Chapter 69

Today was neither sunny nor rainy. The sky was strangely devoid of blue, it was all white. The temperature was neither hot nor cold. In the front yard of an old mansion. A lone curly-haired kid could be seen sitting beside the fish pond while painting on a black canvas.

Over him is a towering old tree that seems to be dying of old age. Dry leaves were scattered around the ground. A leaf slowly fell on top of the boy's head. The boy however seems to have not noticed it and continued painting.

Suddenly, the old gate of the mansion slowly opened with a creaking sound. A boy's head suddenly appeared as he peaked inside.

" Is anybody here? Yuho~ "

The boy has long hair tied messily to the back. He has cat-like narrowed eyes and plumpy soft fat cheeks. The child curiously swept his eyes around the old-looking manor and stepped inside.

The sound of dry leaves being stepped upon rang out, scaring the hell out of the boy's body. The plate in his hand almost fell out of fear of ghosts.

The boy wiped his cold sweat and soughed. " Phew, it is so scary here. It is like ghosts would appear anytime soon. " The boy's cute voice quietly rang as he whispered to himself.

He heard that this place was already abandoned, but a person still lived there. The child was abandoned by his parents and lived with his old grandparents inside the old mansion.

But he recently heard that the child's grandparents had just died.

Hearing that, Xinn felt sad for the boy. After all, no one wants to be left alone in the world. Xinn himself felt lonely when he and his family just transferred here. He cried discovering there were hardly any kids in the neighborhood as most of them went to junior high school already.

Xinn found a fountain in the middle of the front yard. Xinn's eyes immediately widened and sparkled, and immediately ran towards it. He tiptoed and looked into the fountain, but unfortunately saw no water inside.

Xinn got disappointed and pouted his lips.

The mansion looks so big and grand but the beauty of it was now coated with rust and moss.

" Who?!! "

Xinn's shoulder lifted in shock when he heard an abrupt shout of a boy. He turned his head to the west and found a beautiful boy sitting beside the empty pond.

Xinn found himself stunned by the young boy's beauty. Curly hair, bangs covering his forehead, lazy cold eyes, pale heart-shaped lips, and plumpy cheeks.

Xinn blushed and immediately lowered his head. " I'm... My name is Xinn. "

The boy put down his palette and canvas, and slowly stood up. The boy clad in a white shirt and black trousers walked in his direction and stared coldly at the intruder. " Why are you here? "

Xinn looked at the close-up face of the boy and screamed internally within his heart.

Aaaaaaaah, what a cute little boy. Xinn is a hardcore face con person. He is addicted to people with good looks. Seeing such heavenly looks, Xinn almost couldn't contain himself to pounce on this boy, squeeze his cheeks and bite his plumpy skin.

" I came here to especially take a visit here! " Xinn brightened his eyes and handed the plate in his hands into the boy's hands.

" Happy birthday to me! "


The next day, Xinn visited Alonzo again. Alonzo, as usual, was continuing the unfinished painting he did yesterday.

The boy noticed Xinn's arrival and put down his brush. " You're here. "

Xinn sat down beside him. Alonzo moved his eyes to the sandwich Xinn was handing to him.

" Hold it " Xinn pulled Alonzo's hands and put the sandwich on top of his palm.

" I especially made it for you. "

Alonzo looked at the sandwich in his hands. " For me? "

Xinn nodded and took a bite of his sandwich. " Ahuh~ "

Alonzo lowered his head, hiding the faint curve on the corner of his lips. Alonzo took a small bite and slowly chewed. Alonzo bit his lips and suddenly started sniffing.

Xinn noticed the small movements of the younger boy. " Why are you crying? "

Alonzo wiped his tears and shook his head. " I'm not crying. "

Looking at the child's red-rimmed eyes, it is doubtful if he wasn't crying. Xinn extended his hand and slowly wiped the boy's tears. " Don't cry. "

Alonzo nodded and took another bite. Ever since his grandparents died, he never tasted decent food since then. He was emancipated, alone, and he barely lives by selling his paintings to his grandparents' old friends.

He constantly worries about people that would steal the only home he got and doesn't even dare to eat.

He only has limited food stocks... All he does these days is draw and paint. His hands were already numb from constantly holding the brush, and his mind was about to explode from always imagining things. Thinking of good concepts and coming up with excellent ideas.

He is tired.



A warm hug suddenly enveloped his whole body. Alonzo felt a sense of safety around Xinn. When Xinn patted his back softly, it feels like he was telling him to take a rest and he doesn't have to worry anymore.

" Hey, Alonzo... You can call me big brother. "

Alonzo lifted his head and gazed at Xinn with his red-rimmed eyes. " Big brother "

A smile surfaced upon the boy's face. " You can depend on me from now on, Alonzo. "


Alonzo finally opened up to Xinn. He led Xinn into his house and showed him his room. Xinn would occasionally sleepover at his house whenever he feels alone and scared.

If not because Xinn's parents knowing of his existence, they wouldn't have allowed Xinn to stay with him. Xinn was an independent and strong boy. He can easily convince and persuade his parents with his logic and communication skills.

Inside the room, Xinn would accompany him to sleep and hug him tightly when he has nightmares.

Alonzo clung tightly to his big brother's body when the deafening thunderclap resounded. He trembled in fear and cried to Xinn that he was scared of the sound.

Xinn patted the trembling boy's shoulder and kissed his forehead. " Sleep, don't worry. Big brother is here. "

Alonzo nodded and closed his eyes. His eyelashes were wet and his lips were devoid of any color. Whenever Xinn touched his skin, he could feel how cold his body is and felt worry for him.

Alonzo only felt the warmth within his big brother's embrace. He felt so safe and sound that he finally got a good sleep that very night.

When he and Xinn grew up as teenagers. He asked Xinn. " Why are you so good to me? "

They were currently sitting on the bench of their school near the field and were currently eating their snacks during break time.

Xinn was sucking on a pineapple popsicle when he heard that question from Alonzo.

" Why am I so good to you? "

Alonzo nodded and waited for his answer, only to hear him saying.

" Because I am a good boy? How do expect me to treat you? Should I slap you? Push you? Hurt you? "

" Hahaha, fool, I am good to you because we're friends. "

" I like you because you're likable. "

" I will naturally be good to you. "

Xinn patted the young boy's head and smiled. " Don't ask such a rhetorical question. I am your big brother and I would never hurt you, remember that, ok? "

Alonzo smiled brightly and chuckled. " Ok "

Xinn flicked the boy's forehead and smiled. " You're such a silly boy. "

" Hehe "


Alonzo did not realize that the longer he was with Xinn, the deeper he fell for him. When he grew up as a young adult.

His relationship with Xinn started distancing. Xinn gained more friends and became busier with his school and studies. Although Xinn still visits him in his house, his visits turned rare and irregular.

He once called him to his room and asked him why he no longer visits him.

But Xinn lowered his head and ignored him.

When he tried touching his skin, he would suspiciously retreat and gaze at him with complicated eyes.

That was the last day Alonzo met Xinn.

By the time he noticed Xinn no longer living in the neighborhood. He heard from the neighborhood that they had already transferred to another place when Xinn's dad passed away.

Alonzo couldn't believe that Xinn just left him just like that without even seeing him out and saying goodbye for the last time

Ever since he became friends with Xinn, he rarely cries.

Alonzo locked himself in his room and cried hugging his knees on the bed. He is now alone again.

Why did big brother gave him warmth when he would actually leave him one day?

Alonzo was not used to this loneliness. He missed his big Brothers warmth badly.


Xinn has a secret.

He likes Alonzo.

From the very beginning of their meeting. There was already a bud of feelings inside his heart for the beautiful boy. Growing as he spends more time with him.

He takes care of him, and gave him warmth.

But he was afraid that he would scare the kid.

When his father passed away, they went to another place to settle. He was already around 17 years old at that time and knew that he was gay.

He wanted to erase the feelings he had for his childhood friend and seek another man to hook up.

But he couldn't do it.

The thought of him being with a lover when his younger brother on the other hand was feeling alone in that old mansion makes him feel so worse.

His feelings for that child was gradually buried deep down into his heart as he started living his new life in another place.

Then there was a time that he couldn't stop his hands from calling that kid.

The call was answered after three seconds passed.

" Who is this? " A magnetic voice undergoing puberty rang out.

Xinn felt his heart beating rapidly and smiled like silly person." It's me "

There was a rustling sound on the other phone. Xinn listened carefully and heard a faint sob resounding on the other line.

" How are you? " Asked that kid

Xinn chuckled helplessly. " Still alive... "

" ... "

" Brother "

Xinn arc up his brows. " Hmm? "

" I miss you "

Xinn put down the phone and hugged his knees.

" I ... "

" I miss you too "

Xinn immediately hang up the phone and covered himself with a quilt.

Their conversation sounds so gay.


Inside the dark room, a pale looking man looked at the brightness of the phone with difficulty and slowly closed it when the had enough of staring at the hung up phone call.

Did he just talked to him?

Alonzo lied down on the bed. The sound of fallen and broken bottle rang out when he accidentally tugged the quilt with force.

Alonzo stood up and left the room. Opened a bottle of alcohol from the refrigerator and drowned himself to drunkenness again.

The door then suddenly opened.

" Gosh, boy .. you really reek of alcohol. "

A woman entered the house and slowly closed the door.

" I'll go finish my work first. Oh boy, I advice you, stop drinking wine. If that white moonlight learn of this behavior of yours. I'm sure he'll be worried. "

Alonzo twirled his glass lazily and answered. " He wouldn't care. "

Hanna removed her shoes and put it in the shoe rack. " This upcoming march, I will be going in a vacation to Capital M. I heard that your white moonlight lives in there? "

Hanna leaned on the wall and stared at the drunk man. " Boy, stop being depressed. I'll contact that Xinn for you and tell him everything that you did during your school. "

Alonzo hummed in response and gulped down another glass. His current appearance could be said to be very pitiful. He was only wearing a wrinkled t shirt that was too loose for him because of his thin body, and his hair was messy. He reeks of alcohol and he doesn't even wear slippers. 

Hanna felt so worried for him, but she was only a tenant in his house. She pays him for letting her live in a small room. The rent was cheap and the house wasn't bad to live. She only feels uncomfortable with the owner's personality.

He was not talkative and even possessed an uncomfortable gloomy presence as if there's a funeral all day in his life.

Hannah indeed met Xinn when hmshe came to Capital M.

But that was also the time that Apocalypse came. Xinn can only send a letter for Alonzo one year later through Hannah before fighting the zombie king.