a tiger was sent flying to the wall. The wall only shook and didn't crumble. Everyone built this wall with blood, sweat and tears, it couldn't be easily broken by a mere fight this small.

River drew his bow and suddenly released.

The arrow traveling through the air created a swoosh sound and immediately lunge into the body of a red tiger like a bolt of lightning.

* Roar!!!!

The tiger roared in anger and limped before glaring at the culprit that attacked him from a long range.

" If you dare fight me, get down here and fight me head on!!! " Shouted the tiger and jumped towards the wall.

The wall, however was too tall for his reach. River knocked another arrow to his bow and attacked the tiger again.

This time, the tiger learned to avoid, but it was still scratched as he avoided it narrowly.


River fired another arrow and immediately killed the tiger when the arrow hit his belly. The core in his belly cracked and the tiger transformed back to his human form.

" Randall!!!! " Royeth shouted with red rimmed eyes and immediately growled and attacked Alex more fiercely.

Alex got more wounds on his waist and roared weakly. River's hands trembled, his hands cold.

River now felt scared, Alex got wounded. He took a deep breathe and knocked an arrow. He has to remain calm, despite the coldness he felt in his whole body. He was scared and nervous, but his tribesmen were in danger, he has to assist them.


Milan and the other females immediately packed some clothes and knife before running to the northern gate.

" Let's run away and hide. Sky!!! Timothy!!! Don't daze around and let's move!! "

Han sheds tears as he lifted up his bag. " My husband! Milan!!! I saw it! He was wounded! "

Milan bit his lower lip until they were bleeding and immediately wiped his tears. " I know!!! Everyone knows!! But we have to hide!!! We are their weakness, if we got captured again. Alex couldn't do anything if we're threathened. "

Han knew that, they were once captured before too. The warriors couldn't easily fight the exiles as they were in their hands as their blackmail.

Han tearfully followed after the witches and patriarchs as he carefully held his bulging belly.

Their son has not been born yet. Han doesn't want his child to have no father.

Han was not just the female that was in grief. Every female who has their husbands fighting the invaders grieved too.

Most of them were pregnant, especially Jaylin, who is bearing Weino's child.

Everyone exited the gate with only a meager bag filled with two sets of clothes, utensils and knives. The witches only held boxes of first aid kits. While the other young Beastmen who couldn't fight carried blankets and pillows.

They immediately went to the norther cave inhabited by the mountain ruler and went inside.

When Xinn and Alonzo left before. Alonzo especially told them that if the tribe is in danger, they could release the chickens in the poultry and let them fight.

The chickens in the poultry knows who their master is and are especially capable at fighting.

Sky and Timothy immediately ran to the poultry farm and entered. The two were immediately stared at by a pair of red eyes.

Sky trembledly opened the cages

" Chickens, you have to help us!!! Tigers are invading us. "

Timothy opened the other cages and immediately ran away pulling Sky with him. The other chickens suddenly turned wild and ran after the two kids.

Timothy didn't go to the cave but instead returned to the southern direction and left Sky.

" Timothy!!!!! "

Timothy ignored Sky and instead continued running towards the South while taking himself as a bait for the 2 meter sized red eyed chickens.

The boy suddenly tripped down and stumbled. Timothy hissed sharply when he felt a sharp branched stabbed into his skin.

" Clack clack clack!!!! "

Timothy's heart beat speeded up and immediately transformed into a small margay, not even one meter big and ran agilely though the trees.

The chickens got more triggered by the small cat's speed and chased after him crazily.

The small margay cat had a small wound on his hindleg and the blood he dropped down only fueled the bloodlust of the mutated monsters.


Sky wanted to chase Timothy but was held back by Milan who came to check on them.

" Be good, Sky, Timothy will be alright. He's a brave kid. "

Sky stumped his feet as he sheds tears after tears. " I'm worried!! Brother!! Timothy is the one I like the most, I couldn't afford it if he died! "

Milan immediately carried Sky and entered the cave. Milan has to harden his heart for the safety of his fellow females.

He himself is full of worry for his husband, River. He doesn't want to hear any words regarding his death. He only believe in Brother Xinn.

Xinn trained River as a capable fighter, Milan knows River can protect the tribe.

River is strong and smart.

He couldn't cry and panick right now. All they have to do is hide and wait.


A bad news came for the margay and red foxes. Another streak of tigers were coming as reinforcement. The original fight that was originally favoring the norther mountains tilted, and now favored the side of the tigers.

River jumped down from the wall and immediately blocked Royeth's attack that was about to land on Alex.

Alex transformed back to his human form and coughed out blood weakly. River tried his best not to cry and immediately picked up Alex and dodged Royeth's bite.

River flicked his hands and sent Alex flying away with his spiritual energy.


River was suddenly sent flying towards the wall and fell down. River coughed out blood from the impact and touched his aching back.

River felt his strength gradually weakening.

He is now exhausted.

He could no longer fight.

River watched in despair as Royeth's shadow loomed over him. When the tiger's mouth opened and revealed sharp fangs, River closed his eyes and waited for it's teeth to sink into his body.

When suddenly, he heard Timothy's voice.

" Brother River!!!! "

River immediately opened his eyes in disbelief. " Timothy?!!! "

" Uggh! " River was immediately slashed by the claws of the tiger.

Slashes of wounds appeared on his chest as blood began pouring out without stopping.

River's body trembled from the intense pain and blood leaked out of his lips.

River shedded a single tear and cried for his wife.

I'm sorry.... I'm sorry ....


Suddenly, everyone stopped fighting when they saw a flock of white feathered chickens stepping out of the margay Tribe's gate. They were red eyes and wild, full of blood lust.

Royeth, with arrows in his body immediately ran away when he sensed danger from them. If he was still in his peak strength, he could easily kill them, but his strength had already been drained from the fight that was going on for a long time.

The red fox and margays immediately ran to the east and avoided the flock of chickens, but the reinforcement that had just arrived unfortunately met them.

Everyone watched as the chickens pecked their sharp peeks on the streak of tigers, claws sank into their body.

One tiger was surrounded by a three membered flock of chickens and recieved fatale blows from their wild attacks and agile movements.

Before the fight could even continue.

A low voice suddenly resounded throughout the whole territory.

" What's with all of this mess? "

The resting margay and red foxes turned to look at the man that suddenly appeared.

When the flock of chickens sensed the man's existence. They suddenly stopped attacking and turned their heads in the direction of the man.

The man that arrived had a curly black hair. He was wearing a black pull over jacket and black trouser pants.

But when the Margay and Red Fox Tribe saw the man's face. All of them immediately sighed in relief.

" Mountain Ruler!!! "

Samael turned his eyes to the group of wounded felines and canines and nodded.

Samael moved and looked at the crouching tiger full of wounds and spikes of arrows lunged deep into his body.

Samael lightly kicked the tiger's bloody head and said in his low voice. " You look surprisingly similar to that red haired man that I killed. "

Royeth perked up his ears when he heard that. His eyes immediately turned red in anger when an ominous premonition looming over his body.

Samael bent his waist and leaned his head closer to the tiger's face as he flashed a creepy smile. " Yeah ... I killed him.."

Royeth immediately roared in anger and wanted to stand up to fight the man, but Samael just stepped down on his head and crouched down.

Samael's large hands grasped the tiger's skull as he spoke. " I don't really want to interference with the matters of the world I created, but the territory that you just happened to attack is my territory. Yeah? "

Samael exerted force on his fingers as he tightened his grasp over Royeth's scalp. " The man who you just attacked, was my wife's disciple. Royeth, my child... You have to pray that price. "

Royeth widened his eyes and froze when he heard a sound of bones cracking.

The tiger slowly transformed into his human form, but his eyes were now closed, while his head dripped with blood.

Samael flicked his hands and rubbed the blood in his hands on the man's leather skirt.

He then put his hand back into his pocket as he lightly gave the streak of tigers a cold glance.

" Never step foot in this place again. "

" Red tigers should instead worry about the matters of your tribe. "

" I just heard that the Lion tribe was planning on attacking your territory. "

Samael curved up the corner of his lips and swept his glowing red eyes over their body. " It might be already late, if you go back there. "


The streak of tigers immediately roared and run back to their tribe when thie heard such big news. They even forget about Royeth's corpse and just left him lying there neglected.

Samael took light steps towards the flock of chickens and patted their heads with indulgent smile. These chickens are his wife's livestocks. He couldn't let such precious meat to die in the middle of a battlefield.

Samael lifted up a fluffy chicken and turned to look at the skulk of red foxes and group of margays.

Samael calmly walked towards them and said. " All of your wives, family members were inside my cave. You go there to treat your wounds. "

Samael then looked at the weak female over the leather sheet. " As for River, he did a great job for protecting everyone and making sure that no one died. "

Everyone lowered their heads and sniffed their noses. They had just escaped death and they were still fearful. No matter how they were used to disasters. They still couldn't become immune towards death.

Everyone went to the cave and met their family members.

Milan tearfully ran to River's direction and immediately knelt beside River when he saw him weak and bloody.

" Love! " Milan held River's hand tightly and looked at the terrible wound on his husband's chest. " You're hurt. "

River nodded softly. " I'm fine, I can still survive. "

" But you're in pain. "

River brought Milan's hand to his lips and kissed his knuckles. " Wife "

" It's ok " River said and patted the female's head. " I will be alright. Everything will be alright. "

Milan cried and sobber. " It hurts my heart seeing you in such terrible condition. River... I can't. "

River caressed Milan's cheeks and wiped the corner of his teary eyes with the surface of his thumb. Milan leaned down and kissed River's lips.

Milan sighed and rested his forehead with River's. " You have to heal quickly, our baby is about to be born soon. "

Speaking of a baby, Milan's belly is now indeed big. River chuckled and rubbed the females belly. " I am excited to meet him soon. "

Milan smiled with his red rimmed eyes. " Haha .. me too . Me too ... Me too . " Milan nodded and immediately wiped his eyes as he whinned. " Me too ... Hic , love ... "


Han hugged Jaylin as they cried. Both of their husband were unconscious. They knew that they will not die but seeing them in such wounded body and condition. They couldn't help feeling sad and hurt.

Samael came to them and patted their heads. " Don't be too emotional, it will not be good for the babies. "

Han and Jaylin immediately stopped crying and lowered their heads as they subconsciously touched their aching stomach.

" Too much emotion is not good. Calm down. "

Han lifted up his head and looked at Alonzo. Han nodded and thanked him.

Jaylin. " Thank you. "

Samael nodded and exited the cave. Since his fragment and wife are not here yet. He would take this time to take care of the tribe.

Samael gazed at the sky in silence.

He missed his big brother.