Extra 2

Xinn carefully changed the white haired man's position on the ground. He slowly opened his arms and lied his head down on his arms. Xinn put his hands on Alonzo's beating chest before slowly closing his eyes to feel the breeze of the wind. It was already turning dark.

Earlier, he noticed his two husbands climbing up to the mountain. He was tending to his twins that time and noticed their silhouettes as they disappeared into the woods. He immediately followed after them and only saw a flash of blinding light illuminating the whole place.

After that, a white haired man collapsed on the ground, exhausted. Xinn's face expressed his worry immediately stepped out of the shadow under the tree.

Xinn crouched down on the ground and slowly caressed the man's cheeks. Surprisingly, the man's body was warm.

Xinn was confused.

Why is his body warm?

Xinn silently lied down and hugged his husband. Within this man's body, there are two types of Alonzo that he had interacted.

Samael and Alonzo..

Samael, his first love.

Alonzo, his last love.

They are the same person, but they have different lives. He couldn't fathom how both of them had been lonely all this time. Xinn felt pain for them, him.

Xinn closed his eyes and percieved the movements of his husband. Xinn raised his head and looked up to Alonzo. His eyes were now glowing with pure golden color. The slit irises disappeared but his majestic bearing did not. Xinn furrowed his brows in worry. What happened to his husband?

" Are you fine? "

Alonzo silently stared at Xinn then slowly answered. " I lost my characteristics as a serpent. "

Xinn rubbed his fingertips on the man's strand of hair. " Why is it white? "

A small curve raised on the corner of Alonzo's lips. " It's my hair color when I awakened my ability. "

Alonzo patted the man's head as he gently spoke in his magnetic voice. " I don't know why I had such overpowered ability, but ever since I awakened that ability. My appearance had change. "

" My hair turned white, eyes turned gold. And whenever I have intense emotions brewing in my heart. My eyes would change to red. I feel like the darker the red is, there is a high probability that I would fall to become a demonic god. "

" When I split myself into three, my hair turned back to white and my control over my worlds weakened. "

" It turns out, that meddling with the mortals in my world, would weaken my authority as the god. The only abilities I could do, is to bless someone. I was also the one who blessed you to understand the language of this world."

Xinn nodded in realization and furrowed his brows in confusion. " You are the creator god of that world. Why can't you meddle with their affairs? "

Alonzo sighed. " I am still a beginner god. "

" I don't know how to cultivate my power, and nucleus couldn't raise the level of my power. "

" They could only help me activate and create a world, but my combat prowess wouldn't rise. "

" As a god, I serve as the mortals' faith. I should be their savior, father, rock, refuge, provider, comforter, guide, helper, defender, and etc. "

" However, no one in this world knows who their god is. "

Alonzo pursed his lips. " I can't grow my strength, because I couldn't collect their faith. "

" With no faith, I am useless. "

Alonzo was about to continue degrading himself, but Xinn immediately stopped him and hugged him within his embrace.

" You are my faith, Alonzo. "

Alonzo widened his eyes and stared at Xinn's chest glowing with golden faith. The beating heart was warm and full of vitality and faith. The faith was for him to get.

" Can I? "

Xinn loosened his arms and stared at Alonzo. He then slowly nodded and put Alonzo's large hands on his chest. " Please do so. "

Alonzo pursed his lips, as he felt so touched by Xinn's treatment to him. Xinn had always been understanding and kind to him. He never saw Xinn giving him a look of hatred in his whole life. Even when they were still young, Xinn would always give him a gentle look on his eyes. They were pure, genuine and kind, devoid of hipocritical traces. At that time, he was like a greedy small serpent, trying to reach the sky to bring the moon under the sea with him.

Alonzo buried his head in the nook of his wife's neck and slowly absorbed the burning faith within his wife's heart. A restrained growl resonated from his throat as he sensed how warm, pure, and abundant, his wife's faith in him was.

He greedily sucked the faith in his wife's heart but as time passed by, Alonzo realized something.

Xinn's faith in him is immeasurable. It is so deep and big that Alonzo couldn't get them all into him.

This if the first time that Alonzo discovered wife's love, faith, loyalty, and trust with his own eyes.

Xinn patted the white haired man's head as he bent his eyes into crescents. " I adore you, Alonzo. "

Alonzo stopped absorbing his faith and suddenly pouted. His golden eyes suddenly turned watery and suddenly started shedding tears as he sobbed.

" Wife, I don't know what to do anymore. I love you so much that I could no longer word it out for you. All I can say is that, I hope you wouldn't feel full of me once several hundreds of years passes as we spend our lives together. "

" My feelings for you are so big they would explode. "

Alonzo clutched his heart as he stared at Xinn emotionally. " I wish I could be a poet to say you beautiful words and express my love in different ways. "

" I wish I could be a singer to sing you a love song to let you hear how my heart beats for you. How I am so obsessed with you. "

" I wished I could be a ruthless crazy man so that I could hurt you and lock you up with me. Bind you on my side and never leave me alone. "

" I wish you were blind so that you can never see any other man's face throughout your life, but at the same I wished to be the only man you can see. "

Xinn covered his mouth in amusement. " You said you don't know how to word out your love for me, but what is with these lines you are spitting out using your lovable mouth?~ "

Alonzo chuckled and pecked Xinn's lips. " Don't you think I'm crazy. "

Xinn wrapped his legs around Alonzo's waist. " I do "

Xinn lifted the hem of his shirt and bit his lips seductively. " Because I drove you to insanity. "


When the sun was about to completely settle down. Two shadows could be seen cast on the grass as the two naked men entangled themselves and feel each other's arms.

Sweet parts connected together, lips motioning with passion, and arms embracing one another as if they were each other's only one.

Xinn offered his whole being to his husband and allowed him to enter his world and spread chaos in his mind. The whole place was filled with the sweet scents of their love, sounds of their lovely calls, and noises of flesh colliding.

Xinn mewled lustfully as he parted his lips to cry out in pleasure. Heat desire suddenly poured into him, the man behind him bit the back of his neck and slammed into him deeply.

His toes curled up in euphoria and shook as he reached heaven.


Alonzo happily carried his twin femeia babies. Xinn did not gave birth to them as clutches of eggs and the difficulty of delivering was harder and painful than his previous experience of delivering eggs.

Xinn felt so torn behind him. A size of a baby is far bigger than the size of an ostrich eggs.Xinn felt like two gigantic hard sh*t had just came out of his rear, so painful and tearing that he almost went crazy.

The one of the babies unexpectedly got their father's white hair. Everyone was confused about the sudden change of Alonzo's color.

Xinn could only excused to them that Alonzo had undergone a transformation after breaking through his spiritual level.

And since Xinn is the most mysterious being in this world, everyone subconsciously believed in him. After all, no other reason could justify the reason why Alonzo changed.

The Margay and Red Fox Tribe had once seen Alonzo in a black colored hair before and was no longer too surprised about it.

The black haired baby was named Blair,Child of the plains, field, or battlefield.

The White haired boy was named Blake, Dark and attractive, although he is white haired boy.

Blair is the 6th child, while Blake is the 7th. Xinn couldn't believe that their family had already grown this big.

The birth of the two new princes set new wave of celebration to the whole kingdom as well as the Northwest Sea who later heard of the news.


When Andrew heard that Cale was now pregnant with Thiago's child. Andrew drown himself with alcohol and walked into the forest to the east.

Andrew lamented his miserable love life.

Why can't he meet his destined one? All his former hunting team members were now married to their own respective mates, even that gossipers, Jake and Oliver had also gotten married.

( Jake and Oliver, mentioned in Chapter 52 )

Andrew sat down dejectedly and leaned on the trunk of the tree. He hugged his knees and hiccuped. He felt so lonely and left alone.

First, River

Then now, Cale?

Oh god!!!! What have I done to deserve the late arrival of my love?!!!

[ Alonzo: .... ]

While Andrew whimpered to himself as his inferiority complex grew bigger and bigger. A cold magnetic yet gentle voice suddenly rang out.

" What are you doing here, Andrew? "

Andrew turned his head groggily to the side and lifted his gaze up to the man that just arrived. Andrew, however, only saw double figures.

Maybe he is just too drunk.

Andrew immediately shook his head and groaned.

" Are you alright? "

A strong, masculine scent suddenly invaded Andrews nose. His has a type of a heavy dominant pheromones that Andrew subconsciously wanted to stay away from him.

But his chin was suddenly captured by the man.

"What? "

The man silently gazes at the drunk man. " You can't remember my face? "

" W-who are you? "

A chuckle suddenly resounded. " I'm Theo "

" Oooh ... So it's actually just you, Theo. "

" Why are you drinking? "

Andrew wanted to remove the strong grip on his chin, but Theo didn't let go. Andrew felt tired and leaned lazily on the tree despite his chin still being gripped painfully by the man.

" I wanted to meet my mate, I feel so jealous that my friends had already met their destined ones. "

" I had my heart broken twice by two females. I resent it, am I destined to never marry a female in my life? "

Theo laughed in amusement. " Since females don't like you, how about Beastmen? "

" Beastmen? " Andrew arc up his brows. " I'm not gay. "

" But I am " Theo

Andrew suddenly froze. " You ... "

Theo sudden leaned closer to him. " Do you want to try a Beastman? "

Andrew suddenly felt himself being brought to someone's lap. Strong arms wrapped around his slim yet strong waist and large yet warm hands rubbing his legs.

Andrew froze in shock. He couldn't comprehend what is happening.

It was too fast.


Then Andrew was devoured by the man who learned something from watching Roel and Renneth's interactions.

It turns out.

Theo was gay too.


Everybody, let's be gay for Andrew.