Rainbow Clover

"You got a grain of sand!" Orion overheard Prof. Rox complimenting Peach, "Well there, not too bad for a beginner."

"Thanks!" replied Peach, before closing her pod to continue her visualization.

"A tiny grain of sand?" Orion smirked to himself, an attempt to pacify himself for the lack of results.

After a few moments and attempts, Orion soon discovered a pattern in each try. He thought to himself, "Whenever I try to grasp it, the sensation disappears. But whenever I am focused within my mind, the weight starts to appear on my hand again."

"There seems to be a pattern, but what is it?" he uttered softly to himself as he stared helplessly at his bare sweaty palms.

"Hmmm… The harder I think, the lesser the sensations that come" Orion continued to piece the findings together in his mind, "could I be doing something wrong somewhere?" He exhaled in exasperation and frowned, "but what is it?!"

Feeling helpless, Orion placed both his hands on his cheeks as he rested his elbows on the cold white metallic table.

Slowing down his breathing rate, he started to feel his body relax as he exhaled deeper breaths. He eventually felt more comfortable and closed his eyes.

Drifting off to a deep state of relaxation, images of clovers flickered across Orion's mind. Unknowingly, his hands, which were pressed against his cheeks, were activating the ether search.

As his mouth started feeling the same ethereal sensation grow within, Orion started to regain his senses. "Inside my mouth???" he thought to himself, as his eyes grew wide in bewilderment, and took a deep breath and moved his tongue around his mouth to wriggle it.

The ethereal sensation felt so real, jelly-like and light. Out of curiosity, he continued to wriggle his tongue in search of more new and intriguing sensations.

A sudden realization dawned on him. "Wow..." Orion blinked hard in disbelief, "The weight and feelings did not disappear despite my eyes being open and my attention being off from my imagination..." The thought raced across his perplexed mind.

Orion's heart rate quickened in excitement at what had just happened. He uttered to himself in a delighted voice, "Perhaps… this is the way! I focused my thoughts on drawing the sensation nearer. The weight became more apparent. I was close... So close!"

A red pulsing light flashed across the room suddenly. A loud announcement was broadcast within the area, "DECONTAMINATION SEQUENCE BEGIN."

A strange choking chemical smell filled the air, accompanied by smoke as it blew through the vents above Orion. A solid object with smooth curved edges could suddenly be felt in his mouth. Orion spat the object out into his hand.

There it was. Looking back at him was none other than the rainbow clover. The rainbow clover that Orion and Peach had been hunting high and low. The rainbow clover was finally in his hands.

"I'm honestly quite impressed that my game was beaten by two completely new additions to the academy with no background," commented, a stern looking man, Prof. Kel, as he examined the rainbow clover.

Twisting it in a fan-like manner, he watched to see the prism of light coming through the mixing of its multi-coloured leaves.

"Yes! Yes! Isn't it amazing?!" marveled Prof. Rox, who was standing at the side watching Prof/ Kel fiddle with the rainbow clover. "I was observing him from the camera footage.

He actually attempted to place his hands on his face to activate the ether search!" She continued in an animated voice as she shared her analysis with Prof. Kel.

"Turns out that the size of his mouth's cavity fits the Fibonacci pattern perfectly! This amplified the frequency!" exclaimed Prof. Rox. "Such a creative way of discovering it, isn't it?!"

"Hold on…" said Prof. Kel as he raised his hand to gesture a pause, "Are you saying that he materialized this clover inside his mouth???" He unhappily asked, as a sulk formed on his face.

"YES!!! This is the first ever case in history!!!" gleamed Prof. Rox, "I have to record this discovery to submit it to the Academics Department, so they can vet it before publishing it in our academy journal!!!"

Elated by the memorable moment, Prof. Rox clenched her fists up and shook in delight. "Such a historical day!!! She exclaimed, took her shiny yellow notebook and an ebonite pocket pen with gold trim out of her deep pocket and noted the occasion down.

"He could have killed himself had there been something larger materialized. Not mentioning, the high risk of an ether bug infection," commented Prof. Kel bluntly, with arms folded across his slightly oversized white laboratory coat.

As soon as he ended, he placed the clover into a box and reached for his box of tissue paper.

"Based on our calculations, their chance of finding a rainbow six leaf clover is 1 in 100000000!" said gasped Prof. Rox, as she picked up the clover again to examine it against the white fluorescent ceiling light. "Is it luck, skill, or fate? I wonder what it could be?"

Raising an arm to rest his chin, Prof. Kel replied to her, "This is indeed an occasion worthy of celebration!" before turning to Prof. Rox, who by now had switched her attention to glancing over at him.

"Summon them over to the private cafeteria for a dinner with me," ordered Prof. Kel, "I would like to present them a token of my appreciation and show my gratitude with a treat and the artefact prize."

Lowering the clover, Prof. Rox peered over and questioned him, "Oooh!!! What are you planning to give them, Prof. Kel?"

"An emerald class weapon? An Armor?" She asked with wide curious eyes beneath her thick glasses, "Oh! Or perhaps... an accessory?"